Primary caregivers' perceptions of why their school-aged children with physical disabilities are not attending formal schools in Mabvuku, a high- density location in Harare

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Aim of the study - Children with disabilities face barriers to accessing education and there is a gap in literature reporting the perceptions of caregivers regarding the reasons for these children not getting access to education on par with their age mates. This study aimed to explore and describe the perceptions of primary caregivers of children with physical disabilities residing in Mabvuku, a high-density area in Harare, on why these children are not attending formal school. Method - This was a descriptive phenomenological study that subjectively explored the perceptions of five mothers of children with disabilities who lived in Mabvuku. Face-to-face in-depth interviews were used for data collection and thematic data analysis was used to analyse the data. Findings - The findings revealed that financial challenges were the main reason these mothers were not sending their children with disabilities to formal schools. The fact that the schools are physically located far from Mabvuku was also reported as a barrier as travelling with the child to school using public transport posed financial and access challenges. Physical access to the formal schools was also a factor hindering the children from attending school as the infrastructure was not easily accessible to children with disabilities and there is also a limited number of special schools that can accommodate these children. Lastly, the child’s disability was also presented as a challenge by the mothers because of the limitations of the impairment and the fact that some were not comfortable leaving their child in the care of someone else, especially with the negative attitudes they experienced from the community. Conclusion - The study gave an insight into the challenges faced by the mothers which resulted in them not sending their children with disabilities to school. The mothers live with their children with disabilities in poverty. They require support from the government and other relevant stakeholders to improve their circumstances which will impact positively on their children’s chances to attend school. Recommendations were made for policy makers and disability practitioners in Zimbabwe.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Doel van die studie - Kinders met gestremdhede het hindernisse vir toegang tot onderwys en daar is 'n leemte in die literatuur wat die persepsie van versorgers rapporteer oor die redes waarom hierdie kinders gewoonlik nie toegang tot onderwys kry op dieselfde vlak as hul ouderdomsmaats nie. Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om die persepsies van primêre versorgers van kinders met liggaamlike gestremdhede wat in Mabvuku, 'n hoë digtheidsgebied in Harare woon, te ondersoek en te beskryf, en waarom hierdie kinders nie formele skool toe gaan nie. Metode - Dit was 'n beskrywende fenomenologiese studie wat die persepsie van vyf moeders van kinders met gestremdhede wat in Mabvuku woon, subjektief ondersoek het. Diep-onderhoude van aangesig tot aangesig is gebruik vir die insameling van data en tematiese data-ontleding is gebruik om die data te ontleed. Bevindinge - Hierdie bevindings het aan die lig gebring dat finansiële uitdagings die hoofrede was waarom hierdie moeders nie hul kinders met gestremdhede na formele skole gestuur het nie. Die feit dat die skole fisies vêr van Mabvuku geleë is, is ook beskou as 'n hindernis omdat die reis met die kind na die skool met openbare vervoer finansiële uitdagings en toegang bied. Fisiese toegang tot die formele skole was ook 'n faktor wat die kinders verhinder om skool toe te gaan, aangesien die infrastruktuur nie maklik toeganklik was vir kinders met gestremdhede nie, en daar ook 'n beperkte aantal spesiale skole is wat hierdie kinders kan akkommodeer. Laastens is die gestremdheid van die kind ook deur die moeders as 'n uitdaging gestel, aangesien hulle nie gemaklik was om hul kind in die sorg van iemand anders te laat nie, veral met die negatiewe houding wat hulle van die gemeenskap ontvang het. Gevolgtrekking - Die studie het 'n insig gegee oor die uitdagings wat hierdie moeders in die gesig staar, wat daartoe gelei het dat hulle hul kinders met gestremdhede nie skool toe gestuur het nie. Die moeders woon saam met hul kinders met gestremdhede in armoede en benodig ondersteuning van die regering en ander relevante belanghebbendes om hul omstandighede te verbeter wat 'n positiewe uitwerking sal hê op hul kinders se kanse om skool toe te gaan. Aanbevelings is gemaak vir beleidmakers en gestremdes in Zimbabwe.
Thesis (MHumanRehabSt)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Children with disabilities -- Education -- Harare (Zimbabwe), Caregivers -- Attitudes, School attendance -- Harare (Zimbabwe), UCTD