Design of a wideband sinuous antenna for radio telescope applications

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates a pyramidal sinuous antenna. It was suggested in a previous study that the pyramidal shape would be easier to manufacture than a conical shape. To test this, a model was simulated and manufactured to operate over 2 - 6 GHz. It proved to be more robust with a differential reflection coefficient around -10 dB compared to its conical counterpart which is around -5 dB. The wideband capabilities were also investigated. A new modelling approach was required for the wide bandwidth. Though a 10:1 version was simulated, the manufactured model only performed decently over a 5:1 bandwidth. A parameter study was also conducted on the antenna to estimate its performance in Band 1 of the Square Kilometre Array. The best performance results were determined with the best mean sensitivity possible, while maintaining a differential reflection coefficient less than -10 dB, being 4.6 m2/K.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek 'n piramiediese siniese antenna. Dit was voorgestel in 'n vorige studie dat 'n piramiediese vorm makliker sou wees om te vervaardig as 'n koniese vorm. 'n Model was gesimuleer en vervaardig om oor 2 - 6 GHz te werk om hierdie te toets. Dit is bewys as meer robuust met 'n differensiele weerkaatskoeffisient rondom -10 dB in vergelyking met sy koniese eweknie wat rondom -5 dB is. Die wyeband vermoens was ook ondersoek. 'n Nuwe benadering tot modellering was nodig vir die wye bandwydte. Alhoewel 'n 10:1 weergawe gesimuleerd is, het die vervaar-dige model slegs billik oor 'n 5:1 bandwydte gewerk. 'n Parametriese studie was ook gedoen op die antenna om sy vermoens in Band 1 van die Square Kilomtre Array te bepaal. The beste resultate was bepaal met die beste gemiddelde sensitiwiteit moontlik, terwyl 'n differensiele weerkaatskoeffisient minder as -10 dB gehandhaaf word, as 4.6 m2/K ontdek is.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
Arrays, Antenna, Antenna patterns, Radio telescopes, UCTD