The experiences of CSSD and OR staff in relation to missing surgical instruments at a public hospital, Eastern Region, Saudi Arabia

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Background: The Central Sterilize Supply Department (CSSD) needs to provide the Operating Room (OR) with specific instruments and precise quantities thereof for specific procedures in a timely manner. CSSD and OR staff must follow organizational and international counting policies and procedures to avoid missing surgical instruments and inaccurate surgical trays. Missing surgical instruments were viewed as a contributor to conflict between the two departments. To achieve the best quality outcomes, clear communication between OR and CSSD staff is important to resolve and avoid conflict over missing surgical instruments. Aim: To explore the experiences of CSSD and OR staff in relation to missing surgical instruments and inaccurate surgical trays. Objectives: - To demonstrate an understanding of the current counting practices of surgical instruments of OR nurses and CSSD technicians. - Describe the experiences of CSSD technicians and OR nurses in relation to quality assurance measures that serve to prevent the loss of surgical instruments and the presence of inaccurate surgical trays. - To explore the experiences of OR nurses and CSSD technicians in relation to inaccurate surgical trays and missing instruments. Method: A qualitative descriptive design was employed to gain understanding of why instruments went missing between the OR and CSSD and why surgical trays remained inaccurate at times. The population comprised of OR nurses and CSSD technicians who had worked at either OR or CSSD at two military hospitals in Saudi Arabia. The final sample comprised n=11 participants; 06 OR nurses and 05 CSSD technicians. All participants were purposefully selected for participation in the study. Thematic data analysis was performed according to Braun and Clarke‟s six-step strategy for qualitative data analysis. The Health Research Ethics Committee at Stellenbosch University provided ethical clearance. Thereafter, institutional permission to conduct the study was granted. Informed written consent to participate in the study was obtained from the study participants. Trustworthiness was strengthened using principles such as credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability. Results: Six themes came to the fore from the data analysis, i.e. adhering to surgical count policies and procedures, adhering to quality assurance measures, surgical instruments counting process, managerial support, miscommunication between OR and CSSD and educational support.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Agtergrond: Die Sentrale Departement vir Steriliseringsverskaffing (SDSV) moet die operasie-saal (OS) met spesifieke chirurgiese instrumente en die presiese hoeveelhede vir spesifieke prosedures vroegtydig verskaf. SDSV- en OS-personeel moet organisatoriese en internasionale kontroleringsbeleide en prosedures volg om die verplasing van chirurgiese instrumente en onakkurate chirurgiese blaaie te voorkom. Die verplasing van chirurgiese instrumente word as „n oorsaak van konflik tussen die twee departemente beskou. Om die gewenste gehalte-uitkomste te bereik, is duidelike kommunikasie tussen SDSV- en OS-personeel belangrik om konflik oor die verplasing van chirurgiese instrumente te vermy en op te los. Doel: Om die ervaringe van SDSV- en OS-personeel met betrekking tot die verplasing van chirurgiese instrumente en onakkurate chirurgiese blaaie te ondersoek. Doelwitte: - Om die huidige kontroleringspraktyke van chirurgiese instrumente deur OS- verpleegsters en SDSV- tegnici te verstaan. - Om die ervaringe van SDSV-tegnici en OS-verpleegsters, met betrekking tot gehalte versekeringsmaatreels wat dien om die verplasing van chirurgiese instrumente en die onakkurate chirurgiese blaaie, te beskryf - Om die ervaringe van OS-verpleegsters en SDSV-tegnici met betrekking tot onakkurate chirurgiese blaaie en die verplasing van chirurgiese instrumente te ondersoek. Metode: ‘n Kwalitatiewe beskrywingsontwerp was gebruik om te begryp waarom chirurgiese instrumente tussen OS- en SVSD-personeel verplaas word, en waarom chirurgiese blaaie met tye onakkuraat is. Die gemeenskap het uit OS- verpleegsters en SVSD-tegnici, werksaam by die OS of SVSD van twee militêre hospitale in Saudi Arabia, bestaan. Die finale steekproefgroote was n=11 bestaande uit 06 OS verpleegsters en 05 SDSV tegnici. Alle deelnemers was doelbewus vir deelname in die studie geselekteer. Tematiese data-analise is volgens Braun en Clarke se ses-stappe strategie vir kwalitatiewe data-analise uitgevoer. Etiese toestemming is van die Gesondheidsnavorsing se Etiekkomitee Stellenbosch Universiteit verkry. Vervolgens is institusionele toestemming verkry vir die navorsing. Deelnemers het skriftelik ingestem tot deelname aan die studie. Vir betroubaarheid is gebruik gemaak van beginsels soos kredietwaardigheid, afhanklikheid, bevestiging en toepasbaarheid. Resultate: Ses temas het uit die data-analise gespruit, nl. die nakoming van chirurgiese kontroleringsbeleide en prosedures, die nakoming van gehalte versekeringsmaatreels, kontroleringsprosesse van die chirurgiese instrumente, ondersteuning deur bestuur, swak kommunikasie tussen OS en SVSD en ondersteuning deur opleiding.
Thesis (MNur)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Central sterile services department (CSSD) technicians, Operating room nurses -- Saudi Arabia, Medical instruments and apparatus -- Sterilization -- Practice -- Saudi Arabia, Medical instruments and apparatus -- Saudi Arabia, UCTD