Browsing by Author "Rabe, Lizette"
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- ItemThe Bauernmission and the ironies of colonialism : the religio-cultural legacy of the Bauernsiedlung Philippi(Sabinet, 2009-11) Rabe, LizetteThe German immigrants who formed the three "waves" of Germans to settle at Philippi in the Western Cape (South Africa) in the 19th century, and their descendants, contributed not only to the agricultural well-being of the Western Cape by providing the growing population with fresh produce, but also to the diversity of the region with their German cultural heritage. The arrival in the Western Cape of specifically the last two "waves" of German immigrants was both the result of the Hermannsburg "Bauernmission" - "agricultural missionary society" - as well as a specific immigration drive by the British colonial government to recruit specifically Germans to populate various areas of the Western and Eastern Cape colonies, which coincided. This article discusses the history of the resultant Philippi German farming community - a typical "Bauernsiedlung" - and the irony of their religio-cultural legacy and a new generation of (im)migrants to the Western Cape. Translations of the German quotations are provided as footnotes.
- ItemDie belang van mediavryheid in Suid-Afrika : tweehonderd jaar, twee gevallestudies, van die Magna Carta tot die Muilbandwet(Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2016-09) Rabe, LizetteHierdie artikel beskou die huidige bedreigings teen 'n vrye media in Suid-Afrika vanuit 'n mediahistoriografiese vertrekpunt en betoog dat die rol van 'n vrye media in Suid-Afrika belangriker is as ooit weens die bedreigings van die ANC-regering op die vrye vloei van inligting. Mediavryheid as konsep word bespreek, waarna 'n vrye media vanuit 'n libertaries-sosiaal verantwoordelike teoretiese vertrekpunt belig word. Dit word gevolg deur 'n kort bespreking van die gevallestudie as navorsingsontwerp en die historiese metode as navorsingsinstrument. Twee gevallestudies in die stryd om mediavryheid teen die regering van die dag oor byna tweehonderd jaar in Suid-Afrika volg: Die eerste onder 'n outoritêre Britse koloniale regering en die tweede onder 'n demokratiese bedeling onder die ANC. In die eerste word beweeg van geen persvryheid, na sogenaamde onvoorwaardelike vryheid. In die tweede hou die voorgestelde Media Appèl Tribunaal, sekere wetsontwerpe, sowel as ander bedreigings, asook die ondemokratiese uitsprake en optrede van Suid-Afrika se staatshoof en sy regering, ernstige gevare in vir mediavryheid, ondanks grondwetlike waarborge. Die stelsel van selfregulering is relevant en word kortliks bespreek. Die gevolgtrekking is dat mediavryheid altyd voorwaardelik is, ondanks 'n pro tempore-belewenis dat dit onvoorwaardelik kan wees, en dat mediavryheid eweseer 'n kwessie is in 'n sogenaamde liberaal-demokratiese bedeling as wat dit in 'n vorige diktatoriale koloniale era was.
- ItemCertain milestones in the history of Lutheran congregations of the German immigrants to the Philippi flats : 1877-2007(Sabinet, 2007-11) Rabe, LizetteThe year 2007 marks the 130th commemoration of the arrival of the so-called Second Wave of German immigrants to the Western Cape, specifically to the Cape Flats, while New Year's Day 2007 commemorated the 120th year of independence of the Wynberg Lutheran congregation. Yet, it is also the year in which this, the oldest, and the second of the original three Lutheran congregations that have served this community, will cease to function as an independent congregation and will become a so-called parish of the last remaining congregation. The church building of this last remaining Philippi congregation, as well as the church of the first congregation that ceased to exist, that of Neu-Eisleben, was built 110 years ago, in 1897. This article gives an overview of the history of this community, indicating certain milestones before and since 1877, and records the thoughts of a couple of those descendants who are touched directly by the prorogation at the beginning of the 21st century of the independent existence of the oldest congregation.
- Item'Eva-lusie' : die vrouestem in Suid-Afrikaanse media(Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2001-09) Rabe, LizetteIn April vanjaar was 51% van Suid-Afrikaanse internetgebruikers vroue, teenoor 38% in Maart 1999 (Women now, 2001). Die gevolgtrekking kan dus gemaak word dat die geslag van gebruikers van die internet - die sogenaamde nuwe media - min of meer die bevolkingsamestelling reflekteer. Maar sou 'n studie gedoen word van die inhoud van die internet-aanbod: of van diegene wat die produseerders daarvan is, sou dit waarskynlik gelyk wees aan die bevindings van ander mediastudies. Eerstens: vroue wat in die media uitgebeeld word, is verreweg in die minderheid; tweedens: hulle word gestereotipeer, en derdens: as verskaffers van media is hulle in beperkte rolle (Gaga, 2000; Lowe-Moma, 2001: Spears et al.: 2000). Gaan ons vir 'n oomblik honderd jaar terug in ons eie geskiedenis, is Suid-Afrika vasgevang in 'n oorlog wat lank 'n rampspoedige invloed op talle terreine van Suid-Afrika se ontwikkeling sou hê. Ook die media. En hoofsaaklik die rol wat die Afrikaanse vrou in veral die Afrikaanse pers sou speel - of nie speel nie. Soos in die geslagsdiskoers in die letterkunde kan 'n mens ook na die afwesigheid van die Afrikaanse vrouestem in die media verwys as die "stiltes tussen woorde en tekste" (Van Niekerk, 1994). Om nie te praat van die stilte van swart en bruin vroue nie. Persvryheid moet deur almal geniet kan word en nie net sommige nie, sê pres. Thabo Mbeki vroeër vanjaar in sy boodskap ter viering van die tiende Wêreldpersvryheidsdag. Ook: "Niemand kan tevrede wees terwyl persvryheid hoofsaaklik net deur 'n uitsoekgroep geniet word nie. Dis die kernreg van alle mense om vrye toegang te hê tot media wat hul menings uitdruk en hul lewenservaring en strewes ten volle weerspieël". As 'n mens die status van vroue en ander minderheidsgroepe in die media ondersoek, is dit duidelik dat ons ver van daardie ideaal is. Veral as jy in Suid-Afrikaanse media lees van vroulike joernaliste wat teistering van parlementslede - die gekose verteenwoordigers van die volk dus - moet verduur (Stappe, 2001). Eerstens dan in hierdie besinning oor die status van vroue in die media moet 'n mens begin by die begin - en die oervraag van alle joernaliste: Wat is nuus?
- ItemFour South African "sunrises", four cartoons, four eras and the cyclical nature of history(Historical Association of South Africa, 2018-05) Rabe, LizetteHistory as having a cyclical nature has been accepted as theory since ancient times. According to this cyclical theory, events happen in recurring cycles, or, simply put, it is a matter of "history repeating itself". This article examines four cartoons as an illustration of history as cyclical phenomenon in one metaphor that was used in four political cartoons that were published over just more than a century in South Africa. All four cartoons depict the metaphor of "a new dawn" or a "new sunrise", although representing four different political eras in the country. As foundational point of departure, media history and media historiography is discussed, followed by cartoons and their development as editorial comment, after which follows a discussion of the use of metaphor in cartoons. The four cartoons, representing four political eras, are next presented, supplemented by brief biographies of the four cartoonists as further context. The cartoons, although representing different political eras in South Africa, are linked through the use of the sunrise metaphor, graphically illustrating history as being cyclical, or repeating itself. This article hopes to not only contribute to South African (media) history, but especially to stimulate cartoon studies, specifically from within a (media) historiographical framework.
- ItemGender setting(Rhodes University, 2003-09) Rabe, LizetteOnce beginner-journalists enter newsrooms, time for reflection on the challenges of their profession is a luxury due to the pressures of deadlines and delivering to those deadlines. Thus a beginner-journalist needs to enter the newsroom with basic skills - both practical and conceptual - in place. Some of those skills adhere to the way we construct gender in our daily lives - and which flows over in the way we construct the news reports that become part of our daily lives.
- Item’n Gevallestudie: ’n Mediahistoriografiese verkenning van ’n vroeë rubriek en ’n latere effekteorie- uitspraak(Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2018) Rabe, LizetteIn hierdie artikel, in die vorm van ’n gevallestudie, verken ek ’n vroeë rubriek uit die 1920’s in ’n Afrikanernasionale dagblad vanuit ’n mediahistoriografiese vertrekpunt teenoor ’n veel latere uitspraak wat uit die kognitiewe effekteorie-paradigma stam. Die rubriek heet “Oom Izak van Kaapstad” en het in Die Burger verskyn. Ongeveer sewentig jaar later is die Afrikaanse media beoordeel as ongetwyfeld die kognitiewe bestuurders (“mind managers”) van Afrikaners vanuit die konteks van effekteorieë wat handel oor die rol en die mag van die media. Die vertrekpunt van die artikel word binne die veld van die mediahistoriografie gebaseer in ’n poging om dié onderbestudeerde vakwetenskaplike subgenre aan te vul. Ten eerste word dus ’n bespreking van mediahistoriografie aangebied om die onderwerp deeglik in te bed in die veld, waarop ’n bespreking van kognitiewe effekteorie volg wat die rol en die mag van die media voorhou. Laasgenoemde word aangevul met ’n bespreking rondom “kognitiewe denke” vanuit die perspektief van die kultuursosiologie. Die gevallestudie-benadering as navorsingsontwerp word kortliks saam met die metodologie bespreek. Daarop volg as deel van die mediahistoriese begronding van die artikel, en om die nodige konteks te bied, ’n bespreking van die bepaalde koerant en sy maatskappy se posisie en invloed in die maatskaplike milieu van die Afrikaner, wat inderdaad dekades later sou lei tot die beskouing dat die Afrikaanse media inderdaad kognitiewe bestuurders is. Vervolgens kom die rubriek en sy skrywer self aan bod. Ten slotte word vanuit hierdie mediahistoriografiese verkenning voorgestel dat dié vroeë Afrikaanse rubriek inderdaad as “effek” gesien kan word waarop die latere uitspraak rondom die Afrikaanse media as kognitiewe bestuurders gemaak kon word.
- ItemGlass ceiling, concrete ceiling(Rhodes University, 2006-09) Rabe, LizetteWhat at are the realities facing women journalists, specifically senior women, in South African newsrooms? What do they identify as obstacles, and which strategies can be implemented to redress the situation? This was the gist of the questions asked in a study to establish the realities, obstacles and challenges facing senior women journalists in South African newsrooms across all media. What were the answers?
- ItemHuisgenoot as tydgenoot : 'n mediageskiedkundige kroniek van 'n tydskrif as "skrif" van sy tyd(LitNet, 2016-09-15) Rabe, LizetteDie Afrikaanse tydskrif Huisgenoot het in Mei 2016 sy eeufees gevier. Hierdie artikel gebruik ’n mediageskiedkundige vertrekpunt om die ontwikkeling van Huisgenoot van 1916 tot 2016 met sy idealisties-ideologiese en markgedrewe ideale as “skrif” van sy tyd te boekstaaf. Die mediageskiedenis as studieveld waarbinne die ondersoek gedoen word, word kortliks as vertrekpunt geskets, asook die geskiedkundige konteks vir die ontstaan van die blad. Hierop volg ’n bespreking van die ontwikkeling van die blad aan die hand van sy diensdoelwit en sy winsdoelwit, of sy idealisties-ideologiese en markgedrewe ideale. Dit is ook nodig om die blad se spesifieke bydrae tot die vestiging van Afrikaans te belig, omdat dit met sy ontstaansgeskiedenis saamhang. Hierdie kronologie sal probeer aandui hoe die tydskrif as “skrif” van sy tyd ontwikkel en voldoen het aan die eise van sy tyd, van die engAfrikanernasionalistiese kultuurblad van een eeu gelede tot die meer globale populêre kultuurblad van vandag. Meer bepaald dui die kronologie aan hoe Huisgenoot hom oor 100 jaar nie net as huisgenoot nie, maar as tydgenoot in sy veranderende mark kon handhaaf.
- ItemKroniek van 'n mondigwording? 'n Mediageskiedkundige herevaluering van die WVK, Naspers en Afrikaanse joernalistiek(LitNet, 2017) Rabe, LizetteHierdie artikel bied ’n mediageskiedkundige oorsig oor ’n episode in die Afrikaanse mediageskiedenis wat ná 20 jaar steeds omstrede is en kommentaar ontlok, maar wat in nabetragting as ’n “mondigwording” van die Afrikaanse joernalistiek gesien kan word. Dié episode was die breuk in 1997 tussen ’n hoofsaaklik ouer generasie Afrikaanse medialeiers en ’n jonger generasie oor die kwessie of die eertydse Afrikanernasionale mediahuis Nasionale Pers by die Waarheid-en-Versoeningskommissie (WVK) ’n voorlegging moes maak oor die jare tussen 1960 en 1994. Die benadering vir hierdie artikel is vanuit ’n mediageskiedkundige perspektief, wat eers as konteks bespreek word. Dit word gevolg deur ’n bespreking van die Afrikanernasionale drukmedia met die fokus op Naspers en sy filiaal Nasionale Koerante. ’n Kort bespreking oor die begrippe lojale verset en oop gesprek – as sleutel om die gebeure te probeer ontsluit – volg. Daarop word ’n oorsig oor die WVK as agtergrond aangebied, waarna ’n uiteensetting van die gebeure soos wat dit ontvou het, nie net as ’n interne stryd nie, maar vanweë die beriggewing daaroor, ook ’n openbare een, weergegee word. Ondanks die destydse bitter breuke, wat intussen geheel is, kan ’n mens in nabetragting sê dat dié episode as ’n noodsaaklike mondigwording vir die Afrikaanse joernalistiek in sy geheel gesien kan word – ’n geleentheid waar hy homself nuut kon posisioneer in ’n nuwe mediapolitieke ekologie, en waarmee hy vir homself noodsaaklike kulturele kapitaal vir ’n nuwe toekoms verwerf het.
- Item'n Kultuurhistoriese studie van die Duitse Nedersetting Philippi op die Kaapse Vlakte(Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 1994-12) Rabe, Lizette; Grobbelaar, P. W.; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Cultural History.Up to the arrival of the so-called "Second Wave" of German settlers to the Cape, the cape Flats was to a great extent uninhabited because it was seen as an inhospitable semi-desert. The colonial Government of the late nineteenth century however felt dat such an area of land in so close a vicinity of an urban region should be made usefull. As a result of the success the German settlers had who arrived in the years 1858/62 in the Eastern Cape (the so-called "First Wave" of German immigrants), it was decided to try the same in the Western Cape. A few German settlers together with their families have already settled themselves on the edge of the Cape Flats and showed that one could farm with vegetabels in this region. They were Germans who were brought to the Cape by the Hamburgh shipping company Godeffroy and Son. They came under contract and had to work for a fixed period at certain appointed employers. These Godeffroy immigrants settled in the vicinity of Wynberg after the expiration of their contracts because a Lutheran church was already established there. They indirectly formed the basis of the German settlement to follow. In 1877/78 the next group consisting of families and part of a Colonial immigratioh project, arrived. Many of these immigrants were settled on Crown Land in the Boland, but a significant number were settled on the Cape Flats. The third group arrived in 1883, again consisting of family groups and as part of a Colonial iimmigration project. Most of the members of this group were allocated on land and the Cape Flats. The last two groups were part of the "Second Wave" of German immigrants. By far mast of the immigrants were peasants and artisans originating from Northern Germany. The Godeffroy immigrants were mostly Prussians and the immigrants of the Second Wave mostly Heidjern from the Luneburger Heath in Lower Saxony. These three groups would fuse into a close community thanks to their common background and religion, as well as the first years' struggle for survival on the then inhospitable Flats. The settlers established three Lutheran congregations and three schools. This study looks at the settlement, the life and work of these settlers and their immediate descendants, as well as the way of life of generations to follow, who had to combat other problems than those their ancestors had to deal with. The Colonial government's belief that the Flats could be a source of fresh produce for the growing Cape Town, proved to be right. The region established itself as the "Fresh produce larder of cape Town". Today many descendants find themselves in all the different social spheres throughout South Africa. A substantial number of descendants of the settlers however still live and farm on the properties their forefathers established. The farming area, although considerably smaller than the original settlement area, is of strategical and economical importance today because of the huge amount of vegetables which is being produced almost inside the city boundaries for the daily growing population of Cape Town.
- Item'n Landboublad as "sosiale barometer" : Landbouweekblad as aanwyser van een eeu se landbou-ontwikkeling(LitNet, 2019) Rabe, LizetteDie Afrikaanse landboutydskrif Landbouweekblad vier in Mei 2019 sy eeufees. Hierdie artikel beskou vanuit ‘n mediageskiedkundige asook tydskrifstudie-vertrekpunt die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van die blad sedert 1919. ‘n Oorsig vanuit ‘n mediageskiedkundige perspektief, saam met ‘n kortbegrip van tydskrifstudie as onderontwikkelde navorsingsveld in Suid-Afrika, word as fundamentele vertrekpunte aangebied met as kernbegrip tydskrifte as sosiale barometers van hul tyd. Dié begrip van tydskrifte as barometers is ‘n gepaste metafoor gesien die fokus van die artikel, aangesien die landbou van die stand van ‘n barometer afhanklik is as aanwyser van goeie of slegte nuus. ‘n Oorsigtelike bespreking van die politieke ekonomie van die mediateorie, veral toepaslik in die lig van die ontstaansgeskiedenis van die blad in sy spesifieke sosiopolitieke omstandighede, volg. Daarna word ‘n chronologiese boekstawing van die blad se ontstaansgeskiedenis aangebied. Kontekstueel kan die gevolgtrekking gemaak word dat dit vandag ‘n dinamiese produk te midde van groot uitdagings is. Sy eeufees word gevier te midde van erge onsekerheid rondom die landbou (die teikenmark wat dit bedien) asook die tegnologierevolusie (as mediaproduk). Ook hierin toon dit egter sy fundamentele aard as ―sosiale barometer‖ deur byvoorbeeld sy leierskap met die aanbied van die 2018-konferensie oor grondhervorming in ‘n tyd van sosiopolitieke onstabiliteit. Wat betref mediavernuwing as gevolg van die tegnologierevolusie het die blad ook gemorfeer in nuwe produkte in antwoord op uitdagings betreffende die ontwrigtende digitale ekonomie. As finale gevolgtrekking kan dit gestel word dat die doelwitte van een eeu gelede steeds nagestreef word en dat die blad inderdaad beskryf kan word as ‘n sosiale barometer wat die stand van sake, of ―temperatuur‖ en ―klimaat‖, kon ―lees‖ en in sy blaaie kon weerspieël.
- ItemLiving history - the story of Adderley Streets flower sellers(Sabinet, 2010-06) Rabe, LizetteCape Town is probably synonymous with Table Mountain. But one of the colourful scenes at the foot of the mountain may also be described as synonymous with the city: Adderley Street's "famous" flower market. Yet, although the flower sellers are part of Cape Town's living history, a beacon for tourists, and literally contributes to the Mother City's vibrant and colourful life, they represent a dying breed. Where do they come from, and more importantly, what is their future? This descriptive article within the paradigm of microhistory is, thus far known, a first social scientific exploration of the history of this unique group of Capetonians, the origins of the flower market, and its flower legacy.
- ItemA Luta Continua : a history of media freedom in South Africa(African Sun Media, 2020) Rabe, Lizette"What has media freedom entailed over the couple of centuries and successive governments of the geopolitical region that became South Africa since it was colonised by Westerners? And why can media freedom be described as both pillar and cornerstone of a democracy? It’s simple, as in the words of Nelson Mandela, first state president of a democratic South Africa: Press freedom is the “lifeblood of democracy”. This book tells the tale of the various states of press freedom, or unfreedom, from colonial times to today – from a British governor called a dictator and a despot, through apartheid’s “pigmentocracy”, or “sjambokracy”, where the rule of law “has been replaced by the rule of the whip”, up to the dawn of liberation, with media freedom entrenched in Article 16 of South Africa’s Bill of Rights. And why should all of this concern you? Because media freedom is not about the freedom of the media. It is about your freedom. As was formulated by an editor under apartheid: “If we don’t have a public sympathetic to a free press, not only will we not have a free press, we won’t have a democracy either.” Or, in the words of former Sowetan editor and SANEF chair, Mpumelelo Mhkabela: “Media freedom has nothing to do with the media, but with the freedom of citizens.” And that is why you should know that a free media is the only guarantee for your freedom. As we have seen, both under apartheid and also under a democratic dispensation, it is a matter of a luta continua. The struggle continues. But you, the public, are the guardian of those that guard democracy. Help ensure the rights of a free media, and thereby your democratic rights and a democratic South Africa."
- ItemMatriarch Julaiga and the story of a flower dynastys struggles(Sabinet, 2011-11) Rabe, LizetteJulaiga Gomez is a typical example of one of the matriarchs in the history of the Cape flower selling tradition. Herself a third generation flower seller, she is currently the head of a flower selling dynasty consisting of her own children, her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, a total of 156 individuals. This article is the second in a series focusing on the "living legacy" of Adderley Street's unique flower sellers, their history, and the challenges facing their future. Through a study of one member of one such a family, a picture of one of Cape Town's tourist attractions, the flower market on Trafalgar Place, is painted. Not only is a unique cultural historical feature of the Cape highlighted, but the cultural history of one aspect of an important segment of the Cape's diverse population, namely that of the Cape Malays is addressed. More importantly, the challenges they face to overcome certain obstacles are highlighted. These families are dedicated to maintain Adderley Street's flower market as a viable market, for their own families' sustenance, but simultaneously maintaining an important aspect of Cape Town's cultural and social history.
- ItemDie ontstaan en ontwikkeling van Sarie Marais as massatydskrif vir die Afrikaanse vrou(Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 1985-12) Rabe, Lizette; Cillie, P. J.; Grosskopf, H. J.; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Journalism.Toe Sarie uiteindelik in 1949 letterlik die lig op straat gesien het was sy die vierde volwaardige Afrikaanse vrouetydskrif en die eerste wat die vrou se lewe in alle fasette gedek het, soos in hierdie verhandeling aangetoon sal word.
- ItemDie oorsprong van die (Hollands-)Afrikaanse joernalistiek, die tydsgewrig, en Abraham Faure as pionier(LitNet, 2021) Rabe, LizetteHierdie artikel het ten doel om die oorsprong van die (Hollands-) Afrikaanse joernalistiek, die tydsgewrig waarin dit ontstaan het, en Abraham Faure (1795–1875) as eerste redakteur van ’n eerste Hollands-Afrikaanse publikasie te beskryf. Die artikel gebruik as formaat ’n chronologiese mediageskiedkundige narratief om die verloop en ontwikkeling van dié era in die SuidAfrikaanse mediageskiedenis te karteer. Binne die veld van die mediageskiedenis word die teoretiese vertrekpunt en metode met mekaar vervleg om die ontstaansgeskiedenis van die Hollandse joernalistiek, wat later die Afrikaanse joernalistiek sou word, te ondersoek. ’n Oorsigtelike konteks van die Kaap van sy tyd vanaf die VOC-besetting word eerstens aangebied. Die Brits-koloniale tydperk, waarin Nederlands aktief deur Engels vervang moes word, word beskryf, asook die aanbreek van persvryheid wat ’n onbedoelde gevolg gehad het, naamlik dat Nederlandse publikasies vir die eerste keer vrylik gepubliseer kon word. Daarop volg ’n lewenskets van Faure wat die omvang van sy werk en statuur aan die Kaap beskryf, waarna die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van die eerste Hollandse publikasie, naamlik Het Nederlandsch Zuid-Afrikaansch Tijdschrift (HNZAT), beskryf word. Die deel van hierdie artikel fokus op Faure se rol as pionier wat betref die ontstaan van die vroee (Afrikaanse) joernalistiek. Faure was ook die stigter van die kerkblad De Honigbij, voorloper van D(i)e (Gereformeerde) Kerkbode, ook deur hom gestig, die oudste publikasie wat steeds gepubliseer word. Die joernalistieke ontwikkeling wat op HNZAT gevolg het, word ook ten slotte kortliks belig. Danksy die veelsydige Faure is die grondslag gele vir wat later die Hollands-Afrikaanse joernalistiek aan die Kaap sou word.
- ItemThe Philippi German Agricultural Association — 125 years of organised agriculture on the Cape Flats(Sabinet, 2012-06) Rabe, LizetteThe Philippi Agricultural Association, one of South Africa's oldest agricultural associations, celebrated its 125th anniversary in 2010. This association of Philippi, the Western Cape's "Vegetable Pantry", was established in 1885 to improve the unfavourable conditions under which the German immigrants had to farm on the sandy and marshy Cape Flats. It acted as a lobby group to build roads to and within the area, and to promote the development of agricultural activities within the community. This article presents an historical overview of the establishment of the association and ends with an assessment of the future, as the survival of the area is threatened by urban encroachment, and, as in other rural areas, by high levels of crime. The role of organised agriculture to ensure a healthy, sustainable agricultural sector, locally and in a wider sense, is continuously emphasised.
- ItemReflections on mapping the curriculum : towards Afro-humanist values in identifying 'new basics' in South African journalism(Rhodes University, 2005) Rabe, LizetteA new location for journalism education and training is argued to be within the spheres of an Afro-humanist philosophy and culture. In this philosophy and culture, the concern for human welfare, dignity and values from within an Afro-centric paradigm are paramount. This exploration will hopefully lead to a new set of "basics" of what journalism education and training should be, and could lead to answers of how it should be taught.
- ItemReflections on writing about writing media history, or, the mapping of certain paradigms and certain philosophies in researching a media historiographical project(Historical Association of South Africa, 2014-11) Rabe, LizetteWhen confronted with a media historiographical research project of vast scope, both in terms of period and subject, which approaches should the researcher take to ensure that the end result is a relatively "true reflection" of a given "past reality"? Which paradigms first need to be explored and understood before embarking on such a journey in order to stay focused, remain en route, and not lose one's way in terms of a myriad of potential data, sources, approaches, processes, philosophies and theories? This article attempts to reflect on the writing of media history by visiting and unpacking some relevant paradigms and philosophies in order to find an applicable approach, an organising principle, or "road map", within the field of history/historiography, specifically media history/historiography, so as to be able to construct a history of a South African media company, the subject of the research project at hand.