The experiences of NIMART-trained nurses providing care to children living with HIV at ART clinics in the Windhoek District of Namibia

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Background: Globally, an increase in the number of children living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has been observed. This is a result of the expanded antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage. Most of these children live in sub-Saharan Africa, a region that has scarcity of healthcare human resources. Task shifting was introduced as a means to increase access to ART and HIV related health- care services. Nurses trained in the initiation and management of ART (NIMART) have become an integral part of the paediatric HIV/AIDS response workforce through task shifting and decentralisation of services strategies. There is scarcity of information regarding the experiences of NIMART-trained nurses providing care to paediatric ART patients in Windhoek District of Namibia. Aim The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of NIMART-trained nurses providing care to children living with HIV at ART clinics in the Windhoek District of Namibia. Objectives: To explore the experiences of NIMART-trained nurses regarding individual, interpersonal, institutional, community and policy factors and how these affect the provision of paediatric HIV care. Population and study setting: The target population was all (25) NIMART-trained nurses practising paediatric ART in health facilities within the Windhoek District. The accessible population were 16 NIMART- trained nurses practicing within the three selected facilities within Windhoek district. The study was conducted in 3 of the 14 public health facilities in the Windhoek District of Namibia, namely Katutura State Hospital, Katutura Health Centre, and Otjomuise Clinic. The three facilities were purposively selected to represent a hospital setting, a health centre setting and a clinic setting. These three facilities also had the highest number of paediatric ART patients among the categories of health care settings they represented. Methods: This study applied an exploratory-descriptive qualitative approach which aimed at gaining in-depth knowledge and understanding of the experiences of NIMART-trained nurses providing paediatric ART care. Data was collected by the researcher and a study assistant using semi-structured individual in-depth interviews (face to face). Twelve (12) participants, including a pilot interview participant, were interviewed. Data was analysed using content analysis. Ethics approval was obtained from the Stellenbosch University Health Research Ethics Committee and the Namibia Ministry of Health and Social Services Research Ethics Committee. Permission to conduct the study was also obtained from the Khomas Region Health Directorate, and the Medical Superintendent of Katutura State Hospital. Results: The five themes that emerged were aligned to the objectives of the study: experiences related to individual factors, experiences related to interpersonal factors, experiences related to institutional factors, experiences related to community factors, and experiences related to policy factors. In general, the NIMART-trained nurses expressed both positive and negative experiences in their provision of paediatric ART services. The positive experiences related to empowerment of the nurses, improved self-esteem, job satisfaction and perceived reduction of new HIV infection among the infants exposed to HIV. The negative experiences emanated from inadequate paediatric ART knowledge and skills, increased workload and staff shortages, lack of teamwork, inadequate supervision and mentoring, lack of support from caregivers, and lack of resources, and poor socioeconomic backgrounds of the paediatric patients. Conclusion and recommendation: Task shifting has brought paediatric ART initiation and management into the practice of NIMART-trained nurses. Therefore, it is necessary that the nurses are equipped with knowledge and skills vital for this role. In addition, supervisory and mentoring support is necessary to help improve their confidence in managing paediatric ART patients. The healthcare system should also focus on dealing with barriers such as material, infrastructural and material resources that hinder effective provision of paediatric ART services by NIMART-trained nurses.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Agtergrond: Wêreldwyd is bevind dat daar 'n toename in die aantal kinders is wat met MIV leef, as gevolg van die uitgebreide dekking vir antiretrovirale terapie. Die meeste van hierdie kinders woon in Afrika suid van die Sahara, 'n streek met skaars menslike hulpbronne vir gesondheidsorg. Taakverskuiwing is ingestel as 'n manier om toegang tot gesondheidsorgdienste met ART en MIV te verhoog. Verpleegkundiges wat opgelei is in die inisiëring en bestuur van ART, het 'n integrale deel van die kinders se MIV / VIGS-reaksiewerkers geword deur taakverskuiwing en desentralisering van diensstrategieë. Daar is skaars inligting oor die ervarings van verpleegkundiges wat deur NIMART opgelei is, wat sorg vir pediatriese ART-pasiënte in die Windhoekdistrik in Namibië. Doelwit: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die ervarings van verpleegkundiges wat deur NIMART opgelei is te verken wat pediatriese sorg aan kinders met MIV by ART-klinieke in die Windhoekdistrik in Namibië bied. Doelstellings: Om die ervarings van NIMART-opgeleide verpleegkundiges met betrekking tot individuele, interpersoonlike, institusionele, gemeenskaps- en beleidskwessies te ondersoek en hoe dit die voorsiening van MIV-sorg vir kinders beïnvloed Populasie en omgewing: Die teikenpopulasie is alle verpleegkundiges wat deur NIMART opgelei is om kinderkuns in gesondheidsinstellings in die distrik van Windhoek te beoefen. Die studie is uitgevoer in 3 van die 14 openbare gesondheidsinstellings in die distrik van Windhoek in Namibië, naamlik die Katutura-staatshospitaal, die Katutura-gesondheidsentrum en die Otjomuise-kliniek. Metode: Hierdie studie het 'n kwalitatiewe benadering wat eksploratief en beskrywend is toegepas, wat daarop gemik is om diepgaande kennis en begrip te verkry van die ervarings van verpleegkundiges wat deur NIMART opgelei is om pediatriese ART-sorg te bied. Data is deur die navorser en 'n studie-assistent versamel deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde individuele diepte-onderhoude (van aangesig tot aangesig). Twaalf (12) deelnemers, waaronder 'n deelnemer aan die loodsonderhoud, is ondervra. Data is geanaliseer met behulp van inhoudsanalise. Etiese goedkeuring is verkry van die Universiteitskomitee vir Gesondheidsnavorsing aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch en die Navorsingsetiekkomitee van die Ministerie van Gesondheid en Maatskaplike Dienste. Toestemming om die studie uit te voer, is ook verkry deur die gesondheidsdirektoraat in Khomas-streek en die mediese superintendent van die Katutura-staatshospitaal. Resultate: Die vyf temas wat na vore gekom het, is in lyn gebring met die doelstellings van die studie: individuele faktorverwante ervarings, interpersoonlike verwante faktorervarings, institusionele verwante faktorervarings, gemeenskapsverwante faktorervarings en beleidsverwante faktorervarings. Oor die algemeen het verpleegkundiges wat deur NIMART opgelei is, positiewe en negatiewe ervarings uitgespreek in die lewering van ART-dienste vir kinders. Die positiewe ervarings hou verband met bemagtiging van verpleegkundiges, verbeterde selfbeeld, werksbevrediging en vermeende vermindering van nuwe MIV-infeksie onder kinders wat aan MIV blootgestel is. Die negatiewe ervarings het voortgespruit uit gebrekkige ART-kennis en vaardighede by kinders, verhoogde werkslading en personeeltekort, gebrek aan spanwerk, onvoldoende toesig en begeleiding, gebrek aan ondersteuning van versorgers, gebrek aan hulpbronne, en swak sosio-ekonomiese agtergronde van die pediatriese pasiënte. Slotsom en aanbevelings: Die taakverskuiwing het die inisiëring en bestuur van kinderartikels in die praktyk van NIMART-opgeleide verpleegkundiges geplaas. Daarom is dit nodig dat die verpleegsters toegerus is met kennis en vaardighede wat nodig is vir hierdie rol. Daarbenewens is toesig- en mentorsteun nodig om hul vertroue in die bestuur van ART-pasiënte te verbeter. Die gesondheidsorgstelsel moet ook fokus op die hantering van hindernisse wat die effektiewe verskaffing van kinder-ART-dienste deur NIMART- opgeleide verpleegkundiges belemmer.
Thesis (MNur)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Psychiatric nurses -- Training -- Khomas (Namibia), Nurse Initiated Management of Anti-Retroviral Therapy -- Khomas (Namibia), Psychiatric nurses -- Attitudes -- Khomas (Namibia), HIV-positive children -- Treatment -- Khomas (Namibia), Task-shifting, UCTD