Cell wall profiling of tobacco leaves and grapes in the context of Botrytis cinerea infection

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The plant cell wall has been shown to be at the centre of plant-biotic stress interactions. In the case of a pathogen encounter (e.g. fungi), the cell wall acts as the second barrier after the cuticle to stop pathogen penetration and tissue colonisation. The plant cell wall matrix composition and architecture influences the nature of resistance and susceptible responses to fungal pathogens. Botrytis cinerea, the fungus responsible for grey mold disease, causes worldwide crop losses. Understanding factors that differentiate susceptible from resistant plants is essential to develop new plant protection strategies against B. cinerea. In this study, genetically engineered plants with known resistance phenotypes, compared to the untransformed controls (with susceptible phenotypes) were used to understand the leaf cell wall changes either afforded by the transgenes introduced and/or the Botrytis infection process. The approach to investigate cell wall changes during Botrytis infection was also expanded to grapevine berry fruit. The method of choice was Comprehensive Microarray Polymer Profiling (CoMPP) technology, a high-throughput method for tracking cell wall matrix polysaccharide and protein composition and it was combined with monosaccharide profiling and various imaging tools. In the first part of this study, the leaves of nine tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) lines: four overexpressing the known defence gene, grapevine polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein 1 (VviPGIP1), four overexpressing another known defence gene, the tobacco cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase 14 (NtCAD14) and the wild type SR1 were screened for cell wall compositional differences due to genetic overexpression in the absence of infection. Total lignin and monolignols were assayed using Py-GC-MS, but results showed limited variations between the different plant lines. CoMPP and GC-MS analysis for cell wall composition and monosaccharide content showed variation in homogalacturonan (HG) methylesterification patterning between the various transgenic plant lines. Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) and extensins increased in the majority of the VviPGIP1 lines. These results suggest that PGIP overexpression probably influences pectinmethylesterase (PME) enzyme activity and affects glycoprotein organisation. Following these results, more in-depth analysis continued during infection of PGIP plants. Infection experiments were conducted using B. cinerea on leaves of VviPGIP1 tobacco lines, compared to the wild type as control. Lesion size differences were observed from 96 hours post inoculation (hpi) with reduced lesions in the transgenic lines compared to the wild type, confirming the known resistance responses of the transgenic plants to the fungus. Cell wall alterations were followed in the 72 hpi period, showing HG degradation with RG-I signal increase, whereas the cellulose-xyloglucan network was mostly unaffected. Extensins and AGPs accumulated at and around the lesions, while distal non-infected leaves showed matrix changes from 72 hpi, with reorganisation of the cellulose/xyloglucan network and in the homogalacturonan methylesterification patterning, indicative of a systemic response. A typical Botrytis infection with cell wall depectination exposed less hemicellulose polysaccharides. In parallel, the plant seemed to build a defensive response to the infection with accumulation of defence related proteins at the lesion and in distal leaves. Unlike the wild type, the transgenic plants response was efficient in restricting Botrytis progression from 72 hpi onwards. In the last part of this study berries, at three developmental stages (veraison, post-veraison and ripe), from four Vitis vinifera cultivars (Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc, Dauphine and Barlinka grape berries), were infected with B. cinerea. Ripe grapes from all four cultivars developed symptoms and showed cell wall degradation with cultivar differences were noted, while very few successful B. cinerea infections on veraison and post-veraison grapes were observed. This is in line with the generalised view that grapevine berries display ontogenic resistance in the greener developmental stages, although there are known exceptions. Cabernet Sauvignon was the least susceptible cultivar to B. cinerea and displayed a delayed lesion development in our experimental conditions. The infected grapes from all the cultivars were characterised by altered HG methylesterification patterning, extensin reorganisation, as well as glucan accumulation as the infection progressed. This work has brought new insights to existing efforts to fully characterise the role of the grapevine PGIP1 gene in plant cell wall modifications, in the presence and absence of B. cinerea infection. It provides further proof that small changes in the cell wall matrix contribute to the possible priming of plants to resist and overcome infection. Moreover, the similarities and differences observed between tobacco leaves and grape berry cell walls during Botrytis infection will help to conduct targeted experiments and to complement the existing models on plant cell wall – B. cinerea interactions.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die plant selwand is al aangewys as die eppisentrum van plant-biotiese stress interaksies. In die geval van patogeen teёkoming (bv. swamme), tree die selwand op as ‘n tweede versperring, na die kutikula, om patogeen penetrasie en kolonisering te stop. Die plant selwand matriks samestelling en argitektuur beïnvloed die aard van weerstand of vatbare reaksies op swampatogene. Botrytis cinerea, die swam verantwoordelik vir vaalrot, veroorsaak oes verliese wêreldwyd. Dit is van kardinale belang om die fakotre wat vatbare van weerstandbiedige plante van mekaar onderskei te verstaan om sodoende nuwe plant beskermingsstrategieё te ontwikkel teen B. cinerea. In hierdie studie, word geneties gemanipuleerde plante met bekende weestandsfenotipes, in vergelyking met die ongetransformeerde kontroles (met vatbare fenotipes) gebruik om die blaar selwand veranderinge te verstaan wat deur die transgene toegeein kan word en/of deur die Botrytis infeksie proses. Hierdie benadering om die selwand veranderinge tydens die Botrytis infeksie te bestudeer was verder uitgebrei na wingerdvrugte. Die voorgekeurde metode was Omvattende Mikro-sikking Polimeer Profilering tegnologie, ‘n hoё deursettings methode vir die analisering van selwand matriks polisakkaried en proteïen samestelling en dit was ook gekombineer met monosakkaried profilering en verskillende beeldhulpmiddels. In die eerste gedeelte van hierdie studie was die blare van nege tabaklyne (Nicotiana tabacum): vier wat die bekende weerstandsgeen, Vitis vinifera poligalakturonase-inhiberende proteïen 1 (VviPGIP1), vier wat ‘n ander bekende weerstandsgeen ooruitdruk, die tabak kanielalkohol dehydrogenase 14 (NtCAD14) en die wilde tipe SR1 almal gekeur vir selwand samestellingsverskille as gevolg van die genetiese ooruitdrukking in die afwesigheid van infeksie. Totale lignien en monolignole was getoets deur Pirolise Gas Chromatografie Massaspektrometrie (Py-GC-MS), maar die resultate het egter beperkte variasies tussen die plantlyne getoon. Omvattende Mikro-sikking Polimeer Profilering tegnologie en GC-MS analise vir selwand samestelling en monosakkaried inhoud het variasie geroon in die homogalakturonaan (HG) metielverestering patroon tussen die verskillende transgeniese plantlyne. Arabinogalaktan proteïene (AGPs) en ekstensien het toegeneem in die meerderheid van die VviPGIP1 lyne. Die resultate stel voor dat PGIP ooruitdrukking moontlik die pektienmetielesterase (PME) ensiem aktiwiteit beïinvloed en die glukoproteïen organisasie affekteer. Na aanleiding van hierdie resultate was ‘n verdere diepgaande ontleding voortgesit tydens die infeksie van die PGIP plante. Infeksie eksperimente was uitgevoer met B. cinerea op die blare van die VviPGIP1 tabak plantlyne en vergelykk met die wilde tipe as kontrole. Verskille in letsel grootte was waargeneem vanaf 96 ure na inoculasie (uni) met verminderde letsels in die transgeniese lyne in vergelyking met die wilde tipe wat die bekende weerstand reaksie van die transgeniese plante teenoor die fungus bevestig. Veranderinge in die selwand was gevolg gedurende die 72 uni periode, wat HG-agteruitgang getoon het met rhamnogalakturonaan I (RG-I) onthulling, terwyl die sellulose-xiloglukaan netwerk die meeste geaffekteer was. Ekstensins en AGPs het opgehoop by en rondom die letsels, terwyl distale nie-geïnfekteerde blare, matriks veranderinge getoon het op 72 uni, met herorganisasie van die sellulose/xiloglukaan netwerk en in die homogalakturonaan metielverestering patroon, aanduidend van 'n sistemiese reaksie. ‘n Tipiese Botrytis infeksie met selwand depektinasie het minder hemisellulose blootgestel. In parallel, wil dit voorkom asof die plant 'n verdedigende reaksie opbou teenoor die infeksie, met ophoping van weerstand verwante proteïene by die letsel en by verre blare. Anders as die wilde tipe, was die reaksie van die transgeniese plante doeltreffend genoeg om die vordering van die Botrytis te beperk vanaf 72 uni en verder. In die laaste gedeelte van hierdie studie was druiwebessies, by drie verskillende ontwilkkelingsfases (veraison, na-veraison en ryp), van vier Vitis vinifera kultivars (Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc, Dauphine and Barlinka druiwebessies), geïnfekteer met B. cinerea. Ryp druiwe van al vier kultivars het simptome ontwikkel en selwand degradasie getoon met opgemerkte kultivarverskille, terwyl baie min suksesvolle B. cinerea infeksies op veraison en na-veraison druiwe opgemerk was. Dit is in lyn met die algemene sienning dat wingerd druiwebessies ontogeniese weerstand toon in die groen ontwikkelingsfases, hoewel daar wel bekende uitsonderings is. Cabernet Sauvignon was die minste vatbare kultivar teen B. cinerea en het ‘n vertraagde letsel ontwikkeling getoon met ons eksperimentele toestande. Die geïinfekteerde druiwe van al die kultivars was gekenmerk deur veranderde HG-metielverestering patrone, ekstensin herorganisasie so wel as glukaan akkumulasie soos die infeksie gevorder het. Hierdie werk het nuwe insigte gebring tot die bestaande pogings om die rol van die wingerd PGIP1 geen ten volle te karaktariseer in plant selwand aanpassings, in die teenwoordigheid en afwesigheid van B. cinerea infeksie. Dit verskaf ook verdere bewyse dat klein aanpassings in die selwand matriks bydra tot die moontlike verdedigingsvoorvoerding (“priming”) van plante om infeksie te weerstaan en te oorkom. Daarbenewens, die ooreenkomstes en verskille wat opgemerk was tussen tabakblare en wingerd druiwebessie selwande tydens Botrytis infeksie sal help om geteikende eksperimente uit te voer en sal die bestaande modelle op plant selwand – B. cinerea interaksies aanvul.
Thesis (PhDAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Plant cell walls -- Composition, Botrytis cinerea, Nicotiana tabacum, Vitis vinifera, Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), Grapes -- Diseases and pests, Fungal diseases of plants, Crop losses, UCTD