Antecedents for and outcomes of the pursuit of customised careers for millennial women in skilled occupations.

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study aims to contribute to the field of Industrial and Organisation Psychology by shedding light on the increasing diversity of gender and generation which make up the global workforce today and how this diversity could alter an organisation’s strategies in attracting and retaining the most valuable employees. With this in mind the study explores the work-life values and -preferences which drive millennial women currently active in the workplace. The focus is on career customisation, which includes several work time and work location alternatives (part-time work, flexi-hours, time banking, compressed work work, job sharing, telecommuting, hot-desking, agency employment, portfolio careers) as well as the manner in which work-life conflict and work-life enrichment is impacted by career customisation. The research question is formulated around the antecedents which facilitate millennial women to actively pursue career customisation, especially in terms of their generation and the development of technology. In addition, the study explores the outcomes of career customisation for women on an individual level, for their families and for their careers, questioning whether the gains were worth the sacrifices. Furthermore their views are explored regarding the potential benefits of career customisation for organisations. Great care was taken to ensure adherence to ethical research guidelines during the research process. The research strategy and design consisted of a qualitative nonexperimental method using semi-structured questionnaires and symbol discussion in one-on-one interviews with thirteen individual millennial women of various races and millennial generation age categories active in a several forms of customised careers. Strategies to ensure quality of data were based on the confirmability, credibility, dependability and transferability of the data. Sampling of the participants was done by combining snowball sampling and purposive sampling. Data analysis and interpretation followed a process of idea categorisation which resulted in the identification of interrelated concepts in the material, from which themes and sub-themes were extracted. Seven main themes and twenty-two sub-themes emerged from the data. As main themes the millennial mind-set, the social culture which the woman forms part of and the prevailing organisation culture of their organisation were all themes which were indicated to be driving forces towards the pursuit of a customised career. In terms of outcomes of the pursuit of a customised career the main themes included mostly positive implications on the levels of individual well-being and the household as well as the benefits to the organisation if career customisation is accommodated. Lastly the need for organisations to embrace the reality of a changing work environment was indicated as a separate theme by the participants. These main- and sub-themes were discussed in depth, after which a structural model was created as visual representation of the associations between themes. Lastly the limitations of the study were discussed along with suggestions for further studies which could be valuable on the same or related subjects.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie beoog om ‘n bydrae te lewer tot the veld van Bedryfsielkunde deur fokus te plaas op die toenemde diversiteit van geslag en generasie in die werkplek van vandag en hoe hierdie diversiteit die indiensnemingstrategieë van organisasies kan beïnvloed om seker te maak dat hulle die mees waardevolle werknemers na die organisasie lok en behou. Met dit in gedagte wil die studie die werk-lewe waardes en –voorkeure ondersoek wat millennial vroue in die werkplek dryf en motiveer. Die fokus is op loopbaan-selfskepping, wat verskeie vorme van werkstyd- en werksplek alternatiewe insluit (deeltydse werk, flexi-ure, die bank van tyd, gekompakteerde werksweke, werk- en voordeelverdeling, telewerk, warm werkplekke of “hot-desking”, agentskapswerk, portfolio loopbane), asook die wyse waarop werk-lewe konflik en werk-lewe verryking deur loopbaanselfskepping geaffekteer word. Die navorsingsvraag is geformuleer rondom agtergrondsfaktore wat dien as fasiliteerders vir millennial vroue om aktief te werk te gaan om loopbaan-selfskepping ‘n realiteit te maak met hulle generasie en die ontwikkeling van tegnologie in gedagte. Die studie ondersoek die uitkomste van selfskepping vir vroue op individuele vlak, vir hulle gesinne en loopbane en die vraag word gevra of the voordele van die keuse die opofferings werd was. Navraag word verder gedoen na hulle siening van potensiële voordele wat loopbaan-selfskepping vir organisasies kan inhou. Spesifieke aandag is gegee aan die versekering dat die etiese riglyne van die navorsingsproses gerespekteer is. Die navorsingstrategie en –ontwerp is gebaseer op ‘n kwalitatiewe nie-eksperimentele metode deur die gebruik van semi-gestruktureerde vraelyste, asook simbool-bespreking tydens een-op-een onderhoude met dertien individuele vroue in verskillende oudersomskategorieë en rasgroepe in die millennial generasie tans aktief in verskillende vorme van selfskeppings-loopbane. Strategieë om die kwaliteit van data te verseker is gebaseer op bevestigbaarheid, geloofwaardigheid, konsekwentheid en oordraagbaarheid van die data. Die steekproef is getrek deur ‘n kombinasie van sneeubal-en doelgerigte steekproefneming. Data-analise en –interpretasie het ‘n proses van idee kategorisering gevolg en interafhanklike konsepte is geïdentifiseer as basis vir die temas en sub-temas wat na vore gekom het. Sewe hooftemas en twee-en-twintig sub-temas is uit die data geïdentifiseer. Hooftemas as motiveringskragte in die keuse van loopbaan-selfskepping sluit in millennial ingesteldheid, die sosiale kultuur van die deelnemer en die heersende organisasie-kultuur by haar werksplek. Hooftemas van gevolge van die keuse was die hoofsaaklik positiewe implikasies op individuele welstandsvlak, huishoudingsvlak en ook voordele vir die organisasie in gevalle waar selfskeppingsloopbane geakkommodeer is. Laastens is die nodigheid van organisasies om die realiteit van ‘n veranderende werksomgewing aan te neem uitgelig as ‘n aparte tema. Temas en sub-temas is in diepte bespreek waarna ‘n gestruktureerde model geskep is as visuele voorstelling van onderlinge verhoudings tussen temas. Laastens is die beperkings van die studie bespreek en voorstelle gemaak vir verdere navorsing wat waardevol kan wees in terme van dieselfde of verwante onderwerpe.
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
UCTD, Quality of work life, Vocational guidance, Career -- Customizing, Employment agencies, Women employees, Skilled labor -- Millennial generation