Blind loyalty in organization, contributing factors and preventative measures : a theoretical analysis

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: To date, many researchers have studied, interrogated and agreed on organisational aspects that affect behaviour in organisations and societies. However, there is a shortage of studies that look at how these organisational aspects affect the inclination towards blind loyalty inclinations. This thesis interrogates the relationship between organisational aspects such as collectivism, culture, leadership and how these may interact leading to blind loyalty, resulting in unethical behaviour. The study will make use of the Social Learning and Moral Development Theories, as well as a case study to explain the results that may emanate from the interaction of these organisational or societal aspects. This study finds that these aspects interact to affect people’s behaviour either positively or negatively, depending on the aims of those manipulating these organisational or societal aspects. The study further recommends that organisations and societies need to put more effort into recruiting ethical leaders and managers, as well as inculcating ethical conduct. This is to further ensure that the values and norms of these institutions culminate in more ethical cultures.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Al is die organisatoriese aspekte wat menslike gedrag in organisasies en gemeenskappe beïnvloed reeds deur ‘n aantal navorsers deeglik ondersoek, is daar egter ‘n tekort aan studies wat die organisatoriese invloed van “blinde lojaliteit” aanspreek. Hierdie tesis poog om ondersoek in te stel na die verhouding tussen verskeie organisatoriese aspekte soos kollektivisme, kultuur en leierskap, en hoe hierdie organisatoriese aspekte tot blinde lojaliteit (en die uiteindelike onetiese gedrag wat daaruit mag voortspruit) kan lei. Hierdie studie maak gebruik van ‘n gevallestudie en Sosiale Leer- en Morele Ontwikkelingsteorieë om die moontlike gevolge van die interaksie tussen hierdie organisatoriese of sosiale aspekte te verduidelik. Hierdie studie vind dat wisselwerking tussen genoemde aspekte mense se gedrag positief of negatief kan beïnvloed (afhangende van die bedoeling van diegene wat hierdie organisatoriese- of samelewingsaspekte manipuleer). Die studie beveel verder aan dat organisasies en gemeenskappe pogings moet aanwend om etiese leiers en bestuurders te werf; sodoende kan hulle verseker dat die waardes en norme wat deur hulle gevestig word, lei tot die totstandkoming van etiese kulture binne hul gemeenskappe en organisasies.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
UCTD, Brand loyalty, Organizational behavior -- Ethics, Collectivism, Moral development