An in vivo model investigating the effect of stress on the mammalian blood-testis barrier

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction: Stress has profound effects on the reproductive system. These effects occur via the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, which is augmented by the release of glucocorticoids during stress. Glucocorticoids affect testicular function by directly modulating steroidogenesis and gametogenesis. The blood-testis barrier (BTB) is a physical barrier between the Sertoli cells of the seminiferous tubules and is made up of tight junctions (TJ), ectoplasmic specializations, gap junctions and desmosomes. Any threat to the functioning and integrity of the BTB may perturb the process of spermatogenesis. Stress has the potential to disrupt spermatogenesis via the altering of the BTB proteins, which may affect the permeability and integrity of the BTB. However, the effects of stress on the BTB have not been well elucidated and therefore warrant further investigation. Methods: Considering that rats are social animals, we used a social isolation stress model to elicit stress and anxiety. Male Wistar rats (n = 18) were used for the study, which were divided into two groups, a stressed group and a control group. The stressed group were socially isolated for 7 days and the control group were group-housed concomitantly. At 18 weeks the rats were sacrificed, blood plasma was collected for corticosterone and testosterone analysis and the testes were harvested for analysis of BTB proteins. Corticosterone was measured to confirm the induction of stress. Expression levels of BTB proteins were assessed, including: focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and two of its tyrosine phosphorylates (Tyrosine (Tyr) 397 and 407), occludin, zonula occludin-1 (ZO-1) as well as both total and phosphorylated p38 mitogen activated kinase (MAPK). The expression and localization of these proteins was assessed by western blotting and immunohistochemistry (IHC) techniques respectively. The effect of stress on the FAK-occludin immunocomplex was evaluated through coimmunoprecipitation (Co-IP). The integrity of the BTB was assessed through transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Results: Corticosterone levels were significantly increased (P < 0.0001) and testosterone levels remained unchanged in the stressed group in comparison to the controls. Western blot analysis demonstrated a trend towards a decrease in FAK, FAK-Tyr397, ZO-1 and p38, while a trend towards an increase in p38 phosphorylation was observed. Occludin levels remained unchanged and FAKTyr407 expression was inconclusive. IHC revealed a non-significant decrease in occludin, ZO-1 and p38, however, FAK expression was inconclusive. Co-IP results were additionally inconclusive. TEM evaluation revealed no physical damage to BTB integrity in the stressed group. Conclusion: No visible, significant compromise to the integrity of BTB was observed during stress. Nonetheless, we observed non-significant reductions in the expression of TJ proteins, which may indicate a potential loss of BTB integrity. These findings suggest that the BTB is at risk of being compromised during stress. The BTB serves as a potential avenue in delineating how stress may affect male fertility.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Stres het uitgespoke effekte op die voortplantingstelsel. Hierdie effekte vind plaas via die hipotalamus-pituïtêre-gonadale (HPG)-as, wat verhoog word deur die vrystelling van glukokortikoïede tydens stres. Glukokortikoïede beïnvloed testikulêre funksie deur steroïdogenese en gametogenese direk te moduleer. Die bloedtestis-skans (BTB) is 'n fisiese versperring tussen die Sertoli-selle van die saadbuisies en bestaan uit hegte aansluitings (TJ), ektoplasmiese spesialisasies, gapingsaansluitings en desmosome. Enige bedreiging vir die funksionering en integriteit van die BTB kan die proses van spermatogenese versteur. Stres het die potensiaal om spermatogenese te ontwrig deur BTB-proteïene te verander, wat dan die deurlaatbaarheid en integriteit van die BTB kan beïnvloed. Die uitwerking van stres op die BTB is egter nog nie uitgeklaar nie en daarom regverdig dit verdere ondersoek. Metodes: Aangesien rotte sosiaal is, het ons sosiale isolasie gebruik om stres en angs te ontlok. Manlike Wistar-rotte (n = 18) is vir die studie gebruik wat in twee groepe, 'n gestresde groep en 'n kontrolegroep, verdeel was. Die gestresde groep was sosiaal geïsoleer vir 7 dae en terselfdetyd was die kontrole groep bymekaar gehuisves. Op 18 weke is die rotte geslag, bloedplasma is versamel vir kortikosteroon- en testosteroonontleding en die testes is geoes vir BTB-proteïene ontleding. Kortikosteroon was gemeet om die induksie van stres te bevestig. Uitdrukkingsvlakke van BTBproteïene is geassesseer, insluitend: fokale adhesiekinase (FAK) en twee van sy tirosienfosforilate (Tirosien (Tyr) 397 en 407), okkludien, zonula-okkludien 1 (ZO-1) sowel as beide totale en gefosforileerde p38 mitogene geaktiveerde kinase (MAPK). Die uitdrukking en lokalisering van hierdie proteïene is geassesseer deur onderskeidelik Western klad en immunohistochemie (IHC) tegnieke. Die effek van stres op die FAK-okkludien-immunokompleks is geëvalueer deur middel van komede-immunopresipitasie (Co-IP). Die integriteit van die BTB is deur transmissieelektronmikroskopie (TEM) beoordeel. Resultate: Kortikosteroonvlakke was aansienlik verhoog (P < 0.0001) en testosteroonvlakke het onveranderd gebly in die gestresde groep in vergelyking met die kontroles. Western klad analise het 'n afname in FAK, FAK-Tyr397, ZO-1 en p38 getoon, terwyl 'n toename in p38 fosforilering waargeneem is. Okkludienvlakke het onveranderd gebly en FAK-Tyr407 uitdrukking het onoortuigende resultate opgelewer. IHC het 'n afname in okkludien, ZO-1 en p38 getoon, maar FAKuitdrukking het nie oortuigende resultate opgelewer nie. Mede-IP-resultate was boonop ook nie oortuigend nie. TEM-evaluering het geen fisiese skade aan BTB-integriteit in die gestresde groep getoon nie. Gevolgtrekking: Geen sigbare, beduidende kompromie aan die integriteit van BTB is tydens stres waargeneem nie. Nietemin het ons verminderde uitdrukking van TJ-proteïene gevind, wat 'n aanduiding is van 'n potensiële verlies aan BTB-integriteit. Hierdie bevindinge dui daarop dat BTB die risiko loop om tydens stres gekompromitteer te word. Die BTB dien as 'n moontlike manier om te bepaal hoe stres manlike vrugbaarheid kan beïnvloed.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.