Teater in Suid-Afrika : ’n studie oor inter-, kruis- en transkulturele teater binne ’n multikulturele konteks

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: My first professional theatre production - a stage adaptation of Jeanne Goosen's wellknown book Ons is nie almal so nie - premiered in 2019. I read the book for the first time when I was fifteen. When I read it for the first time, I knew that the book would one day play a major role in my life. I decided in 2018 to adapt the book for the stage. My decision was deliberate - I wanted to find out if I, as a brown theatre maker, could tell a story by a white author. My background as an applied theatre student prepared me for this kind of purposeful work. For this study, I used auto-ethnography and practise-led research. I incorporated my personal experiences as a theatre student and practitioner into my questions and findings. I have researched theatre in the inter- , cross- and transcultural context of multicultural South Africa. I ask specific questions inspired by critical race theory and intersectionality around theatre, race, culture, power and cultural appropriation. South Africa's past is briefly explored to lay the groundwork for the study in relation to theatre and politics. Definitions and backgrounds for multi-, inter-, cross- and transculturality are provided, and the study also examines how these terms play out in practice. Related topics such as power, cultural appropriation and assimilation are also explored. Influenced by my experiences with Ons is nie almal so nie, I decided to interview four established theatre makers to find out what the issues raised in this study mean to them and how they are reflected in their various practices. Attention is paid to the topics of cultural brokerage, “culture of links" and "third culture".
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In 2019 debuteer ek met my eerste professionele teaterproduksie – ’n verhoogverwerking van Jeanne Goosen se bekende novelle, Ons is nie almal so nie. Dié novelle het my as vyftienjarige te beurt geval. Vanaf eerste oogopslag – of lesersopslag – het ek geweet dié boek gaan eendag ’n groot rol in my lewe speel. In 2018 het ek besluit dat ek die boek wil verwerk. Ek het die boek verwerk met ’n spesifieke doel – ek wou vasstel of ek as bruin teatermaker ’n storie deur ’n wit skrywer kon vertel. My agtergrond as toegepaste teaterstudent het my voorberei op dié tipe doelgedrewe werk. Vir hierdie studie het ek van outo-etnografie en praktykgeleide navorsing gebruik gemaak, en toegelaat dat my persoonlike ervaring as teaterstudent en teaterpraktisyn tot vrae en insigtige lei. In hierdie studie word teater binne inter-, kruis, en transkulturele konteks binne 'n multikulturele Suid-Afrika ondersoek. Geïnspireer deur kritiese rasteorie en interseksionaliteit vra ek bepaalde vrae rondom teater, ras, kultuur, mag en kulturele toeëiening. Suid-Afrika se verlede word vlugtig nagevors ten einde die fondasie in terme van teater en politiek vir die studie te lê. Definisies en agtergrond vir multi-, inter-, kruis-, en transkulturaliteit word verskaf, en die studie ondersoek ook hoe hierdie terme in praktyk uitspeel. As gevolg van my ervaring met Ons is nie almal so nie, het ek besluit om met vier gevestigde teatermakers onderhoude te voer, en uit te vind wat die kwessies wat in hierdie studie aan bot kom, vir hulle beteken en hoe dit in hulle werk figureer. Ten einde, geniet kulturele makelary, “Culture of Links” en “Third Culture” aandag.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.