Towards a flexible innovation process model assuring quality and customer needs

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Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Successful innovation projects require an adequate innovation management capability in organisations. This means a sufficiently rigorous, continuous, and goal-oriented management of innovation processes. The literature research demonstrates that an integrated innovation methodology requires highly qualitative processes that are both flexible and customer-specific in their design. This work focuses on the FuGle® innovation process model, which is applied at the Industrial Engineering Department of Stellenbosch University. The enhanced FuGle® innovation process model presents flexible processes that are supported by methods and techniques that guide the user to drive innovation projects. This paper presents an innovation approach that enables organisations proactively to manage customer needs and trends. Thus the enhanced FuGle® innovation process model aims to turn an innovation project into a marketable product.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suksesvolle innovasie projekte vereis ’n voldoende innovasie bestuursvermoë in organisasies. Dit beteken ’n deeglike, deurlopende en doelgerigte bestuur van innovasie prosesse. Die literatuur navorsing toon dat ’n geïntegreerde innovasie metodologie vereis hoogs kwalitatiewe prosesse wat beide buigsaam en kliënt-spesifiek ontwerp is. Hierdie werk fokus op die FuGle® innovasie prosesmodel, wat toegepas word by die Departement Bedryfsingenieurswese van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Die uitgebreide FuGle® innovasie prosesmodel bied buigsame prosesse wat ondersteun word deur metodes en tegnieke wat die gebruiker begelei en in staat stel om innovasieprojekte te dryf. Hierdie artikel bied ’n innovasie benadering aan wat organisasies in staat stel om kliënte behoeftes en tendense pro-aktief te bestuur. Die doel van die uitgebreide FuGle® innovasie prosesmodel is om ’n innovasie projek te omskep in ’n bemarkbare produk.
CITATION: Louw, L., et al. 2018. Towards a flexible innovation process model assuring quality and customer needs. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 29(1):155-168, doi:10.7166/29-1-1911.
The original publication is available at
Innovations, Industrial, Goal setting (Strategic planning)
Louw, L., et al. 2018. Towards a flexible innovation process model assuring quality and customer needs. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 29(1):155-168, doi:10.7166/29-1-1911