The influence of single mothers alcohol misuse on the well being of their families : reflections of social service providers

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Alcohol misuse is a huge social challenge in South Africa that has disastrous effects on the wellbeing of individuals, families, communities, and society. Single mothers are especially vulnerable to alcohol misuse due to the many challenges they face such as coping alone with parenthood and dealing with financial restraints and a lack of resources. These mothers often misuse alcohol in order to cope and deal with their stress. The aim of this study was to describe the influence of single mothers’ alcohol misuse on the wellbeing of their families as reflected by social service providers. Four objectives were formulated to meet the aim of the study. Utilising the Ecological Systems Theory as theoretical framework, the study attempted to understand amongst other how different components and dynamics such as family, community, and institutions interconnect or influence single mothers who misuse alcohol. Indicators of family wellbeing such as education, finance, emotional, psychological, and spiritual aspects were also explored to gain a better understanding of families where the single-mother misuse alcohol. A qualitative approach with an exploratory and descriptive nature was utilised in this study. The researcher made use of purposive and snowball sampling to obtain the sample of 20 social service providers who render services to individuals, groups, and communities that are affected by single mothers who misuse alcohol. Social service providers consisted of social workers, educators, as well as a community worker. Certain criteria for inclusion applied. A semi-structured interview guide was used to collect the data. Ethical clearance was obtained for this study. Themes, subthemes and categories were used to analyse the data. Data verification was also done to ensure the truth value, applicability, consistency, and neutrality of the study. By following an empirical method with the investigation, the reflections of social service providers regarding the influence of single mothers’ alcohol misuse on the wellbeing of their families could be gathered. Four themes were identified, namely the microsystem, the mesosystem, the exosystem and the macrosystem. Relevant tables, figures and participant narratives, were used to further substantiate the analysis of data. Through the literature and empirical investigation, relevant conclusions and recommendations were made in order to improve service rendering to single mothers who misuse alcohol, and to their families.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alkohol misbruik is ʼn groot uitdaging in Suid Afrika met vernietigende gevolge vir die welstand van individue, gesinne, gemeenskappe, en die samelewing. Dit is veral enkelmoeders wat kwesbaar is tot alkoholmisbruik vanweë talle uitdagings soos enkelouerskap, finansiële beperkings en gebrek aan bronne. Hierdie moeders misbruik dikwels alkohol in ʼn poging om hulle stres te hanteer. Die doel van hierdie studie was dus om die invloed van alkohol misbruik van enkelmoeders op die welstand van hulle gesinne te beskryf soos gereflekteer deur maatskaplike diensverskaffers. Vier doelwitte was geformuleer ten einde die doel van die studie te bereik. Die Ekologiese Sisteemteorie is as teoretiese raamwerk benut om insig in te win oor hoe nou verweef verskillende komponente en dinamika soos die gesin, die gemeenskap en instellings is met enkelmoeders wat alkohol misbruik. Indikatore van die welstand van ʼn gesin soos opvoedkundige, finansiële, emosionele en geestelike aspekte is ook geëksploreer ten einde meer insig te bekom oor die enkelmoeder-gesin waar alkohol misbruik word. ʼn Kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering met ʼn beskrywende en eksplorerende aard is gevolg in hierdie studie. Die navorser het gebruik gemaak van doelbewuste en sneeubal steekproeftrekking om die steekproef van 20 deelnemers te bekom. Die deelnemers was almal maatskaplike diensverskaffers wat dienste lewer aan individue, groepe en gemeenskappe wat geaffekteer word deur alkoholmisbruik. Sekere kriteria vir insluiting het gegeld vir die deelnemers. ʼn Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudskedule was gebruik om die data in te samel. Die data is geanaliseer deur dit in temas, subtemas en kategorieë te verdeel. Data verifikasie was ook gedoen ten einde die geloofwaardigheid, toepaslikheid, konsekwentheid, en neutraliteit van die studie te verseker. Die refleksies van maatskaplike diensverskaffers is empiries ondersoek rakende die invloed van enkel moeders wat alkohol misbruik op die welstand van hulle gesinne. Vier temas is geïdentifiseer naamlik die mikrosisteem, die mesosisteem die eksosisteem en die makro sisteem. Relevante tabelle, figure, asook die narratiewe van die deelnemers is benut om die geanaliseerde data te staaf. Deur literatuur en die empiriese ondersoek is relevante gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings gemaak te einde dienslewering aan enkelmoeders wat alkohol misbruik en hulle gesinne te verbeter.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Social work with alcoholics, Single mothers -- Alcohol use -- South Africa, Children of alcoholics -- Services for, UCTD, Alcoholics -- Services for -- South Africa