Perspectives of spinal health in school-going children and adolescents in the Langeberg Municipal District of South Africa : a qualitative study

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Background: In order to improve the effectiveness of spinal health educational programs, in an effort to improve spinal behaviour of children and adolescents, research is needed to identify and explore the reasons why changes are stunted. To assist with the development of spinal health promotion strategies, the current perspectives and knowledge of different socio-economic societies and cultures need to be explored. Aim: The purpose of this study was to explore what the perspectives of learners (children and adolescents), teachers and parents/guardians were on the spinal health of learners in the Langeberg Municipal District of South Africa. Methodology: A descriptive qualitative case study design with an interpretative and phenomenological approach was used. Ninety-three participants were purposively sampled and participated in In-Depth Interviews (IDI’s) or Focus Group Discussions (FGD’s). An interview schedule guided the discussions. All IDI’s and FGD’s were recorded and transcribed. Analysis was done from the transcripts and inductive reasoning was used to explore the phenomena of spinal health in learners. Transcripts were coded based on initial and subsequent emerging themes. Results: A total of nine IDI’s and 11 FDG’s were conducted with 93 participants from 14 different schools. Three main themes emerged from the data: Barriers associated with self-care of spinal health; Facilitators to assist with Spinal Health and Back care; and Proposed Interventions for Spinal Health Barriers. Conclusion: The barriers emphasized by participants showed that there were problems with the spinal health of learners that needed to be addressed. The facilitators showed that barriers could be addressed but that the current facilitators weren’t sufficient. The participants’ proposed interventions gave plausible solutions to address the learners’ spinal health barriers and to enhance the effectiveness of the facilitators. Clinicians and therapists should consider knowledge, behaviour and exercise when treating learners with LBP for a wholistic intervention. Further research is needed on the effectiveness of different delivery methods for different ages aimed at long term effectiveness. Future research should also focus on development and implementation of spinal health educational programs by pilot testing spinal health educational programs in South African Schools, including all grades.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Agtergrond: Ten einde die doeltreffendheid van werwelkolom gesondheidsopvoedingsprogramme te verbeter, in 'n poging om spinale gedrag van kinders en adolessente te verbeter, is navorsing nodig om die redes te identifiseer waarom veranderinge verstom word. Om te help met die ontwikkeling van spinaal gesondheidsbevorderingstrategieë, moet die huidige perspektiewe en kennis van verskillende sosio-ekonomiese gemeenskappe en kulture ondersoek word. Doel: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die perspektiewe van leerders (kinders en adolessente), onderwysers en ouers/voogde oor die spinale gesondheid van leerders in die Langeberg Munisipale Distrik van Suid-Afrika te ondersoek. Metodologie: ʼn Beskrywende kwalitatiewe gevallestudie ontwerp met ʼn interpretatiewe en fenomenologiese benadering is gebruik. Drie-en-negentig deelnemers was doelgerig gekies en het deelgeneem aan In-diepte Onderhoude (IDO) of Fokus Groep Gesprekke (FGG). ʼn Onderhoud skedule het die gesprekke gelei. Alle IDO en FGG was opgeneem en getranskribeer. Analise was vanaf die transkripsies gedoen en induktiewe redenasie was gebruik om die fenomene van spinale gesondheid in leerders te ondersoek. Resultate: ‘n Totaal van nege IDO en 11 FGG was uitgevoer wat 93 deelnemers van 14 verskillende skole ingesluit het. Drie hoof temas het uit die data na vore gekom: Hindernisse wat verband hou met selfsorg van spinale gesondheid; Fasiliteerders wat help met spinale gesondheid en rugversorging; en Voorgestelde intervensies vir spinale gesondheids hindernisse. Gevolgtrekkings: Die struikelblokke wat deur deelnemers beklemtoon is, het getoon dat daar probleme met die ruggesondheid van leerders was wat aangespreek moet word. Die fasiliteerders het getoon dat hindernisse aangespreek kan word, maar dat die huidige fasiliteerders nie voldoende was nie. Die deelnemers se voorgestelde intervensies het geloofwaardige oplossings gegee om die leerders se spinale gesondheids hindernisse te hanteer en die effektiwiteit van die fasiliteerders te verbeter. Klinici en terapeute moet kennis, gedrag en oefening oorweeg wanneer leerders met lae rug pyn behandel word vir 'n holistiese ingryping. Verdere navorsing is nodig om die doeltreffendheid van verskillende onderrigmetodes vir verskillende ouderdomme wat op langtermyn doeltreffendheid gemik is. Toekomstige navorsing moet ook fokus op die ontwikkeling en implementering van werwelkolom gesondheidsopvoedkundige programme deur werwelkolom gesondheidsopvoedings programme in alle grade in Suid-Afrikaanse skole te toets.
Thesis (MScPhysio)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
Spinal health, Spine, School children -- Physiology -- Boland (South Africa), High school students -- Physiology -- Boland (South Africa), Backache, UCTD