Masters Degrees (Practical Theology and Missiology)
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- ItemThe application of the literary forms of the Bible in preaching : a Korean perspective(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2010-03) Yoon, Man Sun; Cilliers, Johan; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Korean Protestant Church has witnessed some conflicting views regarding theological issues as well as important socio-political events between conservatism and liberalism from the early mission era up to recent times. This discord has obviously been reflected in their preaching. Specifically, their application in preaching has shown a tendency of practicing eisegesis on the text under the influence of social and political ideologies, and traditional religions. In its method of application, the Korean Protestant Church has made use of the imperative, indicative, and instructive styles. The purpose of this thesis is to suggest the use of various relevant applications, which take into account the biblical literary form to overcome eisegesis. This task would be accomplished by a balanced exegesis process through the historical-critical perspective. Chapter 1 of this thesis comprises the introduction, which deals with the research background, motivation, problems in research, hypothesis, delimitations of the research, and proposed outline of the study. Chapter 2 describes the characteristics and phenomena of preaching in each period through the historical overview of the Korean preaching. The history of Korean preaching can be divided into four different periods: firstly, the era of the early missionaries; secondly, the form of the sermon of the Korean Church under Japan’s rule; thirdly, the Korean sermon after the liberation and fourthly the sermon in the midst of a military dictatorship and the rapid growth of the Korean economy. Chapter 3 analyzes the causes of the characteristics and phenomena of the Korean preaching mentioned in Chapter 2. In brief, before the liberation, Korean preaching was strongly influenced by the fundamentalist theology of the early missionaries, the church leaders’ view on the Bible, and political circumstances under colonial rule (the problem of the Shinto shrine worship). After liberation, preaching in the Korean church has been influenced by the prevailing socio-political ideology (the perspective of a separation of the church and state), kibok sinang (belief in prayers for blessings) which was rooted in the traditional religions, and the rise of the Minjung theology which promoted the indigenization of theology. This chapter also examines how these causes influenced the application of preaching in the midst of a conflict between conservative and liberal churches. Chapter 4 deals with the purpose, necessity, principle, and method of application in preaching. Chapter 5 examines the sermonic approach considering the biblical literary form that was suggested by Thomas Long and how it plays a role in application of preaching as a solution to the problems of application that both the conservative and liberal church have. To illustrate this I have highlighted two examples, namely the method of application through imagination in poetry as a genre and the identification of characters in the narrative genre. In conclusion, chapter 6 summarizes the features of Korean preaching and suggests the benefit of application taking into account the literary form in the circumstances of Korean preaching.
- ItemChristian communication in Korea : a homiletical assessment(Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2009-12) Lim, Chae-Bong; Cilliers, Johan; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is intended to assess Christian communication in the light of the conundrum of sermonic language originating from Korean pulpits. In Korea, preaching is valued highly: almost everyone is aware that preaching is a crucial issue in Christian communication. In the light of communicative preaching, a sermon is composed of three “languages,” namely the language of God, the preacher, and the congregation. The language of the sermon is an important locus of effective communication through preaching. In spite of this point, many Korean preachers preach their sermons regardless of what influence the sermonic language exercises on communicative preaching, without recognizing the change of the context of preaching. In this thesis, the contention is that we should reconsider the relevance of the sermonic language conveyed from the pulpit. It should be reiterated that revisiting and appropriating the language of the sermon is a corollary of its revival and renewal. In order to ensure the relevant usage of sermonic language, it is necessary that we scrutinize communication theories within the framework of homiletical reflection. In Chapter 2 some principles of communication with regard to preaching are outlined. The influence of communicative noise which takes place in the preaching process is illustrated. This chapter also highlights the importance of the relationship between communication and preacher, and between preacher and congregation. This analysis offers a compendium of relevant sermonic language in communicative preaching. The third chapter elaborates on three major causes that have evoked the noises which may affect the conveying of sermonic language: the preacher, the congregation, and the environment. Disclosing these causes of irrelevant sermonic language will help us explore and develop theories, models, and applications. Theologically, preachers should consider three major aspects in view of the language of the sermon when they prepare, deliver, and end their sermons: Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Church. In Chapter 4 these three perspectives on sermonic language are studied and elucidated. Christology, pneumatology, and ecclesiology are cornerstones in the language of the sermon. In this chapter, it has been concluded that, for the language of the sermon to be aptly used, these theological approaches should be actively applied to the reality of preaching. In the fifth chapter I suggest several proposals for a more effective usage of sermonic language in the Korean church. In view of rampant irrelevant elements in Korean sermonic language, this chapter examines the importance and necessity of biblical role models for recovering the identity and the reality of sermonic language: prophets, Jesus Christ and Paul.
- ItemCongregational participation in preaching? : a practical-theology inquiry within a South-Korean context(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2019-12) Jang, Seungkwon; Cilliers, Johan; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The value of the congregation in preaching is underestimated in the Korean church, an institution unfamiliar with having the congregation participate in preaching. Preaching has, instead, been hierarchical and preacher-centered, with the congregation playing a passive role. Authoritarianism of the preacher in the Korean church, a consequence of traditional Korean religions and Korean socio-history, was found to be a fundamental cause of hierarchical, preacher-centered preaching. However, a number of homiletical problems arise from this form of preaching. The importance of the congregation in preaching has been neglected, leaving the congregation with little opportunity to have a positive impact on preaching. Additionally, in light of the changing views towards authoritarianism, and the impact of these changes on Korean churches, much criticism for hierarchical and preacher-centered preaching has come about. In order to overcome the problems arising from hierarchical and preacher-centered preaching, this dissertation highlights the congregation as a valuable preaching partner. Using McClure’s homiletics, and an understanding of the most fundamental elements of preaching, the Word of God, the preacher, and the congregation, as understood in The Roundtable Pulpit, an alternative to preacher-centered preaching is presented: collaborative preaching. This form of preaching overcomes the problem of a submissive congregation, and encourages the congregation to participate in preaching. Collaborative preaching has both positive and negative attributes. While it recognizes the congregation as an important preaching partner and creates an environment in which the congregation can participate in preaching, conversations with the congregation that do not involve a certain level of theological capability in the interpretation of the Bible may cause a disconnect between the preacher and the congregation. Another anticipated limitation of applying collaborative preaching, with regards to Korean churches specifically, is that these churches are not yet sufficiently ready for it. Moving towards collaborative preaching without reducing the gap that currently exists between the preacher and the congregation may cause confusion among the congregation. The suggestion this dissertation makes for overcoming these limitations is encouraging the preacher to abandon a distorted sense of authority and to change his perspective to one where the congregation is a partner in preaching. This is a priority for narrowing the gap between himself and his congregation. However, sufficient preparation is necessary to achieve this.
- Item"Dieser Satz traf mich mitten ins Hers, also darf ich ihn doch haben" : Liebe als philosophisch-theologisches Konzept in Hannah Arendts Denken. Eine Betrachtung ihrer Dissertation Der Liebesbegriff bei Augustin. Versuch einer philosphischen Interpretation im Lichte ihres Gesamtwerkes(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012-12) Schinagl, Rosa Kassandra Coco; Cilliers, Johan; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.
- ItemEmploying sense-appealing images in sermons for the younger generation in South Korea(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2014-12) Seo, Yun; Cilliers, Johan; Stellenbosch University.Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research began because of a concern that most Korean churches are not applying sense-appealing images in sermons. Only a number of Korean churches make use of sense-appealing images in sermons and this context promotes many problems. The applying of the sense-appealing images in sermons would be able to remedy the problem that the Korean preachers have, as it could be a solution to using a method when preaching to the younger generation. Presently, many youth group leaders of preachers have a challenging experience because of the communication difficulty between them and the youths. The younger generation finds the sermons tedious and uninteresting because of the preacher‘s monotonous pattern and traditional format of the sermons. These traditional types of sermons cause various issues between the preachers and the younger generation.
- Item"From the sound of music to the sound of silence" : stilte as helende moment in die erediens(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2017-03) Van Wyk, Attie; Cilliers, Johan; Van der Walt, C.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is aangetoon hoedat daar verskeie vorme van stilte bestaan. Die navorsing geskied in die vorm van ‘n musikale beweging: ten eerste die klank van die konteks van die wit Afrikaner man in Suid Afrika, tot die klanke en waarde van musiek, tot die klank van stilte. Enige musiek wat uitgevoer word, word vanuit stilte gebore. Metafories gesproke, begin hierdie studie ook vanuit stilte. Hierdie spesifieke soort stilte wat deur historiese en huidige sosiale kontekste bygedra het tot die gender konstruksie en maskuliniteitstipe van die ‘Stil en Sterk-tipe’ wit Afrikaner man in Suid Afrika. Hierdie ‘Stil en Sterk-tipe’ wit Afrikaner man vind dit dikwels moeilik om hulself verbaal uit te druk, maar is steeds deel van die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk waarin hulle aanbid. Soos daar in enige goeie musikale komposisies verskeie bewegings is, gebeur dit ook in hierdie studie. Die beweging het ten doel om juis ook verskillende soorte stiltes, wat ‘n impak op die leefwêreld van sommige lidmate in die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk mag hê, in die lig te stel. Die vraag dan, hoe word daar ruimtes gebied vir individue soos die ‘Stil en Sterk tipe’ om hulle self te verklank ook in die erediens? Vanuit hierdie ondersoek word dit duidelik dat nie slegs musiek nie, maar ook stilte binne musiek en stilte opsig self van waarde kan wees. ‘n Fokus op die fenomeen van stilte en die waarde wat dit kan inhou vir lidmate van die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk, word ondersoek. So is die geloofsgemeenskap ‘n ruimte waarin die ‘Stil en Sterk tipe’ ook saam met ander gelowiges hulself deur die estetiese en stilte kan verklank en ook deur God binne sulke ruimtes, getransformeer kan word. Die titel van die studie, “From the Sound of Music to the Sound of Silence” wil poog om na stilte as moontlike helende moment in die erediens te wys. Daarom, in die finale beweging van hierdie navorsing, word daar na die herwaardering van stilte in die liturgie gekyk.
- ItemGereformeerd én charismaties? : 'n liturgiese ondersoek na kontemporêre tendense in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2007-12) Van Staden, Neeltje; Cilliers, Johan; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the postmodern times people’s world changed a lot. A lot of sociological and ecclesiological paradigm shifts took place. These shifts weren’t limited to one area. Globalisation caused these shifts to take place the world over. During modernism the emphasis was mainly on knowledge and the cognitive aspect of man. Now the emphasis shifted to experience. The media provides in this need. Television, films and the internet are focused on giving an experience. The question is what influence these changes have on the church and what people want from the church. The answer is simple. People want an experience of God. The Dutch Reformed Church’s (DRC) emphasis on a rational understanding of God which crystalises in the preaching of the Word which takes a central role in the worship service, does not provide in people’s needs anymore and is out of touch with the experiences of everyday. The hypothesis is as follows: a rediscovery of the essence of reformed liturgy as continuing reforming liturgy has the potential to find a way between the extremes of set traditionalism and irresponsible experimenting where people of our generation can come home and find liturgical guidance for life.
- Item"Godless sermons?" : a homiletical analysis and assessment of South Korean Presbyterian preaching(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2017-03) Lee, Shinhyo; Cilliers, Johan; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The phenomenon of God being missing in South Korean Presbyterian preaching is the main research problem of this study. The researcher purposely states that this phenomenon is a “godless sermon”. One of the aims of the research is to analyze the sermons of the South Korean Presbyterian Church by using the Heidelberg method of sermons analysis. The final aim of this study is to discover faithful ways of preaching in the light of four essential voices of preaching: the voice of God, the voice of the biblical texts, the voice of the congregation and the voice of the preacher, and thereby attain the desired goal, which is reflected in the following South Korean Presbyterian Church’s belief: “Praedicatio Verbi Dei est Verbum Dei”—“The preaching of the Word of God is the Word of God”. In this sense, the hypotheses of this study are as follows: there is the phenomenon of God being missing in the sermonic situation of the South Korean Presbyterian Church. The voice of God can be manipulated by means of exemplary, legalistic and moralistic messages. The pneumatological approach should successfully deal with the problem of godless sermons. According to the aims and hypotheses of the study, the researcher selected four sermons from over forty sermons from the recent Easter Sunday morning worship service in the South Korean Presbyterian Church. In chapter two, the researcher examined the linguistic signs of the four selected sermons using the Heidelberg method of sermon analysis. Consequently, the superficial structures of the sermons were identified. In chapter three, the researcher examined the following essential homiletical questions: which God is at issue here? In what way is the biblical text included in the sermon? What kind of congregation does the sermon appeal to, and imply? How does the preacher him/herself function in the sermon? Through this process, the researcher discerned the depth structure of the four selected sermons. In chapter four, the researcher dealt with the phenomenon of godless sermons. Firstly, the researcher discussed the following issues: what is preaching? What is a godless sermon? There are the different types of godless sermons such as moralistic, legalistic and exemplary messages. Secondly, the researcher investigated each sermon in terms of godless sermons. As a result, the researcher proved that God is missing in some of the selected sermons. In chapter five, the researcher comprehensively examined the problematic sermons. Thereafter, the researcher listed practical suggestions on how to overcome godless sermons in light of the four essential voices of preaching and in terms of theonomic reciprocity. In the final chapter, the researcher summarized and concluded the research.
- Item'Green spirituality' : towards an ecological ethic in theological reflection and praxis(Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010-12) Becker, Francine; Cilliers, Johan; Grab, Wilhelm; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Green spirituality as found in popular media such as films can be used to develop an ecological ethic in theological reflection and praxis and serve as a platform in a multi-sectoral and multi-pronged response to the ecological crisis. By examining the films Avatar, Emerald Forest, Dances with Wolves, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and the animated films of Hayao Miyazaki, ecological and spiritual themes can be drawn from the text and applied as contemporary examples of 'green spirituality'. In the first chapter I articulate and describe the research problem, whether green spirituality is found in popular media and if so, could it be used to develop an ecological ethic in theological reflection and praxis. This discussion includes the aims of the study and the description of the research methodology used in the study, as well as the delimitations of the study. In the second chapter I define some of the key terms: spirituality, green spirituality, ecological crisis, ecological ethic, and present a brief overview of the theoretical concepts, ecofeminism, and deep ecology, within whose context this study takes place. This chapter will include the literature survey that informs this study. In the third chapter I present the data, namely the green spirituality found in media such as the films Avatar, Emerald Forest, Dances with Wolves, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and the films of Hayao Miyazaki. The films are summarised and evaluated according to the green spirituality and ecological themes presented. Four signifiers are identified to be present in the films: visual, cognitive, spiritual and communal. In the fourth chapter I present my interpretation of the data, as informed by scholarly sources, and also describe the relevance of the data in the faith traditions and the positions taken by faith traditions with regards to the ecological crisis. I also present some practical suggestions for responses in theological praxis. In chapter five I present my conclusion.
- Item'n Hermeneutiese besinning oor die relevansie van die legitimasie-verklaring van die NG Kerk vir kontekstuele spreke oor God(Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2007-12) Loots, Deone Este; Cilliers, Johan; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.This assignment takes a look at the relevance of the declaration signed on the day of legitimation by future pastors of the Ned. Geref. Kerk. It is evaluated according to its use for pastors as a guide for speaking about God contextually and in unity. A hermeneutical approach is used in which the NGK’s three confessions of unity, the Reformed confessional tradition and the history of the NGK aid in testing the relevance of this declaration. The initial role of the signing of confessions as a deed that creates unity and identity helps to show how the current declaration fails to continue with this role. It is therefore necessary that the NGK reconsiders their use and wording of the declaration. The conclusion includes a proposal for an alternative declaration which focuses on responsible hermeneutics rather than the content of teachings.
- ItemIn search of a holistic music ministry in the South Korean context : a liturgical investigation(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2018-03) Kwon, Yongjun; Cilliers, Johan; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research proposes a holistic reciprocity between the work of the Spirit, human activities and the role of music and the dynamic interconnectedness between liturgy, theology, music and Christian lives in the South Korean music ministries. Although studies on the roles of the Spirit, of human beings and of music in the music ministry have been conducted, little attention has been given to reciprocity among these three elements. Thus, this research was begun by examining the holistic relationship of the Spirit, human beings and music in the Korean music ministry. In order to do this, this study, as point of departure, undertook a survey analysis of some problematic phenomena in the South Korean music ministry that result from non-reciprocity between the pneumatological, anthropological, and musicological dimensions. From the survey analysis, it became clear that non-reciprocity in the work of the Spirit, human activities and the role of music in the Korean music ministry occurred due to a combination of some Western ideas that were brought into the Korean church with the modernisation of South Korea (i.e. the Enlightenment, deism, consumerism, mere conservationism, occasionalism, and soul-body dualism) and the particular Korean context (i.e. Mu-Kyo [Korean shamanism]). Among ideas applied to understand the problematic phenomena, were Walton’s notion of ‘make-believe’, Marx’s notion of ‘commodity fetishism’, Beck’s theory of ‘zombie categories’, Ritzer’s notion of ‘McDonalization’ and autistic echolalia. In order to resolve the problematic phenomena, the researcher provides a formula that suggests that the musical elements should be surrounded by the human elements and both the musical and human elements should be based on the work of the Spirit. It is referred to as a holistic music ministry within the pneumatological, anthropological and musicological dimensions. This formula is suggested in the light of contributions from theologicans such as Bohren, Edwards and Begbie. The research study concludes with providing another formula for the music ministry that acts as a hermeneutical continuum with the first formula (a holistic music ministry), namely, a hermeneutical circle of reciprocity between lex orandi, lex credendi, lex canendi, lex vivendi. This formula describes a right correlation with liturgy (lex orandi), theology (lex credendi), music (lex canendi) and life (lex vivendi). The correlation between the four elements is based on the Latin axiom ‘lex orandi, lex credendi’ that describes the dialectic relationship between liturgy and theology. In order to explain this correlation, the voices of some liturgists are considered, for instance, Wainwright, Schmemann and Kavanagh. Moreover, in order to suggest a hermeneutical circle of reciprocity, the voices which distinguish true aesthetics from kitsch aesthetics from the theological perspective are listened to, for instance, Kierkegaard, Cilliers and Campbell. The two formulas may be useful as tools to solve problematic phenomena in the South Korean music ministry and to shape true worshippers, true theologians, true musicians and true believers.
- ItemIn search of meaning : preaching within the context of a "Post-Apartheid" South African society(Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2007-12) Davis, Sharon; Cilliers, Johan; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.The search for meaning, as a universal human quest, seeks to answer questions pertaining to the purpose in life. Preaching, as an ecclesiastical communicative tool, should be a platform from which to address such universal concerns. But how relevant are contemporary pulpit messages in light of this ongoing search and in light of the suffering experienced by many in our South African context with its unique history and ongoing challenges? Revisiting concepts such as meaning, hope and community are foundational components in our contemporary deliberations of the intention and practice of preaching today. If the homiletical intention is to instill hope, establish community and address humanities questions related to embracing the abundance in abundant life, then the praxis thereof should demonstrate a commitment to the relevance of people’s struggles. In the context of a post-apartheid South Africa, these questions are more pronounced as people experience the ongoing effects of poverty, prejudice, injustice and are confronted with the HIV/AIDS pandemic. For preaching to remain relevant it would need to extend its boundaries from the pulpit to the community. It will need to understand the plight of its people by addressing the questions that communities are asking, rather than providing messages far removed from humanities current experiences. In order to maintain this balance of hope, it will require an evaluation of the emphasis placed on representing both the social and spiritual aspects of the gospel. Social, with its focus on following the example of Christ on earth, and Spiritual, with its emphasis on both a realized and eschatological hope. Embracing this holistic message of the gospel should inherently contribute to personal and communal transformation as it is a message of good news for physical, emotional, socio-economic, psychological and spiritual realities. The language employed in this ongoing commitment requires constant renewal in order to synchronize the needs of the people with the message of hope. A message that is needed, longed for and inherently meaningful.
- ItemDie inkleding van die liturgiese ruimte van As-Woensdag tot Paassondag : 'n prakties-teologiese besinning(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2006-12) Groenenstein, Susanna Elizabeth; Cilliers, Johan; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In hierdie studie word daar gefokus op sommige moontlikhede wat ‘n post-moderne samelewing aan die inkleding van die liturgiese ruimte binne die gereformeerde erediens kan bied, ten tye van die liturgiese jaar (meer spesifiek Lydenstyd en Paastyd). Sommige gebruike binne die liturgiese ruimte, veral in die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk in Suid-Afrika word bevraagteken en sommige alternatiewe voorstelle word gebied vir ‘n vernuwende inkleding van ‘n gereformeerde liturgie, juis aangesien die liturgie ‘n lewenswyse is.
- ItemInterdisciplinary perspectives on narcissistic personality traits of preachers in the South Korean context(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2020-04) Lee, Dongjoo; Cilliers, Johan; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Preaching does not exclude the unique qualities of individual preachers, but rather actively reflects them. If a preacher suffers from problems that arise from his/her personality, the problems will also have an effect on the preaching. Since preaching is not just a transfer of knowledge, it is important for the preacher to have a relational authenticity with other elements of the preaching: God, the text, the congregation, and the preacher him/herself. Hence, focusing on the preacher’s narcissistic personality associated with this relational authenticity, this research hypothesizes that the preacher’s narcissistic personality or behavior has negative effects on the preaching. This research as an interdisciplinary study between psychology and homiletics for the understanding the preacher’s narcissistic issue in the South Korean context constitutes three parts. Firstly, the historical review of narcissism in three psychological fields - clinical theories, personality/society psychology, and psychiatry - is conducted for the comprehensive understanding of the concept of narcissism. Secondly, it examined some cultural factors that have considerable relevance to the preacher’s narcissistic issues in the South Korean context. Lastly, drawing on the perspective of Kohut’s self psychology and Cilliers’ understanding of preaching as a theological integration of the four voices – the voices of God, the text, the preacher, and the congregation – this research analyzed the (mainly negative) influences of a preacher’s narcissistic personality on the preaching.
- ItemLiturgie in die spanningsveld tussen die Gereformeerde tradisie en Charismatiese vernuwing binne die konteks van die Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk in Suider Afrika(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2007-12) Roelfse, Benjamin Charles; Cilliers, Johan; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The church today, and esspecially the Reformed tradistion find itself in a situation where there is a lot of tension regarding his identity, as a Reformed Church. The post-modern world we live in set a lot of challenges regarding our faith and how we as christains should deal with our embodyment as reformed christians The church and specificaly the Dutch Reformed family are facing daily the lost of a lot off members to the fundamentalistic movements. Members whom are seekers in their fath and whom were in some way or another been challenged by a desire to take their faith to a higher level of experience, which in their lives cannot get satisfaction any more in the reformed tradition. In this thesis I will try to destinquist the balance between Reformed tradistion and Pentecostalism. The thesis will try to embodied the identity of the Reformed tradision by give an overview , look into the questions regarding reformed tradition, what does it mean to be Reformed and proud and also what Reformed use of scripture entails. Allthough it is not the first time that questions like this has been raised, because reformed in the tradition means , to change contantaniously. Pentecostalism on the other side does have a long history regarding orgin and was not just an "appearnce" in the church. The apostle Paul in the early days of the church was in a certain sence very specific obout the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the space for exploration as set out in "1 Korinthians 12." Over the years many enthusiastic movements appeared which led to a total misunderstanding of what Pauls understanding was regarding pentecotalism. Regarding Pentacostalism, and the judging of the movement , the church will have to view their concerns very strongly in terms of the following, appreciation, make accesment regarding their weakness, thoughtfullness and their plan of action. Then the paradigm shifts, ecclesiasticly and liturgical deepening are essential factors in the whole enlightenment towards a more adopting mode. To change does not necesarilly mean to throw all the norms and vallues over board, but to do so in a responsible way. The worship service become in that matter the focal point of attention, including all the elements within the service , searching for ways to improve , ad or adapt. What the worship service is and are suppose to be , a trully place where God allone are been worship and where the Holy Spirittransformes people into living witnesses. The thesis conclude with a usefull set off guidelines according to Thomas Long in his book Beyond the worship wars where he challenge the church to a more transforming way of being church of God.
- ItemLyflikheid en liturgie : prakties teologiese perspektiewe op die interbeliggaming van aanbidding(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2016-03-03) Denton, Lou-Maré; Cilliers, Johan; Van der Walt, Charlene; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study researches, from the perspective of gender-related body theology considerations, to what extent is intercorporeal worship realised within the DRC worship services and specifically in contemporary Dutch Reformed liturgical resources and what can be done to consciously transform worship services intercorporeal worship services. Seen from within the South African context, bodies are often the space where power battles are fought. This can be seen in our countries history of Apartheid and high statistics of violence, especially against women and children. It can also be seen in the widespread poverty and high HIV/Aids statistics. These are more than just a list of issues, together it creates an intricate web and in the middle of this web there are bodies. History shows us that all too often religion is part of the problem, rather than the solution, having a very negative view on (some) bodies. Through history and to this day there are discriminated against certain bodies. One of the reasons for this is binary thinking that is part of the dualism inheritance. In binary thinking some bodies are seen as inferior to other bodies. Body Theology, working from the basis of the incarnation, takes a stand against all kinds of dualism and claims back the wholeness of the person as well as the equality of humankind. Within the Dutch Reformed Church we see dualism at work in the over emphasis placed on the mind to the extent that the body disappears. Body theology helps the liturgy in claiming back the wholeness of the person. This is possible when working form the viewpoint of the incarnation and embodiment. God chose to take on flesh and become human in Christ, but the moment when Jesus is recognised as Christ and Lord, is after his resurrection when he stands with pierced hands and feet and a wounded side. It is in this crucified, disabled, glorified Christ that God is revealed to us. In the Body of Christ we are confronted with a different body, a liminal body that is simultaneously broken, disabled, healed and glorified. And it is within the liminal space created by this liminal God that different bodies can relate to one another. In the liturgy rituals are primarily the carriers of the liminal. This enables worship to be a space where different bodies can embody an alternative reality and create an intercoporeal space where everyone is welcome.
- ItemThe necessity of lectionary preaching in Korean Presbyterian context : a practical theological research(Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010-03) Lee, Keonsoo; Cilliers, Johan; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research has started because of a concern that the Korean Presbyterian Church is not utilizing the lectionary. Very few Korean Presbyterian churches follow the lectionary and this situation fosters many problems in their preaching and worship. However, the lectionary can remedy them. Firstly, many Korean Presbyterian preachers do not have a long-term plan for preaching and choose a sermon text week by week. Consequently, they are pressed for the time to preach and this easily leads them to do topical preaching. One of the weaknesses of topical preaching is that a preacher might approach a text with a preconceived topic or theme and use the text as a pretext. This is contrary to the principle of biblical preaching. However, the lectionary assures the biblical mentality because it prevents preachers from imposing their preoccupied ideas onto a text. The lectionary makes them consider and listen to the text first. Secondly, the texts for preaching are confined by the preacher’s preference. The arbitrary choice of the texts narrows the scope of the sermon texts. However, the lectionary expands the range of the texts for preaching because it covers most books of the Bible. Thirdly, worship in the Korean Presbyterian churches lacks coherency among its parts. Due to lack of a long-term plan of preaching, various parts of worship do not harmonize with one another. However, the lectionary offers a long-term plan for preaching, and it enables the parts of worship to be prepared to have the same voice. Fourthly, the Korean Presbyterian ministers have to preach a lot. Therefore, practical helps such as lectionary commentaries or worship guides can be of assistance to them. Fifthly, worship in the Korean Presbyterian churches is highly sermon-biased, that is, preaching has precedence over worship. However, the lectionary preconceives the context of worship and puts preaching within this context. Furthermore, the lectionary restores the balance between the Word and the Eucharist. It is designed for experiencing the paschal mystery that is the core of Sunday worship. Sixthly, the Korean Presbyterian churches are failing to appreciate the church year’s theological and educational value. The church year they observe is fragmentary. However, the lectionary is founded on the traditional church year, which has a Christological focus. It enables us to celebrate the life and works of Jesus through the year, and instills faith and hope in people’s mind. Lastly, the individualism of the Korean churches is another problem. These churches are plagued by an internal division and competition. It appears as if they are not concerned about the unity of the church as the body of Christ. However, the ecumenical feature of the Revised Common Lectionary inspires them to have a community mind. It reminds them of the unity of the church. Of course, the lectionary is not a perfect plan. It has some limitations as well as the strengths. Nevertheless, the lectionary is surely a useful instrument that would improve the worship and preaching in the Korean Presbyterian Church.
- ItemOpen church and closed worship? : a practical theology study of the dialectic relationship between fear and hospitality in worship(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012-12) Lim, Daewoong; Cilliers, Johan; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the rites of Christian worship, various aspects are operated, and some of them seem to have opposite attributes that cannot exist at the same place and be performed at the same time. Since all the aspects are so important to worship, we cannot over-stress or exclude either one of them. The relationships between the aspects being confronted with cause tensions in worship. The aim of this thesis is to synthesize these tensions, esp. concerning fear and hospitality in worship. Fear and hospitality cannot be expressed with one perspective, because they in themselves have various aspects. Fear of God has a dimension of Mysterium Tremendum but, at the same time, it has a dimension of Fascinosum. Hospitality also has two dimensions: of God and of human beings. Thus, what is significant is to relieve the tension between fear and hospitality and the tension implied in themselves. To accomplish this goal, we endeavour to find the agent for the synthesizing the two aspects in worship so that they can stand in a dialectical relationship. We apply a Christological approach and pneumatological insights for this task. In Jesus a negative dimension of fear of God can be altered to hospitality of God while still grabbing a positive sense of fear of God in worship. Therefore, In Jesus fear and hospitality is synthesized. This synthesizing is different from blending or balancing fear and hospitality in worship just in quantity and quality for they cannot relieve the tensions. Lastly, we deal with a matter of opening and closing as a pragmatic task. The church and worship can be open for God’s hospitality, but at the same time they are closed to some for fear of God. Opening or closing in itself cannot be the solution for this contradiction. The answer for the matter of opening and closing lies in a dialectical relationship between fear and hospitality in Jesus Christ, because in Him all the tensions are relieved.
- ItemPrayer and preaching : a critical homiletical study within the Korean context(Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010-03) Heo, Chan; Cilliers, Johan; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this thesis is to encourage the renewal of Korean preacher‘s piety and spirituality within the Reformed tradition. Although a large number of studies have been carried out on Christian prayer, little is known about the connection between prayer and preaching in Reformed theology. In the Korean context, most preachers have been trained in the Pentecostal tradition. Therefore, the Reformed churches Korea have requested that instructions on prayer from notable theologians in history be introduced to preachers to help restore spiritual balance to the biblical preaching of Korean Reformed ministers. Reformed preachers should not follow the secular mind and worldly academic style; therefore, the study is concerned with recovering the biblical spirituality of the preacher and the congregation in Korean Christianity. It is argued that the Korean church needs to strive to rediscover and recover the Reformed church‘s long tradition of communication and prayer. The revival in the Korean church was not a Reformed theological revival because it was characterized by the Pentecostal movement and for a long time the Korean church has had a concept of traditional religious spirituality. For true revival to take place in the Reformed Church in Korea, the church needs to forge a new agenda that is rooted in and that emphasizes biblical prayer. To accomplish the aforementioned goal, it is suggested that the prayers of Jesus and an exposition of the Lord‘s Prayer in the Reformed theological traditions be given greater attention. Jesus emphasized the importance of the Lord's Prayer to his disciples and it stands as the capstone of Jesus' prayer life, which he shared with us. Accordingly, a preacher must pray enthusiastically and communicate with God continually. The spirituality of both the preacher and the congregation is crucial in modern churches. Therefore, our spiritual foundation must be organized on biblical, historical, theological research in a way that would encourage not only the preachers but also the congregation members to be enthusiastic in prayer before God. Today‘s theological discourse should be able to engage with classical (Reformed theological) literature or instructions on prayer, and the present investigation is an attempt to look back to those classical instructions as a most meaningful starting point to overcome the spiritual difficulties in Korean churches.
- ItemThe preacher in the dialectic between vulnerability and authority(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2016-12-06) Olivier, Sucelle; Cilliers, Johan; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die moontlike, waardevolle byvoeging van die navorsing is om die belangrikheid van ʼn prediker se welstand en karakter te erken; asook die effek wat dit op haar/sy preek het. Dit is ʼn poging om die volgende skuiwe binne prediking te maak: Om te preek vanaf ʼn plek van skaamte na vrymoedigheid en vryheid. Individualisme na gemeenskap te verskuiwe. Die ruimte van gedurende jaag na ʼn ruimte van dissipline om stil te kan staan en te sien in die stilte. Om te preek vanaf ʼn titel na prediking vanaf jou karakter. Om die fokus te verskuiwe vanaf die prediker na God. Die volgende vraag word gevra: Watse resultate sal ʼn homiletiese ondersoek hê, wanneer daar gekyk word na die prediker in dialoog tussen kwesbaarheid en outoriteit? Die volgende bekommernisse het opgeduik: Die gebrek aan duidelike definisies vir terme soos kwesbaarheid en outoriteit lei tot skaamte en onseker predikers. ʼn Spanning tussen die twee terme lei tot ongesonde druk wat predikers op hulself plaas. Om outoriteit as prediker te hê binne ons moderne konteks is nie meer so gegewe nie, weens verskeie blootstelling soos byvoorbeeld die internet. Dit laat die prediker binne ʼn meer kwesbare spasie as van te vore. Om te sien hoeveel gebrekke daar is rondom geestelike dissiplines en volwassenheid binne ʼn narsistiese en individualistiese kultuur is nog ʼn bekommernis. Die beperking rondom ons beeld van God het ook ʼn effek op die prediker se preek en laat hom of haar weereens kwesbaar. Waar lê ʼn prediker se outoriteit binne al die uitdagings?