An artificial intelligence approach for biomass devolatilisation in an industrial CFD model with advanced turbulence-chemistry interaction

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: The ground work to include more detailed chemistry than global approaches in a combustion simulation was completed. A reduced-order model of the Biomass Chemical Percolation Devolatilisation model, ANN-Bio-CPD, was developed and implemented with artifcial neural networks in order to achieve ease of execution and computational cost reduction with regard to an industrial computational fluids dynamics application. ANN-Bio-CPD was validated with wire-mesh reactor and drop-tube furnace experiments from literature. Subsequently, the Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) turbulence-chemistry interaction model was implemented and validated with ANN-Bio-CPD in a bagasse- fired boiler simulation. The EDC model constants were adjusted to achieve the correct temperature and intermediate species results in combination with a two-step global reaction mechanism.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Kunsmatige intelligensiebenadering vir biomassa-devolatilisering in 'n industriële CFD-model met gevorderde turbulensie-chemie-interaksie. Die basis om meer gedetailleerde chemie as globale benaderings in 'n verbrandingsimulasie in te sluit, is voltooi. 'n Verminderde-orde model van die Biomassa Chemiese Perkolasie Devolatilisering model, ANN-Bio-CPD, is ontwikkel en met kunsmatige neurale netwerke geïmplementeer om uitvoering te vergemaklik en berekeningskostes te verminder rakende die toepassing van numeriese vloeidinamika op 'n industriële skaal. ANN-Bio-CPD is gevalideer met die eksperimente van draad-maas reaktors- en valbuis-oonde uit die literatuur. Vervolgens is die "Eddy Dissipation Concept"(EDC) turbulensie-chemie interaksie model geïmplementeer en gevalideer met ANN-Bio-CPD in 'n bagasse-gestookte ketelsimulasie. Die EDCmodelkonstantes is aangepas om die korrekte temperatuur en intermediêre spesies resultate te bereik in kombinasie met 'n tweestap globale reaksie meganisme.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
Eddy Dissipation Concept, Combustion, Artificial intelligence -- Engineering applications, Biomass devolatilisation, Neural networks (Computer science), UCTD