Living out of the suitcase : is domestic tourism an effective tool for regional convergence : divergence of expenditure patterns in South Africa from 2013 to 2015?

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Domestic tourism not only allows for the interaction of people with diverse social and cultural backgrounds, but also for the redistribution of income and wealth through domestic visitor expenditure patterns. It has the potential to reduce inequality and improve the poverty conditions of struggling communities. Domestic tourism is viewed favourably as a basis for regional development, but there could be a significant regional component to variations in domestic travel and domestic tourism within the borders of the country. This is because domestic tourism is drawn to areas of comparative economic advantage within the country. The aim of this study is to determine if and how domestic tourism and the associated domestic tourism expenditure contributes to regional convergence-divergence within South Africa at provincial level. The data analyses and presentation of domestic tourism same-day and overnight expenditure inflows and outflows will be done on a provincial level using the Statistics South Africa Domestic Tourism Survey from 2013 to 2015. The domestic tourism trip characteristics as well as the sociodemographic and socio-economic characteristics of domestic visitors, both for domestic tourism same-day trips and overnight trips, will also be analysed for the same period. For six of the nine provinces of South Africa, more than half of the domestic tourism expenditure originating within those provinces from 2013 to 2015 never left the borders of the provinces themselves. Gauteng experienced the biggest net outflow of total domestic tourism expenditure and KwaZulu-Natal experienced the biggest net inflow of total domestic tourism expenditure. Gauteng generated a third of all domestic tourism expenditure in South Africa from 2013 to 2015 and showed promise as the main contributor to regional convergence through domestic tourism expenditure. Important policy implications are also discussed.
AFRIKAAANSE OPSOMMING: Binnelandse toerisme maak nie net voorsiening vir die wisselwerking tussen mense van diverse maatskaplike en kulturele agtergronde nie, maar ook vir die herverdeling van inkomste en welvaart deur middel van binnelandse toeristebestedingspatrone. Dit het die potensiaal om ongelykheid te verminder en om die armoedstoestande in sukkelende gemeenskappe te verbeter. Binnelandse toerisme word gunstig beskou as ‘n grondslag vir streeksontwikkeling, maar daar kan ‘n aansienlike streekskomponent wees ten opsigte van variasies in binnelandse reis en binnelandse toerisme binne die landsgrense. Die rede hiervoor is dat binnelandse toerisme aangetrek word deur gebiede wat relatiewe ekonomiese voordele binne die land inhou. Die doel van hierdie studie is om te bepaal of en hoe binnelandse toerisme en die daarmeegepaardgaande binnelandse toerismebesteding op provinsiale vlak bydra tot streeksamevloeiing en streekuiteenvloeiing in Suid-Afrika. Die dataanalises en voorlegging van selfdedag- en oornagbestedingsamevloei en -uiteenvloei ten opsigte van binnelandse toerisme sal gedoen word op provinsiale vlak deur gebruik te maak van Statistieke SuidAfrika se Binnelandse Toerisme-opname vanaf 2013 tot 2015. Die eienskappe van binnelandse toerisme-uitstappies en die sosiodemografiese en sosio-ekonomiese eienskappe van binnelandse besoekers, hetsy vir binnelandse selfdedaguitstappies of vir oornaguitstappies, sal ook vir dieselfde tydperk geanaliseer word. In ses uit die nege provinsies in Suid-Afrika het meer as die helfte van die binnelandse toerismebesteding wat tussen 2013 en 2015 in daardie provinsies sy oorsprong gehad het, nie die grense van daardie provinsies oorgesteek nie. Gauteng het die grootste netto uitvloei van die totale binnelandse toerismebesteding ervaar, en KwaZulu-Natal het die grootste netto invloei van die totale binnelandse toerismebesteding ervaar. Tussen 2013 en 2015 het Gauteng ‘n derde van alle binnelandse toerismebesteding in Suid-Afrikaa gegenereer, en lyk hoogs belowend as die grootste bydraer tot streeksamevloeiing deur middel van binnelandse toerismebesteding. Belangrike beleidsimplikasies word ook bespreek.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
Tourism -- South Africa -- Western Cape, Tourism -- South Africa -- Planning, Tourism -- Economic aspects -- South Africa, UCTD