Masters Degrees (Practical Theology and Missiology)
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- ItemBedieningsvooruitsigte in 'n klein plattelandse gemeente : 'n bedieningsbeplanning vir die Ned. Geref. gemeente, Hofmeyer(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2001-03) Boll, Ferdinand J. J.; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology & Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The small rural congregations, of which the Dutch Reformed Congregation ofHofmeyr is part, strive to keep the status quo with their congregational structure and leadership. However the times we live in is characterised with a lot of changes. The rural areas cannot escape al these changes. It brings these congregations at a T-junction in the road, where they must decide which way to go. The problem is that these congregations do not always have a good understanding of who, what en how the church must be. With this self-initiated study the researcher tries to put in place a practicaltheological process for the Dutch Reformed Congregation of Hofmeyr with the aim to work out her nature and character, her ministry practise and structures. The researcher tries to discus in practicaltheological terms the future of the Dutch Reformed Congregation ofHofmeyr with spesific focus on the development of new structures for the faith-leaders of the congregation. With this study the researcher wants to render an account of the history, the statistics of the previous 17 years and an analysis of the context of the congregation with the aim to discern the current understanding of the congregation about the church. Through interaction with Scripture and other disciplines the researcher wants to develop a possible base and practical theory for the congregation. Following from this the researcher wants to set guidelines for the process of developing a new ministry practise. In this process the development and rol of the faith leaders is a keyfactor. The study is arranged in the following chapters: In the introduction the researcher places the study in the proper framework. The different dimensions of the study are explained. The purpose is to orientate the reader about the congregation, the community and the specific area of this research. The purpose of the second chapter is to give the reader a picture of the congregation and the context in which the congregation functions. It becomes clear that the members of the congregation grow older and hardly any young people join the congregation. The younger members and children of the congregation grow-up in an altogether different world than the older members did and very few of them make sense of the traditional way of being a congregation. The changes in the world have the result that the current way of being a congregation is just not exceptable to anybody. In the third chapter the researcher explains the paradigm shifts and megatrends observed in the world and their influence on the church as a whole, also the influence there-of on the local community and congregation. It becomes obvious that the small rural congregation cannot side-step these shifts and trends - with one part of the congregation routed firmly in the Christendom-era paradigm and another part of the congregation on its way to a different but still undefined paradigm. This whole process brings uncertainty and stress in the congregation. Following from this knowledge of the world and the congregation the researcher tries to develop a more Scripture-based understanding of who, what and how the congregation is supposed to be. The focus is to develop an improved base theory for the congregation. In the forth chapter this base theory for the congregation must be put into practice. The researcher tries to show what does this base theory means in practice. The following comes into play: the congregation must be an open family of God. We must not only say that we believe. We must have a faith that we live in practice. Each member must participate with his/her gifts in the different ministries of the congregation. The congregation must reach-out to the community to help the poor develop different skills with the focus to break the cycle of poverty. We must have good communication between all the different generations. We must be a congregation that loves nature and preserve it for posterity. Lastly we must have leaders that inspire and motivate the congregation through their service. In the fiveth chapter the researcher tries to develop a strategy to implement the practical theory of the previous chapter. The focus is on the development and equipping of faith leaders. The researcher presents some guidelines for doing this. He demonstrates that a new structure for the congregation is needed to be faithful in the development of these faith leaders.
- ItemBreaktrhru [i.e breakthru] Restoration Community Church (Wellington): konteks, identiteit en uitdagings(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2009-12) Mourries, Eben Jacques Philip; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.; A-6024-2012AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In ‘n sosio-ekonomies minder bevoorregte bruin gemeenskap is misdaad, alkohol- en dwelmmisbruik, werkloosheid, en armoede alledaagse verskynsels. Hoe begelei ‘n mens ‘n gemeente om ‘n missionale gemeente binne so ‘n gemeenskap te word? Kan ‘n gemeente wie se lidmate in die greep van armoede en verwante verskynsels vasgevang is, omvorm word tot ‘n gemeente wat nie net bakhand staan om te ontvang nie? Kan so ‘n gemeente se lidmate bemagtig word om self betrokke te word by hul uitdagings in die gemeenskap? Wellington is ‘n besonderse dorp met besonderse mense en ‘n unieke, historiesekarakter en geskiedenis wat wêreldwyd bekend is op kulturele, musikale, opvoedkundige, landbou- en Christelike gebied. Die inwoners van die dorp is oorwegend bruin Afrikaanssprekendes met baie blanke en swart inwoners - oorwegend Christene met ‘n baie klein Moslem komponent. Wellington is wel ‘n klein dorpie, maar die wyse waarop globale tendense soos globalisasie, godsdiens, taal, bendes, misdaad, alkohol- en dwelmmisbruik, armoede, en werkloosheid ‘n rol speel, is onrusbarend. Oral in dié gemeenskappe is probleme en uitdagings en ons as die kerk mag nie langer stilbly oor dinge wat in die gemeenskap gebeur nie. Met die uitdagings en behoeftes wat in ons konteks beskryf word en die feit dat die meeste probleme sosiaal-maatskaplik en sosio-ekonomies is, staan die kerk sentraal as ‘n agent van verandering. Die Breakthru Restoration Community Church (BRCC) is ‘n geordende gemeente wat, te midde van ‘n see vol probleme, ‘n eiland van hoop is. As ‘n gemeente wat omgee deur God se liefde in aksie te wees binne ‘n sosio-ekonomies, onderontwikkelde gemeenskap, is ons die sout en die lig van die wêreld. Breakthru het binne ‘n bestek van vyf jaar die landskap van Wellington en omgewing onherroeplik verander deurdat ons Bybels, aanpasbaar, ekumenies, relevant en effektief is. Ons leuse is, every member a minister, wat al ‘n refrein in ons gemeente geword het. Ons streef daarna om die “sout” en die “lig” te wees en ons doen dit deur ons grootste bate, ons lidmate, te bemagtig en te mobiliseer om eienaarskap van die gemeente se visie te neem. As kerk spreek ons die geestelike, maatskaplike en sosio-ekonomiese probleme holisties aan deur die Woord van God sowel as in vennootskap met ander organisasies. Ons wil as draers van hoop in ons gemeenskap leef. ‘n Beskrywende studie van die gemeente is gedoen deur ‘n prakties-teologiese metodiek te gebruik. Dit word in hoofstuk een as die inleiding beskryf. In hoofstuk twee word ‘n kontekstuele analise van die gemeenskap gedoen. Hoofstuk drie verskaf ‘n profiel van BRCC en stippel die werksaamhede, visie, missie en doelwitte van die gemeente uit. Hoofstuk vier fokus op die identiteit en kultuur van die gemeente. In hoofstuk vyf het die navorser ‘n strategie vir ‘n missionale identiteit vir die Breakthru Restoration Community Church uitgestippel.
- ItemDans met Triniteit(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2010-12) Venter, Leon; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; A-6024-2012AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In 1990 het H.S. Spies navorsing gedoen oor die praktyk en toekoms van die NG kerk in Parow. Sy bevinding was dat die NG kerk in Parow se lidmaattalle teen ʼn baie vinnige tempo daal en dat heelwat van die gemeentes nie finansieël sal oorleef nie. Hy het voorgestel dat daar ʼn paradigma skuif moet kom in die wyse waarop gemeentes funksioneer in die Ring. Hierdie studie som Spies se studie-bevindinge op en bespreek die reaksie van die geestelike leiers in Parow daarop. Dit vra die vraag waarom die Ring van Parow nie daarin kon slaag om die uitdagings van demografiese veranderinge in Parow aan te spreek oor die periode van twintig jaar nie. Die Ring van Parow het groot erns gemaak met die bevindinge van Spies se studie en het beplanning gedoen om die uitdaging van demografiese verandering in Parow aan te spreek. Hulle het voorstelle ontwikkel wat daarop neerkom dat die gemeentes in die Parow Ring moet saamsmelt in een groot makro-gemeente. Dit het nooit gebeur nie en die situasie het bly versleg. Slegs ses gemeentes uit die twaalf wat in 1990 bestaan het, is nog onafhanklik. Ses gemeentes het vanweë finansiële druk met ander gemeentes saamgesmelt in die periode tussen 1990 en 2002. Die omgewing het demografies baie verander en daar woon meer mense as ooit tevore in Parow, maar dit is nie tradisionele wit, Afrikaans sprekende, NG kerkmense nie. Die studie bespreek ook die wyer konteks van verandering waarin die gebeure in Parow Ring afspeel, naamlik, globalisasie, post modernisme en post Christendom. Dit toon aan dat die kennis, gedrag en gewoontes wat die leiers in 'n vorige periode aangeleer het, nie genoegsaam is vir die uitdagings van die veranderinge. Die studie beskryf twee paradigmaskuiwe wat kan help om 'n nuwe ekklesiologiese praktyk in Parow te bevorder. Die eerste paradigmaskuif hang saam met nuwe teologiese insigte wat die afgelope sestig jaar ontwikkel het rondom die begrip missio Dei. Die tweede paradigmaskuif wat in die studie uitgelig word, het te doen met vaardighede van geestelike leiers in die hantering van verandering. Die studie se uitgangspunt is dat die veld en wêreld waarin geestelike leiers moet optree sodanig verander het, dat daar net een manier is om dit te hanteer en dit is die transformasie van die geestelike leiers se eie voorveronderstellings, kennis, idees en praktyke. Die ontluikende leierskapsvaardigheid waardeur ons leer om transformerend aan te pas by die veranderinge deur in pas te kom met missio Dei, is geloofsonderskeiding. Geestelike leiers moet geloofsonderskeiding as leierskapvaardigheid aanleer en gemeentepraktyk maak, omdat dit die wyse is waarop die geloofsgemeenskap vanuit luister en doen-spasies, na die wêreld gelei word om daar saam met missio Dei te werk. Dit is in luisterende, gehoorsame doen-spasies, en in groeiende bewussyn van die teenwoordigheid van Triniteit, waar transformasie van die geloofsgemeenskap plaasvind. Die fenomenologiese beskrywing deur Otto Scharmer van wat hy noem die ontluikende leierskapsvaardigheid van 'presencing' help om die proses van geloofsonderskeiding beter te begryp. Die studie eindig met drie nuwe hipoteses.
- ItemDie hantering van diversiteit in die Plattelandse NG gemeente Sondagsrivier(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2013-03) Gouws, G. J.; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The researcher is a minister in a rural congregation in the town of Kirkwood in the Eastern Cape. A growing diversity among congregants became obvious. It led to conflict and challenged the leadership of the congregation to deal with it in a constructive way in order to be a missional congregation that strives to focus on the missio Dei. In order to help the congregation to better understand where it comes from and how it can be used to participate in God’s work in the Sundays River Valley, the researcher described the identity and culture of the congregation as well as the transformation processes that are having such an influence on everybody. The research question is: How can the diversity between congregants be understood, described en used? In Chapter 2 the identity of the congregation is described. Attention is given to Louw’s identity 1996 analysis of the congregation. Afterwards the influence of globalization on the identity of the congregation is described and how it increased the diversity of the congregation. Ethnographic research described the culture of the congregation (Chapter 3). The researcher discussed Armour and Browning’s (2000) Systems theory in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 described the results of empirical research that depicted five of the reigning systems in the congregatation. The data is interpreted and discussed. At the end of each chapter the researcher outlined conclusions. In Chapter 6 these conclusions and the findings of the empirical research are brought to a point on the basis of which a strategy with practical and theological points of departure for the ministry are suggested. The purpose is to guide the congregation to use their diversity in order to fulfill their missional vocation.
- ItemDie implikasies van 'n missionale transformasieproses vir die NG Gemeente Marken se voortbestaan(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2011-03) Peens, Hannes; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.; A-6024-2012ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Small rural congregations like Marken with a member count of 60 often battle with the question if the congregation will be able to survive. This question is influenced through individuals and larger congregations' perception that bigger is better. The vitality of small congregations is being judged by a modernistic approach. According to this viewpoint a large member count is an important factor for survival. The uniqueness of small rural congregations is not taken into account when the vitality of such congregations comes under the spotlight. The style of ministry and the program approach of larger congregations is the model normally associated with success and vitality and leads to small congregations' attempt to follow that model and in the process lose its God given uniqueness. The congregations' question of survival is addressed through a guided journey in an attempt to help the congregation realize its missional calling. A congregation like Marken must realize that a small congregation also can and should be a mirror of God's kingdom. Missional theology and Trinitarian theology cannot be discussed without taking into account the missio Dei of God. The Dutch Reformed Congregation of Marken' expression as church in and for the world must be modelled in God's missio Dei. The Trinity is the foundation for missional theology. The purpose of the study is the transformation of the Dutch Reformed Congregation of Marken who battles with a question of survival to become a missional congregation who takes part in God's mission. The history of the congregation, her identity and culture plays an important role. In the history of the congregation it became evident that a number of factors, the long absence of a minister, shortage in funds and a schism in the congregation lead to the question of survival. A pattern became evident in which the congregation described herself as small. This became part of the identity and culture of the congregation and is confirmed in the ethnographic research. All of these factors contributed to the single deepest question in the hearts of the congregation: How can the Dutch Reformed Church in Marken survive? To be able to understand these questions, one must underline the importance of the context in which the congregation finds herself. The congregation is situated in Limpopo province and form part of the Mogalakwena municipality which consists of roughly 300,000 Pedi speaking people. Realities like demography and migration patterns in the contextual analysis are indications that the congregation can't rely on growth through birth rate. The contextual analysis was also a step to open the blinded eyes of the congregation to the realities around the congregation. This was done to motivate the congregation to take part in the missio Dei. The congregation's involvement in the missio Dei can be described as a journey. In the study the first steps of Marken on this missional road is also researched. It shows that the Spirit of God is already transforming Marken and it can be seen in normal, natural experiences which helped people to recognize the work and the intention of the Spirit (Marais, 2007:120) This should give hope to a congregation who battled with a question of survival in the past.
- ItemDie Verenigende Gereformeerde Gemeente-Saron : sy identiteit en leierskapuitdagings(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012-02-15) Cloete, William George; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research is a response to the question: what is the relationship or link between the URCSA Saron‟s identity and leadership challenges that it faces. Furthermore, the research aims to identify both the identity as well as the challenges that the local leadership faces. Currently the minister is central to everything, while the church leadership is not really taking independent co-responsibility for the problems and challenges that the congregation faces. The church leadership will be making decisions, but when it comes to the physical execution of the decisions it is expected of the minister to do that. If the members‟ receival is unfavourable it is easy to blame the minister, but if the minister for any reason cannot execute the decisions simply silt up. The research try to generate answers to the following questions: why is the minister so central to everything? Why is it so hard to develop local leadership who understand their calling to take independent ownership of the gospel and the challenges of the community? In a search for answers to these questions the congregation will be analyzed as follows: profile, contextual, processes and identity. In Section A the respective analysis will be done, while Section B, Chapter 6 put the identity of the Triune God into words. The reason for this is to become thoroughly aware of the current identity of the church. Special attention is given to the prehistoric revelation of God for the Khoe-San, while the coming of Jesus Christ for the latter is a second revelation of God. In Chapter 7 the focus shifted to the relationship between the Triune God and the faith community. Chapter 8 articulates the Triune God and the Kingdom. Section 3 deals with the leadership of the URCSA Saron and put it‟s identity into words.
- ItemDiscerning congregational growth : a case study - Vineyard Christian Fellowship Tygerberg, 1992-2000 with special reference to leadership(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2001-03) Goddard, C. R.; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The basic premise of this study is that when a comprehensive analysis is made of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship Tygerberg's current status and growth, it will provide a sound basis for discerning that growth. This will in some measure open the way for the leadership of the congregation to be able to make decisions for the future that are better informed and more aware of the way God has worked with the congregation thus far. This in turn will hopefully keep the congregation on the path to further growth toward maturity. The research has been structured in such a way, that it conforms to a practical theological framework and attempts a description of the current reality of the congregation by means of a mechanical, cultural and leadership analysis. A practical theological ecclesiology follows in order to provide the basis for a correlational hermeneutic. After analysis and reflection, possibilities for future strategies are proposed.
- ItemEntrepreneurial evangelical ecclesiology : towards a critical evaluation of the Willow Creek seeker-sensitive model(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2001-03) Cameron, Alan Duncan; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Willow Creek's celebrated seeker-sensitivemodel ostensibly offers an alluring alternative ecclesiology for many congregations seeking a differentway to 'do chuch' viz an attractive communication ambience and an effective process of persuasion. It reflects both the strengths of evangelical entrepreneurial ecclesiolgy as well as the weaknesses of first generation independent ecclesiology. It espouses a pragmatic, populist approach, reliant on managerial, therapeutic and marketing techniques. Whilst there is much to commend in the Willow Creek model, uncritical imitation of the attempt to reach a secularized post-modern North American society results in unwitting theological reductionism and cultural accomodation of the gospel not least in the following respects: The temptation of image places a premium on performance and appearance. The allure of psychology distorts the ethical framework of Willow Creek. The stress on marketing and measurasble results unduly shapes the gospel. A 'user-friendly' canon within a canon results in a minimalist dualism. A marginalization of theology leads to baptised pragmatism and a deprecation of truth. The resultant re-imaged ministry model owes more to contemporary business methodolgy than it does to the historic theological magisterium of the church.
- ItemGeloofsonderskeiding in die Oostelike Sinode van die NG Kerk tydens die besluitnemingsprosesse oor die wysiging van Artikel 1 van die Kerkorde(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2016-03) Louwrens, Carl; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During 2014, the DRC came to a point where they had to decide whether they would amend their confessional base to include the Belhar Confession as part of their official doctrine. The General Synod suggested amending Article 1 of the Church Order in order to expand the confessional base. An amendment of the Confession is possible only after it has been approved by a two-thirds majority of each synod and two-thirds of all the church councils, each supporting it with a two-thirds majority. A task team from the Eastern Synod was appointed to coordinate the decision-making process in the Synodical area. They also had to ensure that the process would be concluded within a specific time schedule. The process for the congregations was completed during September 2014. Of the congregations, 58% voted against the amendment of Article 1. In October 2014 the Eastern Synod voted in favour of the amendment of Article 1 with a majority of 73% Why the difference in outcome? This study will reflect on the understanding and practice of spiritual discernment by clergy and church councils of the Eastern Synod in the context of the decision-making process of the amendment of Article 1 of the Church Order. The understanding of discernment among ministers of the Eastern Synod was tested with a questionnaire. Focus group interviews with two church councils were conducted in order to understand something about the discernment process on the level of church councils. A document analysis was done to research the practice of discernment during the synodical meeting. A literature study on the concept of discernment and its practical application according to the listening cycle as suggested by Frederick Marais showed that discernment plays a decisive role in the outcome of decision-making processes during church meetings.
- ItemDie identiteit van en bediening in 'n myngemeenskap : 'n gevallestudie van die Ned. Geref. Kerk Grootmist(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2000-01) Smit, Nicolaas Jacobus Louw; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The story a congregation tells of itself, helps it to understand who it is, where it is coming from and where it is going. The story confirms the congregation's very existence, it reveals its character and confesses to what it stands for. This study is an attempt by the researcher to explain the identity of the Dutch Reformed Congregation of Grootmist in as scientific a manner as possible. This study will determine the identity of the parish by means of a brief historical synopsis. It is an attempt to provide a base and practice theory with which to empower the congregation to operate more effectively within the bounds of its own unique context. The second chapter (after the introductory chapter) deals with the church as seen within the context of a changing world. The church will not be able to understand itself if it cannot understand the world around it. Both the base and the practice theories of a congregation are affected when set within the unique context of a small mining community. The third chapter focuses on a broad analysis of the congregation and uses this knowledge to provide a systematic understanding of the activities of the congregation. Chapter four is spent on formulating a base theory which uses the metaphor "sojourners and strangers" to explain the nature of the church. The practical theory is explained in chapter five and guidelines are established as to how the basic theory should function in practice. The practical theory focuses mainly on establishing enriched spirituality and koinonia structures. Chapter six focuses on the important role of leadership in the implementation of the basic and practical theory. Chapter seven gives a pro active projection for further study in order to keep up the momentum of congregational renewal.
- ItemKerk 24/7 : ’n gevallestudie van ’n ontluikende geloofsgemeenskap in George(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2009-12) Breedt, Jacob Johannes; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.; A-6024-2012AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: “First, the church isn’t ours; it’s God’s. And second, it isn’t ours; it’s us” (McLaren 2000:7). Wat ook al van die Kerk gesê word, hoe ons as Kerk funksioneer en leef – dit moet altyd gedoen word met hierdie woorde van McLaren in gedagte. Die gesindheid waarmee ons na mekaar kyk en met mekaar verskil is juis dit wat vertel van ons volwassenheid in Christus. “Die kriterium waarmee julle oordeel, sal ook vir julle self gebruik word” (Matteus 7:2)1. Gelowiges vanuit verskillende kerklike agtergronde, met verskillende dogmatiese tradisies en oortuigings, aanbid en dien die Here saam in 'n geloofsgemeenskap sonder enige teologiese spanning. Terwyl daar ruimte gebied word vir verskeie denkrigtings en elkeen se eie pad met God gebied word, gaan dit vir elke gelowige om 'n verhouding met God deur Jesus Christus en die leiding van die Heilige Gees. Verder gaan dit oor verhoudings tussen medegelowiges en 'n missionale praksis2 in die gemeenskap. Volgens Barna verlaat miljoene gelowiges die denominasies en tradisionele gemeentes (2005:11) omdat hulle gefrustreerd geraak het met die beheer binne die onbuigbare mensgemaakte strukture, sisteme en tradisies. Die bedanking van 'n paar honderd gelowiges vanuit die hoofstroom denominasies, net in George alleen, waaronder daar 'n hele aantal voltydse werkers, kerkraadslede en aktiewe lidmate is, maak dit nodig dat die tradisionele manier van kerkwees heroorweeg word. Die Kerk 24/7-beweging wat ontstaan het rondom predikante met Pinkster en Gereformeerde agtergronde, bied 'n geloofsgemeenskap vir dié wat saam met Barna se miljoene, die denominasies verlaat het. Die Beweging besef dat dit deel is van 'n postmoderne omgewing waarin die Kerk besig is om te verander. Hierdie beweging is deel van die Ontluikende Kerk as fenomeen en nie as 'n organisasie wat deur sekere “emergants” of enige iemand anders gelei word nie. Hierdie studie beskryf die Ontluikende Kerk soos veral deur die oë van Barna, Gibbs & Bolger, en McLaren gesien. Dit omskryf ook die ondervindinge en betrokkenheid van veral drie predikante, Breedt, Badenhorst en Potgieter wat saam met ander gelowiges op soek is na God se wil vir die Kerk in 'n postmoderne omgewing. Gedurende die bestaan van drie en 'n half jaar het nog agt ander predikante en voltydse werkers vanuit die Charismatiese, Pinkster en Gereformeerde agtergronde betrokke geraak en is deel van die vorming van die huidige bedieningspraktyk van die Kerk 24/7-beweging. Die antwoorde van die respondente werp meer lig op die redes waarom die betrokke gelowiges hul denominasies en gemeentes verlaat het om hulle saam met ander wat dieselfde oortuigings deel, te “fellowship” en die Here dan so te dien. Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie is die navorser se bydrae om die siening en belewenis van die postmoderne Christen se kerklike ervarings binne sy leefwêreld te beskryf. Die ontstaan van die Kerk 24/7-beweging is volgens die navorser 'n antwoord op die behoefte van talle gelowiges om die Here buite die tradisionele kerkstrukture en sisteme te dien.
- ItemKerkbegrip en rolverwagtinge in die NG Gemeente Murray(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2011-03) Smith, Louis; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.; A-6024-2012ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The central problem with which this research is working is: has there been a shift in the members of the Dutch Reformed Congregation Murray (De Doorns) concept of the church, and, if so, how did it affect the role expectation of the ministers? The purpose of the study is to determine the church concept and role expectation of the members of the congregation and to help the congregation to discover their missional identity. It is important that the congregation will learn spiritual discernment. For the purpose of the study the work was done within the field of practical theology on the basis of the cross methology as found in Studying Congregations in Africa ( Hendriks 2004). This practical theology methology works with a constant correlation-hermeneutic between the Word of God and the world, between context and identity. This correlation is called spiritual discernment and when this happens it will lead to a certain strategy, a way of life in which the members of the congregation do not think institutionally (regarding the role of the minister), but where the members themselves stand before God and are open for his guidance to be light and salt for the world. The theological foundation of missional theology on the basis of the doctrine of the Trinity and the practical implications for the church are discussed in Chapter 2. This is normative for missional theology. Chapter 3 is a discussion of the context of the congregation with regard to the current situation in the world, the wider community and the congregation. It is common knowledge that the world is currently in a time of major, fast and unpredictable change. It is important that the congregation will use the change in the way identity is formed in a positive manner by creating an alternative identity in Christ Jesus. The role expectations of the ministers are central to the research problem. In Chapter 4 the researcher gives what he believes to be the normative role of the minister should a congregation want to learn to live with spiritual discernment. For this to happen the ministers need to establish certain faith-forming habits. Without these faith-forming habits it will be impossible for the minister to lead the congregation to live with spiritual discernment. The Dutch Reformed congregation of Murray (De Doorns) which was the focus of the study, was researched by using a qualitative questionnaire and ethnographic research. The results were discussed by triangulation and it thus became clear that there are clear differences with regard to the church model of choice and the role expectations for the ministers. The research shows that there has been a definite shift in the church concept of the members of the congregation. This shift, however has not had a major effect on the role expectations for the ministers. There is thus some degree of conflict between the church concept of the members of the congregation and their role expectations for the ministers. If this conflict is not addressed and the role expectations of the ministers cleared anew, the congregation will not learn to live with spiritual discernment and will not be able to join the missio Dei.
- ItemThe missional challenge of the HIV/AIDS pandemic for the leadership of the URCSA Kwazakhele Congregation in Port Elizabeth(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2011-12) Kibito, Mziwoxolo Enoch; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.; A-6024-2012ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is about the missional challenge of the HIV/AIDS pandemic to the leadership of the Kwazakhele congregation in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. This undertaking should be dealt with from the premise of a practical theological point of view. In this context, the HIV/AIDS pandemic aggravates the plight of those in the community with the least resources, i.e. orphans and the destitute. Very limited resources, for example financial, psychological and spiritual, are available to them. This has severely impacted on the lives of South Africans across the country. And, this impact of HIV/AIDS is being felt at all levels of the society with its ever-increasing cases of infections, deaths, rejections, stigmatization, number of orphans and households headed by children. This social reality poses a burden on ministerial health budgets, thus a dilemma for health resources. Through her leadership, the Church, as an instrument and field for the Triune God‟s missional praxis, is called to respond and act upon this plight. In that sense, a clear understanding of the missional Church is central in this theological and practical undertaking. The Kwazakhele leadership's empowerment will enable them to lead the congregation in a faithful response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic while taking cognizance of appropriate theological reflections that relate to the Triune God's salvific work. In essence, the researcher intends to investigate how the congregation of the Kwazakhele Uniting Reformed Church of South Africa (URCSA) can combat and deal with HIV/AIDS in a compassionate Christian manner while taking cognizance of biblical imperatives. In that respect, the researcher has been engaged with interviews of families in the Kwazakhele congregation, members of whom had died of AIDS. The objective was to shed light on their experiences and to determine whether the Church is doing enough to support their members regarding this pandemic. Furthermore, this research also challenges the Kwazakhele congregation, in particular, whether she fulfills her calling, that is, crosses the boundaries to take care of the plight that the community faces regarding HIV/AIDS. In actual fact, the discernment of God's will is possible by a critical and sensitive leadership who should determine whether the congregation whom they serve is competent enough to deal with this HIV/AIDS pandemic, or not. This, indeed, challenges their Christian consciences. The researcher believes that the information and the resource material, as well as the institution to which he referred, will be of assistance to the Christian leadership of the Kwazakhele congregation and also the entire URCSA congregation at large.
- ItemMissionale transformasie in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde gemeente Eloffsdal : ‘n terdoodveroordeelde gemeente herleef(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2011-12) Botha, Jan Adriaan; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research has been conducted from a post modern, practical theological point of view. The focus of the research is on the question: How was it possible for Eloffsdal Dutch Reformed Church as a congregation with a death penalty on it to experience new life and hope? I share a couple of introductory ideas and concepts in Chapter 1. The focus is on the research question mentioned above, the historical background and the unique context of the congregation. Concepts are clarified to explain the meaning of certain concepts in the study. Concepts include missional, missional transformation, stories/narratives, identity, capacity, new borders, a new church concept and God stories of Hope are clarified. Chapter 2 deals with the importance of considering the congregation's story and the context in which it played and still plays out. The micro, meso and macro contexts are also taken into account. In Chapter 3 Eloffsdal's members tell the story of the congregation through the use of the nominal group technique as well as the use of the ethnographic reading report. The congregation is then described according to ethnographic interviews, missional conversations and relevant nominal questionnaires. Chapter 4 focuses on the theology, practical theology and the narrative practical theology. The identity of the congregation, the re-discovery of the initiative of the Trinity, the discovery to be send out or be missional as well as the development of new capacities are described. In Chapter 5 there is a search for a possible paradigm shift where the congregation itself needs to discover and develop various levels and different contexts in their missional journey. This will involve that new borders will be crossed. The processes and factors which turned the members' minds to contribute to their new concepts of the church (ecclesiology) are also discussed. Together with my co-researchers we searched for possible stories of Hope. Chapter 6 is a critical reflection on the research process and the possible missional transformation that contributed to a congregation's experience of new life and hope in spite of a death penalty being spoken out over it. Possible limitations of the research as well as topics for further research are mentioned. The end of any process is and always will be open and always leads to further questions and problems to be discovered. This research does not end with a full stop, but with a comma,….
- ItemDie Nederduits Gereformeerde Gemeente Stellenbosch-Noord : 'n skuiwende identiteit(Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2009-12) Henn, Theunis Johannes; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.; A-6024-2012AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hipotese van hierdie studie is dat die identiteit van die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Noord geskuif het van gemeente wat gerig was op haar voortbestaan as ideologies-gedrewe gemeenskap binne bepaalde bevolkingsgroep, na gemeente wat missionaal begin dink het op grond van nuwe verstaan van wie God is, en in die lig hiervan, wat kerk behoort te wees. Sy het haar roeping nuut ontdek in en deur haar betrokkenheid met ‘die ander’ wat in haar omgewing in nood verkeer. Drie teologiese konstrukte is gekies om die besluitnemingsproses in die tydlyn van die gemeente teologies te evalueer, naamlik: • die onderskeiding van wie die Drie-Enige God is, bepaal die manier van kerkwees; • die werking van die Heilige Gees in die onderskeiding van die missio Dei; en • die inkarnasie van Jesus as riglyn vir die uitleef van die missio Dei. Die bespreking van die tydlyn van die gemeente vorm sentrale deel van die studie. Die teologiese konstrukte sowel as die makro- en mesokontekste is bespreek en dan in verband gebring met die tydlyn om te evalueer in hoeverre die besluitnemingsproses ideologies of missionaal gedrewe was. Verder is etnografiese studie in die gemeente gedoen om die identiteit van die gemeente aan die einde van 2007 te bepaal. Hierdie studie het methodologies konstruktiewe replikasie verskaf vir die bevindinge in die tydlyn, en die hipotese dat daar wel paradigmaskuif plaasgevind het, as waar bewys. Die skuif hét plaasgevind: van ideologies-gedrewe gemeente, na gemeente wat die missio Dei onderskei om die missiones ecclesciae te vorm.
- ItemDie NG gemeente Kathu se reaksie op die uitdaging van 'n omgewing(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2015-03) De Villiers, Andre C.; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The congregation of Kathu is the largest Dutch Reformed Church congregation in the Northern Cape. It is a congregation with a huge potential to show signs of the kingdom of God, especially in the countryside. The congregation has the ability to be a leader to effect meaningful change in society. Many people living in the countryside are losing hope because of economic regression. It is their experience that politicians do not keep their promises, with the result that everyone experiences declining living standards. The potential of the congregation has to do with the following: (1) there is a lot of economic development and progress in the area, (2) there is a lot of energy in the congregation because of the large number of young people as well as the many ambitious people working on the mines. The opportunities for the congregation to make a difference go hand in hand with the development of a whole new town. The population of Kathu has already doubled in size since 2001 and it is expected to grow even further. There are many opportunities for the congregation to get involved with community projects in a fast changing environment. The needs and the opportunities are endless. The congregation has credibility in our local society and there are good relationships and cooperation between the congregation and other role players. Despite these opportunities the congregation is reluctant to get involved. In the beginning the hypothesis was that it is due to a skewed view of what the church is. Because the congregation is in the countryside it was thought that the members might have a politically conservative opinion about the church getting involved in community matters. This study has proved that it is not the case. It is much more likely that the problem lies with the leadership or even with the systems and structures that are (not) in place. If the leadership would be more willing to take risks, they might find that they have many members waiting to follow them. Or if the systems were in place, it would be much easier for the members to know where and how to get involved.
- Item'n Ondersoek na die godsdienstige topografie van Suid-Afrika : 'n vergelyking van sensus '96 met die van 1911-1991(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2000-03) Erasmus, Johannes Christoffel, 1961-; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology & Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In South Africa and the rest of the world research is being conducted on the growth and decline of the Christian church and specific denominations. Most congregations keep record of their membership. These data are very useful. However national census data on religion, when available, bring a neutral dimension to the statistics. Census data in most cases provide the only reliable means of establishing religious affiliations of the population at a certain point in time or over a certain period. Since the 1911 national census respondents are being asked to state their religious affiliation. It is essential that the data of these censuses are available in a database. This basic data can then be used to make different combinations and do certain calculations. Different denominations can be combined into families to compare their percentage markets hare of the total population and of the Christian church. If all census data are made compatible with each other it is possible to establish trends over a longer period. When the Census '96 data was made available by Stats SA it was important to prepare the data so that it could be studied en compared with previous census data. This study attempts to do this. It seems that the biggest determining factor in the religious topography of South Africa is the religious shifts that happen amongst the Black population. The biggest percentage Christians belong to the mainline denominations while the Africa Independent Churches have the second most. To compare different denominations with one another over a longer period of time is a difficult task. Inconsistencies with which data are treated as well as the political instability in South Africa are two important factors that hamper the research. The fact that the question regarding religious affiliation was made optional since 1991 complicates the issue even further. The Christian church in South Africa grew from 1911 to 1980 and then started to decline. Membership of both the African Independent Churches and Pentecostal/Charismatic churches are growing. Since 1991 respondents who indicate that they have no religion are growing amongst all population groups.
- ItemOp soek na missionale spiritualiteit : 'n prakties-teologiese verkenning in die lig van die bydraes van David Bosch en Eugene Peterson(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2013-03) Serfontein, André; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The missio Dei is understood as the initiative, movement and sending love of the triune God to the world for the purpose of establishing his kingdom. When the phrase “missional” is used within the context of the church, it describes a congregation that finds her identity within this theological framework, and understands that her calling lies in collaborating with the missio Dei. The human response to the missio Dei can be described by the concept “spirituality”. Trends within the macro-context of our time show spirituality is subject to subjective interpretation. It is therefore necessary to define and frame Christian spirituality within the context of faith, and more specifically, within the context of missional theology. For this reason this study poses the following research question: What is the essence and nature of missional spirituality? What would a spirituality that uses the missio Dei as its theological epistemological core look like? The study found that the essence of missional spirituality lies therein that the initiative of man’s search for and connection to God, belongs to God himself. The Trinity provides the landscape in which missional spirituality can be described and understood. Missional spirituality insists, though, that a believer’s knowledge of God (theology) is meant to be fully embraced in life as response to God (spirituality). It thus invites a believer towards participation in the missio Dei, within the following three spheres: - A process of spiritual formation: God takes the initiative in the salvation of man and restores Him, through the atonement of Christ, to a relationship with Him. God further invites and enables the believer in becoming a participant in a process of spiritual formation, which is meant to impact his life holistically. A way of life, characterised by faith and love, becomes the measure of an adequate response to the missio Dei. - A community of faith: God also takes the initiative in the formation of a faith community. Communion with Christ assumes communion with the body of Christ. Missional spirituality invites believers towards mutual relationships within the community of faith that strives towards reflecting the unity and love of the Trinity. - Social transformation: It is distinctive of missional spirituality that God takes the initiative in the transformation of society. There is an underlying connection between the agenda of God’s kingdom and the transformation of reality. A call to Christ involves believers in a call towards social transformation, incarnate to the conditions of time and place. The study shows that a reciprocal interiority exists between these spheres of participation, which is characteristic to missional spirituality. The embrace thereof opens the door to the believer towards finding meaning in life. A believer can further his participation in the missio Dei by engaging in spiritual practices, which grows his capacity for a greater awareness of God’s movement and the discernment of his will.
- ItemPopulere spiritualiteitstendense : 'n gevallestudie van die Ned. Geref. Kerk Port Elizabeth-Hoogland(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2013-03) Malan, Eugene; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As minister in the congregation over the past fourteen years, the researcher is affected by mainly two popular trends in the spirituality of the church. On the one hand there is a trend where the observed expression of faith is characterised by an overriding emphasis on personal salvation. This spirituality allows the believer, especially in times of transition, an easy escape from the difficult and threatening context to a place where he/she, with particular emphasis on individual faith experiences, remain engaged in spiritual matters. The researcher calls it a spirituality of escapism. On the other hand, there is a trend where faith is declared and practiced from a rational perspective. This spirituality grabs, also especially in times of awkward transition, back to pure rational statement and traditionalism where believers find their security. The researcher calls it a spirituality of reductionism. Both escapism and reductionism are, according to the researcher, expressions of a dualistic spirituality which is not unique to the church or to the Dutch Reformed Church, but lies deep in the heart of the church in the Western world. These congregations are primarily busy with their own agendas and they are alienated from the community and society. The involvement with the need in the community and creation in both cases are not directly linked to the expression of faith. The researcher found the core of the reason for this deep-rooted dualism and individualism in the faith expression of the church in the way in which she understands the concept of salvation. The researcher takes his point of departure in the belief that there is a direct connection between the congregation's context, her understanding of salvation and her spirituality. The researcher found the reformed view of salvation especially helpful to offer a theological framework for an integrated spirituality, as is particularly found in missional theology. The researcher follows the four tasks of practical theological research of Richard Osmer (2008) in his endeavour to provide guidance to the congregation towards a more integrated spirituality.
- ItemThe practical theological challenges faced by the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa Fountain of Life Congregation in the Winterveldt community(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2011-12) Sejeng, Mankopane Sydney; Hendriks, Hans Jurgens; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.; A-6024-2012ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is about the practical theological challenges faced by the AFM of SA Fountain of life congregation in the Winterveldt community. The Fountain of life congregation has minimal involvement in the community of Winterveldt, a community plagued by numerous life threatening plights. The congregation is in a survival mode after stagnating for a number of years and with serious challenges of declining or even facing possible extinction. This study's goal is to develop a practical theological theory, strategy and process which the AFM of SA Fountain of life congregation would be inspired to implement in order to contribute towards arresting theological, social, economical and moral degradation in the community of Winterveldt. The researcher employed a practical theological methodology and explored areas that are vital for the answering of the research problem, "What can be done in the Fountain of life congregation to maximize the participation of all members to serve the community of Winterveldt as well as the larger society?" It is hypothesized that Practical Theology will give the AFM of SA Fountain of life guidance and equip this faith community and its leaders theologically to consider their vocation, to develop a practical theological ecclesiology, a way to be the true, faithful and effective local church which is the salt and light of the world, including Winterveldt. The study explored the "world" in which Fountain of life finds itself, in terms of its contextual as well as the congregation's identity analysis. The normative aspects of being a missional church which covered the missional identity, empowerment and involvement of laity, and missional leadership were elaborated, while spiritual discernment with areas particular to Fountain of life received attention in the normative aspects of spiritual discernment. It is recommended that the identity of Fountain of life be grounded in the mission of the Trinitarian God (missio Dei of the Trinitarian God). The missionary identity and character of Fountain of life should be built and developed upon the eight dominant patterns found in a missional church. The researcher strongly encourages the Fountain of life congregation to employ the missional leadership strategies while engaging in a total involvement leadership style, which integrates high concern for getting the task completed and a high concern for good people relationship. The leadership of Fountain of life is further encouraged to use the suggested laity empowerment strategies in order to empower, develop, and involve the laity. Missional transformation can only succeed if the laity is empowered and committed to deal with new realities. Leadership is key in engaging the laity. The pastor and the leadership of Fountain of life must teach, educate, lead, and engage the congregation, and also partner with other communities of faith and organizations especially the South African Partnership for Missional Churches (SAPMC) to succeed. Fountain of life should practice missional praxis theology, a holistic theological model that describes the methodology for congregations to develop their own contextual ecclesiology within the parameters of God‘s overall design for the Church.