Coastal erosion and accretion of beaches - the effect of storm duration, water levels and long waves on selected numerical models

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Varying water levels, storm duration and long waves all have a significant impact on cross-shore beach profile development. Although it is generally known that these parameters have an impact on beach profile development, little research have been done to identify the specific effects of these parameters on cross-shore beach profile development. Furthermore, it is not clear whether numerical models can be used to predict the individual effects of these parameters on cross-shore beach profiles. Data specific to varying water levels, storm durations and long waves were obtained and analysed to gain an understanding of the effect of these parameters on cross-shore beach profile responses. Three cross-shore sediment transport and morphology models (SBEACH, XBEACH and DUNERULE) were selected and their sensitivity to varying water levels, storm durations and long waves were analysed. The physical scenarios were then modelled in SBEACH, XBEACH and DUNERULE to assess whether any or all of the models could be used to predict accurate beach profile responses under the impact of the studied parameters. Although DUNERULE is sensitive to different water levels, it does not have the ability to model scenarios where water level varies throughout the impact period. Neither SBEACH nor XBEACH predicted consistent beach profile responses under varying water levels, but SBEACH did perform marginally better than XBEACH. It was found that the impact of storms with different durations was well predicted by SBEACH, XBEACH and DUNERULE. Free long waves were only modelled in SBEACH and XBEACH and the results indicated inaccurate predictions from both models. XBEACH was the only model that could predict cross-shore beach profile response under bichromatic wave conditions, but these predictions proved to be inaccurate. It was noted that none of the models predicted accretive conditions when the physical data indicated that sediment accretion occurred. It is recommended to assess the model accuracies based on field data (instead of just flume data) for further studies. More prototype flume experiments should be done on the effect of long waves on cross-shore beach profile responses during storm conditions. In order to obtain better XBEACH model results, extensive model calibration should be done.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wisselende watervlakke, stormduurtes en lang golwe het 'n beduidende impak op dwarssnitprofieldie strandprofiel-ontwikkeling. Alhoewel dit algemeen bekend is dat hierdie parameters 'n impak op die ontwikkeling van strandprofiele het, is daar tot op hede min navorsing gedoen om die spesifieke gevolge van hierdie parameters op strandprofiele te identifiseer. Verder is dit nie duidelik of numeriese modelle gebruik kan word om die ondeskeie invloede van hierdie parameters op strandprofiele te bepaal nie. Data, spesifiek van toepassing op wisselende watervlakke, stormduurtes en lang golwe is ingesamel en ontleed om 'n begrip van die effek van hierdie parameters op strandprofiele te kry. Drie sedimentvervoer en morfologie modelle (SBEACH, XBEACH en DUNERULE) is gekies en hul sensitiwiteit teenoor verskillende watervlakke, stormduurtes en lang golwe is ontleed. Die fisiese data was in SBEACH, XBEACH en DUNERULE gemodelleer om te bepaal of enige van of al die modelle gebruik kan word om akkurate strandprofiel-ontwikkeling, onder die invloed van die bogenoemde parameters, te voorspel. DUNERULE is sensitief vir verskillende watervlakke, maar het nie die vermoë om gevalle te modelleer waar watervlakwisseling voortdurend plaasvind nie. Nie SBEACH of XBEACH het konsekwent strandprofiele gemodelleer onder wisselende watervlakke nie, maar die voorspellings van SBEACH was effens beter as dié van XBEACH. Daar is bevind dat die impak van storms met verskillende duurtes goed voorspel is deur SBEACH, XBEACH en DUNERULE. Vry lang golwe kon slegs deur SBEACH en XBEACH gemodelleer word en die resultate dui daarop dat beide modelle strandprofiel-ontwikkeling onakkuraat voorspel. XBEACH is die enigste model wat strandprofiel-reaksies onder bichromatiese golftoestande kon voorspel, maar uit die resultate blyk dit dat die voorspellings onakkuraat is. Daar was opgemerk dat nie een van die modelle die opbou van strande voorspel het, wanneer sediment opbouing in werklikhid, volgens die fisiese data plaasgevind het nie. Dit word aanbeveel dat daar in die toekoms ook velddata (in plaas van slegs laboratorium kanaal-data) gebruik word om die akkuraatheid van die modelle te assesseer. Meer prototipe kanaal-eksperimente moet gedoen word om die uitwerking van lang golwe op strandprofiele tydens storms beter te verstaan. Ten einde beter XBEACH model resultate te verkry, moet 'n uitgebreide model kalibrasie gedoen word.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Sediment Transport, Coast changes, Water levels, UCTD