A literary analysis of the politics of space in the post-apartheid township

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Townships have come to be a literary trope in South African writing. The representation of this space in various genres of literature therefore is of great interest, as it offers a glimpse into the lived realities of present and former township residents. This thesis looks at the representation of townships in the Johannesburg area in three post-apartheid texts – Dog Eat Dog by Niq Mhlongo (2004), The Yearning by Mohale Mashigo (2016) and Endings and Beginnings: A Story of Healing by Redi Tlhabi (2012). Each narrative offers a unique social and political perspective on the township space, surfacing its varied nature. Mhlongo’s Dog Eat Dog, published in the early 2000s and set in 1994, represents the township as a site of deprivation, where residents lack individual agency due to the severe economic hardships they face. Mhlongo portrays the characters who reside in the township as caught helplessly in a hostile system of economic and social lack, without the means to effect changes which would improve their lives. Mashigo’s The Yearning engages with the township as a site of childhood memories and trauma, which have to be faced in adulthood in order for the protagonist to make sense of her life. Mashigo paints the complexity of the township space differently to Mhlongo by offering a more interior perspective on how growing up in the township has shaped the main character. According to Mashigo’s novel the source of pain, as well as the resources for dealing with trauma, can be found in the township. This is similar to the angle pursued in Tlhabi’s memoir Endings and Beginnings: A Story of Healing, however the latter shifts focus to the significance of interpersonal relationships within the township space, which can function in nurturing or destructive ways in the lives of individuals. It represents the township as a relational space by drawing out the positive and negative implications of relationships. In this way, Tlhabi’s narrative explores the fundamental impact of the township community on individual life. Together these three texts offer a view into the varying representations of this important South African literary trope, the township.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Townships het 'n letterkundige begrip in Suid-Afrikaanse skryfwerk geword. Die verteenwoordiging van hierdie ruimte in die verskillende genres van literatuur is dus van groot belang, want dit bied 'n blik op die lewe van huidige en voormalige inwoners van die township gemeenskap. In hierdie proefskrif word gekyk na die voorstelling van townships in die Johannesburg omgewing in drie postapartheid-tekste - Dog Eat Dog deur Niq Mhlongo (2004), The Yearning deur Mohale Mashigo (2016) en Endings and Beginnings: A Story of Healing deur Redi Tlhabi (2012). Elke narratief bied 'n unieke sosiale en politieke perspektief op die township ruimte om sodoende die verskeidenheid in aard na vore te bring. Mhlongo se Dog Eat Dog wat in die vroeë 2000's gepubliseer is en in 1994 afspeel, verteenwoordig die gemeenskap as 'n plek van ontneming, waar inwoners nie individuele agentskap het nie weens ernstige ekonomiese probleme waarmee hulle gekonfronteer word. Mhlongo beeld die karakters wat in die township woon uit as hulpeloos en vasgevang in 'n vyandige stelsel van ekonomiese en sosiale gebrek, sonder die nodige hulpbronne om veranderinge aan te bring wat hul lewens kan verbeter. Mashigo se The Yearning skep die beeld van die township as 'n plek van kinderjarige herinnering en trauma wat in die protagonis se volwasse lewe gekonfronteer moet word sodat sy kan sin maak van haar lewe. Mashigo skilder die kompleksiteit van die township ruimte anders as Mhlongo deur 'n meer innerlike perspektief te bied oor hoe die grootword in die township die hoofkarakter gevorm het. Volgens Mashigo se roman kan die bron van pyn, sowel as die manier om trauma te hanteer in die township gevind word. Dit is soortgelyk aan Tlhabi se invalshoek wat gebruik word in haar memoir Endings and Beginnings: A Story of Healing, maar laasgenoemde gaan oor die betekenis van interpersoonlike verhoudings binne die township ruimte, wat of op ‘n koesterende of vernietigende maniere in die lewens van individue kan funksioneer. Dit stel die township as 'n verhoudings ruimte voor deur die positiewe en negatiewe implikasies van hierdie verhoudings na vore te bring. Op hierdie manier verken Tlhabi se vertelling die fundamentele impak van die township gemeenskap op die individu se lewe. Saam bied hierdie drie tekste 'n blik op die uiteenlopende voorstellings van die kritiese Suid-Afrikaanse literêre begrip, die township.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Mhlongo, Nicholas -- Dog eat dog -- Criticism and interpretation, Johannesburg (South Africa) -- In literature, South African literature -- History and criticism, City and town life in literature, Mashigo, Mohale, 1983- -- The Yearning -- Criticism and interpretation, Tlhabi, Redi -- Endings and beginnings -- Criticism and interpretation, UCTD