Many faces of God: highways and byways on the route toward an orthodox image of God in the history of Christianity from the first to the seventeenth century

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BOOK BLURB: Since the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century, theologians and philosophers have brought about profound changes in the discourse about God. The orthodox image of God, developed in the previous seventeen centuries in Roman Catholicism, as well as within Protestantism, has come under great pressure, but it would be wrong to think that this image is no longer relevant and that only a few conservative Christians hold on to it.
CITATION: Durand, J. 2007. The many faces of God : highways and byways on the route towards an orthodox image of God in the history of Christianity from the first to the seventeenth century. Stellenbosch: SUN PReSS. doi:10.18820/9781920109622.
The original publication is available from AFRICAN SUNMeDIA -
Image of God -- History of doctrines, God -- History of doctrines, Theology, Doctrinal
Durand, J. 2007. The many faces of God: highways and byways on the route towards an orthodox image of God in the history of Christianity from the first to the seventeenth century. Stellenbosch: SUN PReSS. doi:10.18820/9781920109622.