Dividend in specie : value-added tax implications and the resultant effect on dividends tax

dc.contributor.advisorAndrea, Van der Merween_ZA
dc.contributor.authorCara, Prinsen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Accountancy.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MAcc)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Section 64E(1)(a)(i) of the Income Tax Act No. 58 of 1962 (ITA) requires a company to calculate dividends tax by multiplying the amount of the dividend by 20%. Dividends tax is regulated in terms of provisions contained in the ITA, however dividends tax is a separate tax from income tax. Dividends are therefore treated differently in terms of income tax and dividends tax. The definition of ‘dividend’ in section 64D of the ITA, read with the definition of ‘dividend’ in section 1(1) of the ITA should be considered in determining whether a transaction should be treated as a dividend and whether dividends tax is applicable. A distribution other than in the form of cash, is referred to as a dividend in specie. In terms of section 64E(3)(b) of the ITA, where a company declares a dividend in specie, the amount of the dividend is deemed to be equal to the market value of the asset. Where there are value-added tax (VAT) implications in terms of the Value-Added Tax Act No. 89 of 1991 (VAT Act) upon declaration of a dividend in specie, it is not clear from current literature whether the VAT implication of the dividend in specie is included in the market value of the asset for dividends tax calculation purposes. The definition of ‘open market value’ in section 3(1)(b) of the VAT Act clarifies that, for the purposes of the VAT Act, ‘open market value’ includes value-added tax. In contrast to the definition of ‘open market value’ in the VAT Act, the definitions of ‘market value’ in the ITA do not provide clarity on whether the VAT implications of a dividend in specie should be considered when determining the market value of the asset for the purpose of calculating dividends tax on the dividend in specie. This research assignment therefore set out to determine whether the VAT implications of a dividend in specie should be included when determining the market value of the dividend in specie for dividends tax purposes. Additionally, it was also determined whether the output tax (if the VAT implications of a dividend in specie results in output tax levied) meets the definition of ‘dividend’ and whether dividends tax should be calculated on the amount of output tax. A doctrinal research methodology was followed in performing the research by using a methodical exposition of relevant literature. In addition to the definitions noted in South African tax legislation, South African and New Zealand case law provided guidance to determine whether the VAT implications of a dividend in specie have a resultant effect on the dividends tax calculation. This research assignment found that the distribution of an asset in specie does not lead to the same VAT implications where different assets are distributed in different scenarios as noted during the evaluation of the indicative factors. It was further found that if the VAT implications of a dividend in specie results in output tax levied, the VAT implications (i.e. output tax levied) would meet the definition of a dividend for dividends tax purposes and as a result, dividends tax is calculated on the VAT implications of a dividend in specie. The findings of this research assignment therefore suggest that the VAT implications, depending on the scenario, of a dividend in specie have a resultant effect on the dividends tax calculation.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Artikel 64E(1)(a)(i) van die Inkomstebelastingwet No. 58 van 1962 (die Wet) vereis dat ʼn maatskappy die bedrag van ʼn dividend vermenigvuldig met ʼn koers van 20% om dividendbelasting te bepaal. Dividendbelasting word deur bepalings in die Wet gereguleer, alhoewel dividendbelasting ’n aparte belasting van inkomstebelasting is. Die hantering van dividende is verskillend tussen inkomstebelasting en dividendbelasting. Die definisie van ‘dividend’ in artikel 64D van die Wet, saam gelees met artikel 1(1) van die Wet moet oorweeg word om te bepaal of ʼn transaksie kwalifiseer as ’n dividend en of dividendbelasting van toepassing is. ʼn Uitkering wat nie in die vorm van kontant gemaak word nie, word na verwys as ʼn dividend in specie. Ingevolge artikel 64E(3)(b) van die Wet, waar ʼn maatskappy ʼn dividend in specie uitkeer, sal die bedrag gelykstaande wees aan die markwaarde van die bate wat uitgekeer word. Waar daar belasting op toegevoegde waarde (BTW) implikasies, ingevolge die Wet op Belasting op Toegevoegde Waarde (Wet op BTW), met die uitkering van ’n dividend in specie is, is dit onduidelik uit huidige literatuur of die BTW implikasies van die dividend in specie ingesluit word by die markwaarde (vir dividendbelastingdoeleindes) van die bate wat in specie uitgekeer word, al dan nie. Die definisie van ‘ope markwaarde’ in artikel 3(1)(b) van die Wet op BTW stel duidelik dat die ope markwaarde BTW vir die doeleindes van die Wet op BTW insluit. In teenstelling met die definisie van ‘ope markwaarde’ in die Wet op BTW, stel die beskikbare definisies van ‘markwaarde’ in die Wet nie duidelik of BTW implikasies van ’n dividend in specie in ag geneem moet word wanneer die markwaarde vir dividendbelastingdoeleindes bepaal word nie. Hierdie navorsingstuk het dus ten doel gestel om te bepaal of die BTW implikasies van ʼn dividend in specie in ag geneem moet word in die markwaarde van ʼn dividend in specie vir dividendbelastingdoeleindes. Daar is ook ondersoek of die uitsetbelasting (waar die BTW implikasies van ’n dividend in specie tot die heffing van uitsetbelasting lei) aan die definisie van ’n ‘dividend’ voldoen en of dividendbelasting op die bedrag van die uitsetbelasting bereken moet word. ’n Leerstellige navorsingsbenadering deur middel van ʼn metodiese uiteensetting van relevante literatuur is gevolg met uitvoering van die navorsing. Definisies in Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewing, sowel as Suid-Afrikaanse en Nieu-Seelandse regspraak het leiding gegee om te bepaal of die BTW implikasies van ʼn dividend in specie ʼn gevolglike effek op die dividendbelastingberekening sal he. Hierdie navorsingstuk het bevind dat die uitkering van ʼn bate in specie nie lei tot dieselfde BTW implikasies waar verskillende bates in verskillende scenario’s uitgekeer word nie, soos hierin weergegee in die evaluasie van die aanduidende faktore. Daar is verder bevind dat wanneer die BTW implikasies van ʼn dividend in specie tot die heffing van uitsetbelasting lei, die uitsetbelasting voldoen aan die definisie van ʼn dividend. Dividendbelasting sal dus bereken kan word op die BTW implikasies van ʼn dividend in specie. Die bevindinge van hierdie navorsingstuk dui dus dat die BTW implikasies van ʼn dividend in specie, afhangende van die aanduidende faktore, wel ʼn gevolglike effek op die dividendbelastingberekening het.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxii, 68 pages
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectDividends -- Taxation -- Law and legislationen_ZA
dc.subjectTaxation -- Law and legislationen_ZA
dc.subjectValue-added tax -- Law and legislationen_ZA
dc.titleDividend in specie : value-added tax implications and the resultant effect on dividends taxen_ZA
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