A toolkit for cold chain requirements for the physical distribution between South African retail distribution centres : a perishable food case

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Food loss is of great concern globally as large quantities of food are lost on an annual basis. This is a growing concern for all countries, especially where developing countries like South Africa, are concerned. A third of the edible food available in South Africa is lost, which equates to an estimated 10.3 million tonnes of food per annum. The significant amount of food loss is alarming for South Africa when examined from an economic, social and environmental perspective. Food loss occurs at various stages of the value chain, with 20% occurring during distribution and retail, which motivated the need for this study. The main aim of this research was to develop a toolkit for cold chain requirements for the physical distribution between South African retail distribution centres, specifically for perishable food products. This toolkit was developed with the sole purpose of enlightening stakeholders within the retail supply chain and creating a sense of awareness around contributing factors to food loss within the cold chain. This is done by providing information and guidelines on cold chain requirements for perishable food products and is directed towards South African retail supply chains. This research followed a deductive approach and the methodological choice for this thesis included a mixed-method approach for data collection. This approach allows the researcher to gather data by integrating qualitative and quantitative data. The time horizon for this research was cross-sectional as it took place at a single point in time. The data collection methods consisted of primary and secondary data. Primary qualitative data were collected in the form of exploratory, semi-structured and validation interviews. In addition, this thesis used secondary qualitative data in the form of a stakeholder analysis and a systematic literature review and secondary quantitative data in the form of historical temperature data. The research successfully met all the research objectives by answering all the research questions and ultimately developing a toolkit. The toolkit provides guidelines that promote best practices within the cold chain to ensure that perishable food products reach consumers at optimal quality and reduce food loss within the supply chain. The toolkit serves as a resource that offers guidelines and insights into the cold chain requirements for perishable food items along with workable solutions to address commonly faced challenges in this segment of the supply chain. The toolkit was validated by industry experts to ensure the reliability and validity of the toolkit.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Voedselverlies is van groot kommer wereldwyd aangesien groot hoeveelhede voedsel jaarliks verlore gaan. Dit is 'n groeiende bekommernis vir alle lande, veral waar ontwikkelende lande, soos Suid-Afrika, betrokke is. 'n Derde van die eetbare voedsel wat beskikbaar is in Suid-Afrika gaan verlore, wat gelykstaande is aan 'n geskatte 10.3 miljoen ton voedsel per jaar. Hierdie aansienlike hoeveelheid voedselverlies is skrikwekkend vir Suid-Afrika wanneer dit vanuit 'n ekonomiese, sosiale en omgewingsperspektief beskou word. Voedselverlies vind plaas op verskeie stadiums van die waardeketting, waarvan 20% tydens verspreiding en kleinhandel plaasvind, wat dan die behoefte vir hierdie studie gemotiveer het. Die hoofdoel van hierdie navorsing was om 'n gereedskapstel vir koue ketting vereistes vir die fisiese verspreiding tussen Suid-Afrikaanse kleinhandel verspreidingsentrums, spesifiek vir bederfbare voedselprodukte, te ontwikkel. Hierdie gereedskapstel is ontwikkel met die hoofdoel om belanghebbendes binne die kleinhandel voorsieningsketting in te lig en bewustheid te skep rondom bydraende faktore tot voedselverlies binne die koue ketting. Dit word gedoen deur inligting en riglyne oor koue kettingvereistes vir bederfbare voedselprodukte te voorsien en is gerig op Suid-Afrikaanse kleinhandel voorsieningskettings. Hierdie navorsing het 'n deduktiewe benadering gevolg en die metodologiese keuse vir hierdie tesis het 'n gemengde metode benadering vir dataversameling ingesluit. Hierdie benadering stel die navorser in staat om data te versamel deur kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data te integreer. Die tydhorison vir hierdie navorsing was dwarsdeursnede omdat dit op 'n enkele punt in tyd plaasgevind het. Die dataveramelingmetodes het bestaan uit primere en sekondere data. Primere kwalitatiewe data is ingesamel in die vorm van verkennende, semi-gestruktureerde en valideringsonderhoude. Hierbenewens het hierdie tesis sekondere kwalitatiewe data gebruik in die vorm van 'n belanghebbende analise en 'n sistematiese literatuuroorsig, sowel as sekondere kwantitatiewe data in die vorm van historiese temperatuurdata. Die navorsing het suksesvol aan al die navorsingsdoelstellings voldoen deur al die navorsingsvrae te beantwoord en uiteindelik 'n gereedskapstel te ontwikkel. Die gereedskapstel bied riglyne wat die beste praktyke binne die koue ketting bevorder om te verseker dat bederfbare voedselprodukte die verbruiker bereik met optimale kwaliteit en voedselverlies binne die voorsieningsketting verminder. Die gereedskapstel dien as 'n bron wat riglyne en insigte bied in die vereistes vir kouekettings vir bederfbare voedselitems, saam met werklike oplossings om algemene uitdagings in hierdie segment van die voorsieningsketting aan te spreek. Die gereedskapstel is deur kundiges in die bedryf gevalideer om die betroubaarheid en geldigheid daarvan te verseker.
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.