Towards a business model for lithium-ion battery recycling In South Africa.

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: No lithium-ion-battery (LIB) recycling facility currently exists in South Africa (SA) (TIPS, 2021). Further research was needed to guide possible LIB recycling market entrants regarding their positioning in the value chain so that they can operate successfully. A market analysis in SA and the development of a business model would aid market entrants to understand various value chain integration strategies in this potential industry. The primary research objective of this thesis was thus: Develop a viable business model for the establishment of a local end-of-life (EoL) lithium-ion battery (LIB) treatment facility and recycling industry in the South African context. To fulfil the primary research objective, Osterwalder & Pigneur (2010)’s business model building blocks then formed the basis of the sub-research objectives (SROs) 1-10 defined in Chapter 1. The research process started with a foundational literature review to explore different concepts and foundational knowledge required in this research. Quantitative projections of LIB waste generation by application and chemistry were then made, as well as needed recycling rates. This was followed by LIB recycling market structure analysis (which included the market model, industry structure & 5 forces of competition, and types of competitive advantage). The insights gained then fed into a business case screening of developed hydrometallurgical recycling process technologies that would be suitable for recycling EoL LIB in SA. This was done using the Needs, Benefit, Approach, Competition (NABC) method to select the two best business cases out of 9 recycling processes considered by Maritz (2022) – resulting in the HCl and H2SO4 Mixed-NMC processes. The EoL LIB supply options in SA were also explored by analysing the current state of EoL LIBs in SA and comparing two future options for this supply – outsourcing supply to current collection infrastructure in SA and a vertically integrated collection infrastructure. Financial models for the two selected processes from the business case screening (HCl and H2SO4 Mixed-NMC processes) was then developed. These two financial models were compared in a quantitative financial analysis, while incorporating the option to produce a NMC811 hydroxide product instead of the initial NMC111 hydroxide which proved to be financially advantageous. The H2SO4 Mixed-NMC processes, producing a NMC811 hydroxide product, was selected as the process that would be best suited to secure the financial sustainability of a LIB recycling plant in SA. A financial comparison of this selected recycling process was done under the two EoL LIB supply options as well as two outbound logistics cost scenarios. A prediction was made for the most likely value chain scenario - Zero EoL LIBs cost & outbound logistics costs passed on. This selected recycling process and predicted value chain scenario then formed the basis on which further financial analysis could be done, as well as: - A financial risk analysis through the following methods: o Sensitivity analysis o Monte Carlo simulation - A business model canvas summary (answering sub-research questions 1-10 by tying together all of the conclusions made during the whole research process).
AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Geen LIB-herwinningsfasiliteit bestaan tans in Suid-Afrika (SA) nie (TIPS, 2021). Verdere navorsing was nodig om moontlike LIB-herwinnings mark toetreders te lei ten opsigte van hul posisionering in die waardeketting sodat hulle suksesvol kan funksioneer. ’n Markontleding in SA en die ontwikkeling van ’n sakemodel sal marktoetreders help om verskeie waardekettingintegrasiestrategieë in hierdie potensiële bedryf te verstaan. Die primêre navorsingsdoelwit van hierdie tesis was dus: Ontwikkel 'n lewensvatbare sakemodel vir die vestiging van 'n plaaslike einde-van-lewe LIB-behandelingsfasiliteit en herwinningsbedryf in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Om die bogenoemde primêre navorsingsdoelwit te vervul, het Osterwalder & Pigneur (2010) se besigheidsmodel boustene dus die basis van die subnavorsingsdoelwitte 1-10 gevorm. Die navorsingsproses het begin met 'n grondliggende literatuuroorsig om verskillende konsepte en grondliggende kennis wat in hierdie navorsing vereis word, te verken. Kwantitatiewe projeksies van LIB-afvalgenerering is toe gemaak, sowel as benodigde herwinningskoerse. Dit is gevolg deur LIB-herwinnings markstruktuur ontleding (wat die markmodel, bedryfstruktuur & 5 kragte van mededinging en kompeterende voordeel tipes ingesluit het). Die insigte wat verkry is, het toe ingevoer in 'n besigheidsgevalsifting van ontwikkelde hidrometallurgiese herwinnings proses tegnologieë wat geskik sal wees vir die herwinning van einde-van-lewe LIB in SA. Dit is gedoen deur gebruik te maak van die NABC metode om die twee beste opsies te kies uit 9 herwinningsprosesse wat deur Maritz (2022) oorweeg is – wat gelei het tot die HCl en H2SO4 gemengde-NMC-prosesse. Die einde-van-lewe LIB voorsienings opsies in SA is ook ondersoek deur die huidige stand in SA te ontleed en twee toekomstige opsies vir hierdie voorsiening te vergelyk – uitkontraktering van voorsiening aan huidige insamelings infrastruktuur in SA en ‘n vertikaal geïntegreerde insamelings infrastruktuur. Finansiële modelle vir hierdie twee geselekteerde prosesse uit die esigheidsgevalsifting (HCl en H2SO4 gemengde-NMC-prosesse) is daarna ontwikkel. Hierdie twee finansiële modelle is vergelyk in 'n kwantitatiewe finansiële ontleding. Die opsie om 'n NMC811-hidroksiedproduk in plaas van die aanvanklike NMC111-hidroksied te vervaardig is ingesluit, wat finansieel voordelig was. Die H2SO4 gemengde-NMC-prosesse, wat 'n NMC811-hidroksiedproduk produseer, is gekies as die proses wat die beste geskik sou wees om die finansiële volhoubaarheid van 'n LIB-herwinningsaanleg in SA te verseker. 'n Finansiële vergelyking van die geselekteerde herwinningsproses is gedoen onder die twee einde-van-lewe LIB-voorsieningsopsies sowel as twee uitgaande logistieke koste-scenario's. 'n Voorspelling is gemaak vir die mees waarskynlike waardeketting-scenario - geen einde-van-lewe LIBs koste en uitgaande logistieke koste wat deurgegee word. Hierdie geselekteerde herwinnings proses en voorspelde waardeketting scenario het toe die basis gevorm waarop verdere finansiële ontleding gedoen kon word, asook: - 'n Finansiële risiko-analise deur die volgende metodes: o Sensitiwiteits analise o Monte Carlo simulasie - 'n Besigheidsmodel opsomming (wat sub-navorsings vrae 1-10 beantwoord deur al die gevolgtrekkings wat tydens die hele navorsingsproses gemaak is, saam te bind).
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.