A comparative analysis of womens movements in South Africa and South Korea and their influence on democratisation

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This paper investigates women’s movements in South Africa and South Korea during their transitions from authoritarian regimes to democratic states, comparing the movement’s membership, goals, ideologies and repertoires of action. The study examines the influence of women’s movements in the democratisation process and attempts to identify how this manifested. Despite a growing body of literature of comparative gender politics and women’s movements, no other study comparing the South African and South Korean women’s movements during the period of democratisation has been identified. The comparative analysis was conducted on data gathered from desktop-based research and utilised a gendered lens to study the women’s movements vis a vis social movement theory. The comparison of these movements in countries that are similar in tradition, history and political participation, provides insight into the influence that mobilised women may have in agenda setting, policy creation and nation-building during critical junctures in the journey to democracy. The study also considers the outcomes of mainstreaming gender on substantive democracy and citizenship during transitionary periods.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die vrouebewegings in Suid-Afrika en Suid-Korea tydens die oorgang van outoritêre regimes na demokratiese state en vergelyk die bewegings se lidmaatskap, doelwitte, ideologieë en repertoires van aksie. Die studie ondersoek die invloed van vrouebewegings tydens die demokratiseringsproses en poog om die invloed daarvan te identifiseer en hoe dit sigself uitgespeel het.. Ten spyte van die toenemende literatuur rakende vergelykende genderpolitiek en vrouebewegings, is daar geen ander studies gevind wat die Suid-Afrikaanse en Suid-Koreaanse vrouebewegings gedurende hierdie spesifieke tydperk van demokratisering vergelyk nie. Die analise is uitgevoer op werkskerm gebaseerde navorsing en gebruik gender as ‘n lens om vrouebewegings met ‘n sosiale bewegingsteorie model te bestudeer. Die vergelyking van hierdie soort bewegings in nasies wat soortgelyke tradisies, geskiedenis en politieke deelname het bied insig in die invloed van vrouebewegings op agendastelling, beleidskepping en nasiebou tydens belangrike gebeurtenisse in die reis na demokrasie. Die navorsing beskou ook die uitkomste van genderhoofstroming tydens oorgangstydperke op lang-termyn, substantiewe demokrasie en substantiewe burgerskap.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Democratization -- South Africa, Democratization -- Korea (South), Feminism -- South Africa, Feminism -- Korea (South), UCTD