Structure, conduct and performance of honey markets in Zambia’s dryland forests

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research study assessed the commodity value chain structure, conduct and performance in relation to honey markets in Zambia’s dryland forest. The objectives were to (a) identify stakeholder’s strategic activities influencing honey markets, (b) assess the demand and supply of honey and bee products, (c) assess effects of the structure of the value chain on markets, and (d) to evaluate the distribution of revenue, costs and profit margin along the value chain. Field surveys were conducted to gather information from 164 stakeholders identified as beekeepers, honey hunters, processors, transporters, wholesalers, retailers, consumers, donors, input suppliers, training institutions and regulatory authorities. Results indicated that there was a disparity between the years of experience and production volume amongst beekeepers. Older beekeepers with more years of experience used traditional “local style” bark beehives that produced low output volumes while younger beekeepers with less years of experience made use of “modern style”, manufactured, Kenya Top Bar hives that produced substantially (p < 0.05) more honey. In the Kitwe district, significantly more honey (p < 0.05) was supplied to markets in a longer value chain dominated by modern style beekeepers than in the Kapiri Mposhi district where a shorter value chain was dominated by local style beekeepers. The difference was attributed to lower honey volumes for Kapiri Mposhi producers than Kitwe. In addition, Kitwe’s profit margin per litre of honey was distributed across all the stakeholders, with the greater share of profit received by wholesalers while in Kapiri Mposhi retailers received the largest profit margin. Honey output could potentially increase in Zambia if the disparity between experience and output was addressed and financial support given to more experienced honey producers that would enable them to modernise their style of beekeeping. Alternatively, young honey entrepreneurs should be cultivated who are receptive to modern techniques and dynamic in marketing. The Kitwe value chain also illustrated that better organisation along the value chain will increase production and shift beekeeping from a subsistence focus (as observed at Kapiri Mposhi) to a more commercial focus.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingstudie het die kommoditeitswaardeketting se struktuur, gedrag en prestasie in verhouding tot heuningmarkte in Zambië se droëlandwoude ondersoek. Die doelwitte was om (a) belanghebbendes se strategiese aktiwiteite wat heuningmarkte beïnvloed te identifiseer, (b) die aanvraag en voorsiening van heuning en heuningbyprodukte te bepaal, (c) die effekte van die struktuur van die waardeketting op market te ondersoek, en (d) die verspreiding van inkomste, kostes en winsmarges in die waardeketting te evalueer. Veldopnames is uitgevoer om inligting van 164 belanghebbendes in te samel. Belanghebbendes sluit in byeboere, heuningjagters, verwerkers, vervoerders, groothandelaars, kleinhandelaars, verbruikers, skenkers, insetverskaffers, opleidingsinstansies en regulatoriese instansies. Resultate het aangedui dat daar ‘n dispariteit is tussen die jare ondervinding en produksievolume onder byeboere. Ouer byeboere met meer jare ondervinding gebruik tradisionele “plaaslike styl” baskorwe met lae uitsetvlakke terwyl jonger byeboere met minder jare ondervinding, “moderne styl” vervaardigde “Kenya Top Bar” korwe gebruik wat beduidend (P < 0.05) meer heuning produseer. In die Kitwe distrik is beduidend meer heuning (P < 0.05) aan markete voorsien deur ‘n langer waardeketting wat deur modern style byeboere oorheers is as in die Kapiri Mposhi distrik met ‘n korter waardeketting en oorheersend plaaslike styl byeboere. In Kitwe was die winsmarge versprei tussen al die belanghebbendes met ‘n groter deel van die wins wat deur groothandelaars ontvang is terwyl kleinhandelaars die meeste wins ontvang het in Kapiri Mposhi. Heuning uitsette kan potensieel verhoog in Zambië as die dispariteit tussen ondervinding en uitsette aangespreek kan word en finansiële ondersteuning aan byeboere met meer ondervinding gegee kan word. Dit sal hulle instaat stel om hulle styl van byeboerdery te moderniseer. Andersins behoort jong heuning entrepreneurs gekweek te word vir wie modern tegnieke en dinamiese bemarking aanvaarbaar is. Die Kitwe waardeketting het geïllustreer dat beter organisasie langs die waardeketting produksie kan verbeter en byeboerdery van ‘n bestaansfokus (soos waargeneem in Kapiri Mposhi) tot ‘n meer kommersiële fokus kan verskuif.
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Honey trade, Demand and supply -- Bee products -- Zambia, Dry lands -- Zambia, UCTD, Beekeepers