The influence of leadership, organisational climate, and the mediating role of trust on South African soldiers' willingness to deploy : an exploratory study

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT : The African continent cannot achieve economic development and growth without peace and stability. Militaries are therefore faced with increasing demands for peace support missions and border controls to ensure stability. As a result of its socio-political and geographic position, South Africa pledged to be part of the resolution to restore peace in Africa by deploying the South African National Defence Force (SANDF). The implication of this is that the SANDF needs willing soldiers to deploy for the successful completion of its missions. This study was therefore driven by the need to understand the influence of psychosocial factors on soldiers’ willingness to deploy. Willingness to deploy is the most advantageous domain of individual mental preparedness for military deployments. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of leadership behaviour, organisational climate, and the mediating role of trust on South African soldiers’ willingness to deploy. The study was quantitative in nature, and a sample of 206 participants was drawn from two infantry units. The measuring instruments that were used were found to be valid and reliable. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were used to test the hypothesised relationships between leadership behaviour, organisational climate, trust, and willingness to deploy. Significant positive relationships were found between these variables. Partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to test the study model for willingness to deploy. PLS-SEM indicated that trust has a mediating effect on the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. The conclusion that can be drawn is that the SANDF can promote willingness to deploy by developing a healthy organisational climate and leadership behaviour (transformational and transactional leadership), and by fostering and enhancing trusting relationships between subordinates and their immediate leaders as well as the organisation. This will greatly benefit the SANDF, as willingness to deploy is crucial for deployment success. The recommendations and limitations presented possible avenues that could be explored for further research studies.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die Afrika-kontinent kan nie ekonomiese ontwikkeling en groei sonder vrede en stabiliteit bereik nie. Militêres word dus met toenemende eise vir vredesondersteunende missies en grensbeheer gekonfronteer om stabiliteit te verseker. As gevolg van sy sosio-politieke en geografiese posisie, het Suid-Afrika onderneem om deel te wees van die resolusie om vrede in Afrika te herstel deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW) te ontplooi. Die implikasie hiervan is dat die SANW gewillige soldate nodig het om vir die suksesvolle voltooiing van sy missies te ontplooi. Hierdie studie is dus gestuur deur die behoefte om die invloed van psigososiale faktore op soldate se gewilligheid om te ontplooi te verstaan. Gewilligheid om te ontplooi is die mees voordelige sfeer van individuele geestelike paraatheid vir militêre ontplooiings. Die doel van die studie was om die invloed van leierskapgedrag, organisasieklimaat en die bemiddelende rol van vertroue op Suid-Afrikaanse soldate se gewilligheid om te ontplooi te ondersoek. Die studie was kwantitatief van aard, en 'n steekproef van 206 deelnemers is uit twee infanterie-eenhede getrek. Daar is gevind dat die meetinstrumente wat gebruik is, geldig en betroubaar was. Pearson se korrelasiekoëffisiënte is gebruik om die veronderstelde verwantskappe tussen leierskapgedrag, organisasieklimaat, vertroue en gewilligheid om te ontplooi te toets. Beduidende positiewe verbande is tussen hierdie veranderlikes gevind. Gedeeltelike kleinste-kwadrate-struktuurvergelykingsmodellering (PLS-SEM) is gebruik om die studiemodel vir bereidwilligheid om te ontplooi te toets. PLS-SEM het aangedui dat vertroue 'n bemiddelende effek op die verhouding tussen die onafhanklike veranderlikes en afhanklike veranderlike het. Die gevolgtrekking wat gemaak kan word, is dat die SANW bereidwilligheid om te ontplooi kan bevorder deur 'n gesonde organisasieklimaat en leierskapgedrag (transformasie- en transaksionele leierskap) te ontwikkel en deur vertrouensverhoudings tussen ondergeskiktes en hul onmiddellike leiers sowel as die organisasie te bevorder en te versterk. Dit sal die SANW grootliks bevoordeel, aangesien gewilligheid om te ontplooi deurslaggewend vir ontplooiingsukses is. Die aanbevelings en beperkings stel moontlike weë wat vir verdere navorsingstudies ondersoek kan word, voorgestel.
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Willingness to deploy -- Psychological aspects, Soldiers -- Conduct of life -- Psychological aspects, Leadership -- Psychological aspects, Corporate culture, Trust, UCTD