Die verband tussen EBW-teorie en die praktyk in die EBW-klaskamer: ʼn kreatiewe perspektief

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT : It is a well-known reality in modern life that humanity is surrounded by the hard reality of violence, crime, and economic events and demands. These phenomena can mainly be attributed to the high unemployment rate in South Africa. Although there are several reasons for this, one cause can be attributed to the fact that the education system educates learners to think like employees, instead of job creators. Learners are taught to think in one direction, and thus they are deprived of the opportunity to think differently and innovatively. Learners are taught that only one way is acceptable and lapse into thinking that only certain outcomes are possible. This while South Africans live in a fast-changing society, and people are actually expected to take responsibility for their own economic survival. The phenomenon of more people entering the informal sector, for example with street markets or home industries, is increasingly seen as a means for survival. The problem is, however, that although this may be a possible resort for the unemployed, people, and especially early school leavers, do not know how and where to start. This is because what they have learned (theory) does not make sense and corresponds with what is happening in reality (practice). This gap can be attributed to the lack of basic economic and financial literacy as well as the lack of development of creative thinking and skills. The key to solving this problem lies in the promotion of creative thinking and the development of an entrepreneurial capacity at school level. With this research, the main purpose was to try to determine to what extent there is a creative space in the learning area Economic and Management Sciences and how creativity can be supported and stimulated to bring together theory and practice. The researcher, therefore, wanted to investigate whether Economic and Management Sciences teachers regard this learning area as important, whether there are any challenges and to what extent effective teaching takes place in the Economic and Management Sciences classroom. A qualitative study within the interpretative research paradigm was used to generate data in order to answer the research question. Teachers and learners were used as participants in the study. This gave the researcher the opportunity to gain new insights, precisely because each person’s experience in terms of Economic and Management Sciences education is unique. The research results and conclusions show that the value of creativity in Economic and Management Sciences education has not yet been recognised by the teachers, because there is an incorrect attitude regarding Economic and Management Sciences education, as well as limited motivation and self-actualisation. Challenges, such as a lack of formal education and knowledge as well as the lack of sufficient time, relate especially to this study. Learners’ creative potential can be developed through exposure to and support of creative thinking and skills. The importance of creativity in Economic and Management Sciences education should be recognised by teachers, precisely because it can contribute to the improvement of problem solving, communication and reasoning.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Dit is ʼn welbekende realiteit in die hedendaagse lewe dat die mensdom omring word deur die harde realiteit van geweld, misdaad, ekonomiese gebeurtenisse en eise. Hierdie verskynsels kan hoofsaaklik toegeskryf word aan die hoë werkloosheidsyfer in Suid-Afrika. Alhoewel daar verskeie redes hiervoor bestaan, kan een oorsaak onder meer toegeskryf word aan die feit dat die onderwysstelsel leerders opvoed om te dink soos werknemers, eerder as werkskeppers. Leerders word geleer om in een rigting te dink en so word hulle dus die geleentheid om anders en vernuwend te dink, ontneem. Leerders word hoofsaaklik geleer dat net een manier aanvaarbaar is en verval dus in die denkwyse dat net een bepaalde uitkomste moontlik is. Dít terwyl Suid-Afrikaners in ʼn vinnig veranderende samelewing bestaan en daar eintlik van mense verwag word om verantwoordelikheid te neem vir hul eie ekonomiese oorlewing. Die verskynsel waar meer mense die informele sektor betree, byvoorbeeld met straatmarkte of bedrywe vanaf die huis, word al hoe meer gesien as ʼn uitkoms vir oorlewing. Die probleem is egter dat, alhoewel dit ʼn moontlike uitkoms kan wees vir werkloses, mense, en veral vroeë skoolverlaters, nie weet hoe en waar om te begin nie. Dit is omdat dit wat hulle geleer het (teorie) nie vir hulle sin maak en ooreenstem met dit wat in die werklikheid (praktyk) gebeur nie. Hierdie leemte kan toegeskryf word aan beide die gebrek aan basiese ekonomiese en finansiële geletterdheid en die gebrek aan ontwikkeling van kreatiewe denke en vaardighede. Die sleutel vir die oplossing van hierdie probleem lê in die bevordering van kreatiewe denke en die ontwikkeling van entrepreneuriese kapasiteit op skoolvlak. Met hierdie navorsing was die hoofdoel om te probeer vasstel tot watter mate daar ʼn kreatiewe ruimte in die leerarea Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe bestaan en hoe kreatiwiteit wel ondersteun en gestimuleer kan word om sodoende die teorie en praktyk sorgvuldig bymekaar uit te bring. Die navorser wou dus ondersoek instel om te bepaal of Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe-onderwysers hierdie leerarea as belangrik ag, of daar enige uitdagings ervaar word en tot watter mate doeltreffende onderrig in die Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe-klaskamer geskied. 'n Kwalitatiewe studie binne die interpretatiewe navorsingsparadigma is gebruik om data te genereer om sodoende die navorsingsvraag te kon beantwoord. Onderwysers en leerders is in die studie gebruik as deelnemers. Dit het die navorser die geleentheid gebied om tot nuwe insigte te kom, juis omdat elkeen se ervaring ten opsigte van Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe-onderrig uniek is. Die navorsingsresultate en -gevolgtrekkings toon dat die waarde van kreatiwiteit in Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe-onderrig nog nie deur onderwyser raakgesien is nie omdat daar ʼn verkeerde houding teenoor Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe-onderrig, beperkte motivering en selfaktualisering bestaan. Uitdagings, soos ʼn gebrek aan formele opleiding en kennis asook die gebrek aan genoegsame tyd, het veral betrekking op hierdie studie. Leerders se kreatiewe potensiaal kan ontwikkel word deur blootstelling aan en ondersteuning van kreatiewe denke en vaardighede. Die belangrikheid van kreatiwiteit in Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe-onderrig moet deur onderwysers erken word, juis omdat dit kan bydra tot die verbetering van probleemoplossing, kommunikasie en redeneringsvermoë.
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
Economics -- Study and teaching -- South Africa, Vygotskiĭ, L. S. -- (Lev Semenovich), -- 1896-1934, Creative teaching -- South Africa, Management science - Study and teaching -- South Africa, Education -- Curricula -- South Africa, UCTD