Autophagy and antipsychotic treatment response: Characterising a potential relationship in a neuropsychiatric disorders context

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Differential antipsychotic treatment outcomes continue to contribute to the global burden of age-related central nervous system (CNS) disorders. Amplifying this problem, a paucity of effective therapies exists, mainly due to unsuccessful drug discovery efforts in recent years. It is thus imperative that contemporary research contributes to the discovery of underpinning factors and causal mechanisms of these disorders for the development of effective therapeutic strategies. Moreover, it is essential that an emphasis be placed on genetic studies pertaining to patient cohorts of African descent, for which an alarming lack in literature currently exists. Macroautophagy, henceforth referred to as autophagy, is one of the main systems of degradation of cellular components. Its essential role in the homeostatic functioning of post-mitotic neurons makes it an excellent candidate mechanism when investigating the underlying factors contributing toward the development of age-related CNS disorders. In this regard, research has shown autophagy to be heavily implicated in the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases, and more recently, albeit characterised to a much lesser degree, neuropsychiatric disorders. Further, the autophagy pathway has been shown to play a direct role in antipsychotic drug metabolism, thus providing impetus for more emphasis to be placed on this mechanism in drug-related research. This study thus aimed to investigate the genetic factors governing the dysregulation of autophagy to elucidate how this may inform on differential antipsychotic treatment response in a neuropsychiatric disorder context. The study used a South African cohort comprising 103 first-episode schizophrenia (FES) patients. Patients were treated with the same long-acting injectable antipsychotic, flupenthixol decanoate, and their response was measured at different time-points using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). Candidate genes associated with autophagy were identified in literature and genetic variants were subsequently prioritised using a bioinformatics pipeline. Prioritised variants were extracted from the genetic data available for the cohort and their involvement in differential treatment response was investigated. Using linear regression and mixed-effects modelling, association analyses revealed 10 significant associations, that survived Bonferroni correction for multiple testing, between prioritised genetic variants and various antipsychotic treatment outcomes all occurring under the PANSS Negative symptom domain. To inform on the extent to which an age-related CNS disease contributes to autophagy impairment, a directly converted induced neuronal (iN) cellular model was utilised by means of Huntington’s disease (HD) patient-derived dermal fibroblasts. The iNs were treated pharmacologically with Torin1, an mTOR-dependent autophagy-inducing drug, and the response was assessed using immunocytochemistry and high content screening analysis. Whilst autophagy was successfully activated in the control iNs, it was inefficiently activated in the HD-iNs, suggesting a functional autophagy impairment in the diseased iNs. This impairment was further supported by the less elaborate neurite phenotype evident in the diseased iNs in comparison to the control iNs. This study was thus able to gauge the effect the age-related disease had on the autophagy mechanism of a neuronal-like cell, as well as the extent to which the autophagy-inducing drug could rescue the diseased phenotype. Ultimately, the outcomes of this study provide novel genetic insight into the dysregulation of the autophagy pathway in neuropsychiatric disorders in a South African context. This may contribute to the future development of new and improved therapeutic strategies for the potential amelioration of neuropsychiatric disorder symptoms, with an emphasis on the negative symptoms of SCZ as well as the circumvention of adverse antipsychotic drug reactions. Furthermore, this study provides physiological insight into the dysfunctional autophagy pathway in a diseased neuronal-like cell and provides incentive for investigating the genetic findings of this study at a physiological-level using a directly converted iN cellular model in the future.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Differensiële antipsigotiese behandelingsuitkomste dra steeds by tot die wêreldwye las van ouderdomsverwante versteurings in die sentrale senuweestelsel (SSS). Hierdie probleem word vererger deur 'n gebrek aan effektiewe terapieë, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van onsuksesvolle pogings om terapeutiese middels te ontwikkel in die afgelope jare. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat kontemporêre navorsing bydra tot die ontdekking van faktore en oorsaaklike meganismes van hierdie afwykings vir die ontwikkeling van effektiewe behandelingstrategieë. Verder is dit noodsaaklik dat klem gelê word op genetiese studies rakende pasiëntegroepe afkomstig vanuitAfrika, waarvoor daar tans 'n onrusbarende tekort aan literatuur bestaan. Makro-outofagie, wat voortaan outofagie genoem sal word, is een van die belangrikste stelsels verantwoordelik vir sellulêre komponent degenerering. Die wesenlike rol daarvan in die homeostatiese funksionering van post-mitotiese neurone maak dit 'n uitstekende kandidaatmeganisme vir die ondersoek na die onderliggende faktore wat bydra tot die ontwikkeling van ouderdomsverwante SSS-afwykings. In hierdie verband het navorsing getoon dat outofagie sterk betrokke is by die patofisiologie van neurodegeneratiewe siektes, en meer onlangs, hoewel dit in 'n baie mindere mate gekenmerk word, neuropsigiatriese afwykings. Verder is getoon dat die outofagie-weg 'n direkte rol speel in die metabolisme van antipsigotiese geneesmiddels, wat sodoende 'n verdere motivering gee vir meer klem op hierdie meganisme in geneesmiddelverwante navorsing. Hierdie studie het dus ten doel gehad om die genetiese faktore wat die wanregulering van outofagie beheer te ondersoek, om sodoende die rol van differensiële antipsigotiese behandelingsreaksie in 'n neuropsigiatriese versteuringskonteks te verstaan. Die studie het 'n Suid-Afrikaanse groep gebruik wat 103 pasiënte met skisofrenie (eerste episode) bevat. Pasiënte is behandel met dieselfde langwerkende inspuitbare antipsigotiese middel, flupenthixol-dekanoaat, en hul reaksie is op verskillende tydspunte gemeet deur die positiewe en negatiewe sindroomskaal (PANSS) te gebruik. Kandidaatgene wat met outofagie geassosieer word, is in die literatuur geïdentifiseer en genetiese variante is vervolgens geprioritiseer met behulp van 'n bioinformatika-pyplyn. Geprioritiseerde variante is onttrek uit die genetiese data wat beskikbaar is vir die groep en hul betrokkenheid by die respons van die differensiële behandeling is ondersoek. Met behulp van lineêre regressie en modellering van gemengde effekte, het assosiasie-ontledings 10 belangrike verwantskappe aan die lig gebring, na Bonferroni-regstelling vir meervoudige toetse, tussen voorkeur genetiese variante en verskillende antipsigotiese behandelingsuitkomste wat almal onder die PANSS Negatiewe simptoom domein voorkom. Om te lig te bring die mate waartoe 'n ouderdomsverwante SSS-siekte bydra tot 'n afwyking van outofagie, is 'n direk-omgeskakelde geïnduseerde neuronale (iN) sellulêre model vir Huntington-siekte (HD) pasiënt-afgeleide dermale fibroblaste gebruik. Die iN'e is farmakologies behandel met Torin1, 'n mTOR-afhanklike outofagie-induserende middel, en die respons is beoordeel met behulp van immunositochemie en hoë-inhoud-siftingsanalise . Terwyl outofagie suksesvol geaktiveer was in die kontrole iN'e, was dit ondoeltreffend geaktiveer in die HD-iN'e, wat dui op 'n funksionele outofagiese inkorting in die siek iN’e. Hierdie inkorting is verder ondersteun deur die minder uitgebreide neurietfenotipe wat sigbaar is in die siek iN’e in vergelyking met die kontrole-iN’e. Hierdie studie kon dus die effek bepaal wat ouderdomsverwante siekte op die outofagie-meganisme van 'n neuronagtige sel gehad het, asook die mate waarin die outofagie-induserende middel die siek fenotipe kon red. Uiteindelik bied die uitkomste van hierdie studie nuwe genetiese insig in die wanregulering van die outofagie-weg in neuropsigiatriese afwykings in 'n Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Hierdie kan bydra tot die toekomstige ontwikkeling van nuwe en verbeterde terapeutiese strategieë vir die moontlike verbetering van neuropsigiatriese versteuringsimptome, met die klem op die negatiewe simptome van SCZ sowel as die verligting/voorkoming van ongunstige antipsigotiese geneesmiddelreaksies. Verder bied hierdie studie fisiologiese insig in die disfunksionele outofagie-pad in 'n siek neuronagtige sel en bied dit 'n aansporing om die genetiese bevindings van hierdie studie op 'n fisiologiese vlak te ondersoek deur gebruik te maak van 'n direk omgeskakelde iN-sellulêre model in die toekoms.
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Autophagy, Antipsychotic drugs, Neurobehavioral disorders -- Treatment, Schizophrenia -- Patients -- South Africa, Genomes -- Effect of drugs on, UCTD