Determination of water quality using NIR spectroscopy and aquaphotomics

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Water is one of the world’s most crucial resources as it is an essential component of all life forms. Although water covers 70% of the world's surface, freshwater is still a rare find. Freshwater makes up only 3% of the water found on earth, but two-thirds are either unavailable for use or are in the form of glaciers. Water scarcity and quality degradation present a major challenge to both developed and developing countries, as it poses a risk to both the environment and human health. With the increasing global population, water resources have been exposed to a variety of pollutants as a result of anthropogenic activities. This study aimed to investigate the use of near-infrared spectroscopy combined with the aquaphotomics approach as a screening method for water quality. NIR spectroscopy combined with the aquaphotomics approach was used to differentiate between spring water from different sources and types of bottled water. Due to the variation in mineral content of the three sources, it was possible to differentiate between the sources. This resulted in differences in the water spectral patterns of the different sources. NIR spectroscopy combined with the aquaphotomics approach could distinguish between the three spring water sources. With the use of the aquaphotomics approach, it was possible to distinguish between mineral and spring water. The two water types produced two completely different water spectral patterns, indicating that each water type had a different configuration of water species. The water spectral pattern of river water filtered using different filter media was investigated. The effect of different filtration material can be monitored with aquaphotomics since the filtration process alters the hydrogen bonding and water molecular species within the water. With the use of the aquaphotomics approach, it is easy to track changes in water with respect to changes in the water clustering. Furthermore, river water monitored over a ten-day period, indicated that the water molecular species distribution changed each day. This was due to changes in the physico-chemical parameters of the river water. NIR spectroscopy combined with the aquaphotomics approach can be used to monitor water changes. As the technique is able to differentiate between water types and the source of origin. This method can also to monitor variations in the water spectral patterns due to changes in the water spectral pattern as a result of filtration treatment and changes in water quality.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Water is een van die belangrikste middele ter wêreld, aangesien dit 'n noodsaaklike komponent van alle lewensvorme is. Alhoewel water 70% van die wêreld se oppervlak bedek, is vars water steeds 'n seldsame hulpbron. Varswater vorm slegs 3% van die water wat op aarde aangetref word, maar twee derdes is óf nie beskikbaar vir gebruik nie óf in die vorm van gletsers. Water skaarsheid en kwaliteit agteruitgang verteenwoordig 'n groot uitdaging vir beide ontwikkelde en ontwikkelende lande, soos dit 'n risiko vir beide die omgewing en menslike gesondheid inhou. Met die snellende groei in die wêreldbevolking is waterbronne blootgestel aan 'n verskeidenheid besoedelende stowwe as gevolg van antropogene aktiwiteite. Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om die gebruik van naby-infrarooi spektroskopie, gekombineer met die “aquaphotomics” benadering, as 'n metode vir waterkwaliteit bepaling toe te pas. NIR spektroskopie gekombineer met die “aquaphotomics” benadering is gebruik om te onderskei tussen fonteinwater uit verskillende bronne en tiepes gebottelde water. Die variasie in mineraalinhoud van die drie bronne, het dit moontlik gemaak om tussen die bronne te kan onderskei. Dit het gelei tot verskille in die water spektrale patrone van die verskillende bronne. NIR-spektroskopie, gekombineer met die “aquaphotomics” benadering kan onderskei tussen die drie waterbronne. Met die gebruik van die “aquaphotomics” benadering was dit moontlik om tussen mineraal- en fonteinwater te onderskei. Die twee tipes water het twee heeltemal verskillende water spektrale patrone geproduseer, wat aandui dat elke tipe water 'n ander rangskinking van water spesies het. Die water spektrale patroon van rivierwater wat met verskillende fmedia gefiltreer is, is ondersoek. Die effek van verskillende filtrasiemateriaal kan met “aquaphotomics” gemonitor word, aangesien die filtrasieproses die waterstofbinding en waterklasse verander in die water. Met die gebruik van die “aquaphotomics” benadering, is dit maklik om veranderinge in water op te spoor weens die veranderinge in die water spesies. Rivier water was ook gemonitor oor 'n tydperk van tien dae en het aangedui dat die verspreiding van water spesies verander elke dag. Dit was as gevolg van die veranderinge in die fisies-chemiese eienskappe van die rivierwater. NIR-spektroskopie gekombineer met die “aquaphotomics” benadering kan gebruik word om veranderings in water te monitor. Aangesien die tegniek in staat is om tussen watertiepes en die oorsprong daarvan te kan onderskei. Hierdie metode kan ook veranderings in die water spektrale patrone monitor as gevolg van veranderinge in die filtrasiebehandeling en veranderinge in die waterkwaliteit.
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Near infrared spectroscopy, Aquaphotomics, Water quality -- Measurement, Chemometrics, UCTD