Built-environment features affecting travel behaviour in Buffalo City Municipality

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A substantial body of literature finds that changes in neighbourhood or built-environment characteristics are associated with different aspects of travel behaviour, including mode choice and total number of trips. This paper focuses on the character of neighbourhoods and how it relates to the frequency of their residents’ travel and by which mode. Multivariate regression models incorporating factor analysis and cluster analysis were applied to a set of 25 variables to examine the association between travel behaviour and the built-environment in South Africa. Our analysis demonstrates that built environment variables are important predictors of mode choices such as auto usage (private motor vehicles) and transit usage (minibus taxi/train/bus), but not for walking all the way to the workplace or cycling. Furthermore, the total number of trips are influenced more by socio-economic variables such as high income than by built-environment characteristics.
AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: 'n Aansienlike liggaam van literatuur bevind dat veranderinge in die buurt of geboude omgewing eienskappe verband hou met verskillende aspekte van reisgedrag, insluitend keuse van reismodus en totale aantal ritte. Hierdie artikel fokus op die karakter van woonbuurte en hoe dit verband hou met die frekwensie van reis deur hulle inwoners asook die modus van reis. Meerveranderlike regressiemodelle wat faktorontleding en klusterontleding inkorporeer is toegepas op 'n stel van 25, veranderlikes om die verband tussen reisgedrag en die beboude omgewing in Suid-Afrika te ondersoek. Ons ontleding toon dat geboude omgewing veranderlikes belangrike voorspellers is van die keuse van reismodus soos private motor gebruik en publiekevervoer gebruik (minibustaxi / trein / bus), maar nie om al die pad na die werksplek te loop of om fiets te ry nie. Verder is bevind dat totale aantal ritte meer deur sosio-ekonomiese veranderlikes soos hoë inkomste beïnvloed word as deur ingeboude omgewing eienskappe.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.