Knowledge of first time mothers about the importance of tactile stimulation during infancy and early childhood

dc.contributor.advisorMarais, Fredericken_ZA
dc.contributor.authorPetersen, Melvina L.en_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Health Sciences. Dept. of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Nursing Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MCur)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Research indicates that human touch plays an integral role in an infant’s ability to thrive and grow, with a correlation existing between tactile stimulation and optimal physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development. The aim of this study was to explore the level of knowledge of first time mothers attending Mowbray Maternity Hospital (MMH) regarding the importance of tactile stimulation during infancy and early childhood. A descriptive, non-experimental, research design was employed, using a pilot tested structured questionnaire for data collection during face-to-face interviews conducted by the Principal Investigator. Questions were divided into four domains: knowledge about the impact of tactile stimulation on the bonding domain, the emotional domain, physical domain and the social domain of infants and children. The inclusion of one open-ended question allowed participants to suggest recommendations for improved knowledge and care. A sample of 41 participants, constituting 40% of the study population (N=101) was randomly selected from MMH. Prior ethical approval was obtained from the Human Research Ethics Committee of Stellenbosch University, and operational approval from the Western Cape Department of Health, and the Research Committee and Senior Management of MMH. Written informed consent was obtained from the study participants. The quantitative data was analysed using Statistica (Version 10) with the assistance of a statistician. The qualitative data yielded from the one open-ended question was analysed thematically and then quantified. The findings show that 90% (n=37) of the participants were knowledgeable about tactile stimulation strategies, 81% (n=33) knew about the impact of tactile stimulation on the bonding domain, 75% (n=31) on the emotional domain, 52% (n=21) on the physical domain and 43% (n=18) on the social domain. Although all participants had reported for out-patient antenatal care on four and more occasions, 73% (n=30) indicated that they had improved their knowledge regarding pregnancy, labour, birth, and parenting by reading magazines, 20% (n=8) reported that a health care worker had spoken to them about the benefits of tactile stimulation, and 15% (n=6) had received literature on the benefits of tactile stimulation. The open-ended question generated several findings which included suggestions to enhance healthcare by providing information and training about tactile stimulation and perinatal matters when attending antenatal clinic; by offering assistance with infant feeding during the postnatal period; and by improving the attitude and professional stance of health care workers. The study findings suggest that first time mothers at MMH are not adequately knowledgeable about the importance of tactile stimulation during infancy and early childhood. Grounded in the empirical findings and based on the suggestions offered by the participants, several recommendations, including improved information and training, were identified toward strengthening tactile stimulation knowledge and practice at both the parental and health care provider levels.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Studies toon dat menslike aanraking ‘n belangrike rol in ‘n baba se algemene vermoëns om te groei speel, terwyl ‘n positiewe korrelasie tussen koestering en optimale fisiese, emosionele, kognitiewe en sosiale ontwikkeling bestaan. Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel of moeders, wat vir die eerste keer geboorte geskenk het, en geskeduleer was om by Mowbray Kraamhospitaal geboorte te skenk, ingelig was aangaande die belangrikheid van streling tydens babaskap en die vroeë kinderjare. ‘n Beskrywende, nie-eksperimentele navorsingstudie is uitgevoer, deur van ‘n gestruktureerde, onderhoudsvraelys vir die insameling van data gebruik te maak. Vrae was opverdeeld in die volgende seksies: kennis rakende die impak van babastreling op die band tussen moeder en baba, kennis rakende die impak op die emosienele dimensie, en kennis rakende die impak van babastreling op die fisiese en sosiale dimensies van babas en kinders. Die ewekansige gekose studie-groep van een-enveertig deelneemers het 40% van die studie-populasie uitgemaak. Voorafgaande etiese en operationele toestemming is vanaf die Menslike Etiese Kommittee van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, die Wes-Kaapse Departement van Gesondheid en vanaf die Navorsings kommittee en Bestuur van Mowbray Kraamhospitaal verkry. Geskrewe toestemming is voor aanvang van die een-tot-een onderhoude vanaf die deelneners verkry. Die kwantitiewe data is met die hulp van ‘n statistikus deur die gebruik van die sagteware, Statistica (Weergawe10) geanaliseer. Die kwalitiewe data wat na aanleiding van die oop-eindigende vraag verkry is, is tematies geanaliseer en gekwantifiseer. Die resultate het getoon dat meeste 90% (n=37) van die deelnemers met die algemene praktyke van babastrelingstrategië gedurende babaskap bekend was. Die persentasie vir deelnemers se kennis rakende die impak van babastreling op die band tussen moeder en baba was 81% (n=33), en vir kennis omtrent die emosienele dimensie 75% (n=31), die impak van babastreling op die fisiese 52% (n=21) en die sosiale 43% (n=18) dimensies van babas en kinders. Alhoewel alle deelneemers vir voorgeboorte kliniek gerapporteer het, het 73% (n=30), terugvoer dat hulle hulle kennis omtrent swangerskap, geboorte en ouerskap verbreed het deur tydskrifte te lees, 20% (n=8) van die deelnemers gerapporteer het dat ‘n gesondheidswerker met hulle omtrent die voordele van babastreling gepraat het, terwyl 15% (n=6) leesmaterial rakende die voordele van babstreling ontvang het. Die oop-eindigende vraag het verskeie bevindings opgelewer met voorstelle met betrekking tot die verbetering van gesondheidsorg en opleiding, opleiding aangaande die voorgeboortelike sorg wat hulle ontvang het en aangaande perinatale aangeleenthede en stimulasie van babas deur streling. Deelneemers het ook voorgestel dat verpleegsters hulp aan moeders behoort te verleen met die voeding van hul babas in die periode na geboorte en dat gesondheidsorgwerkers hulle professionaliteit en gesindhede jeens pasiënte behoort te verbeter. Ten slotte het die uitkomste van hierdie studie aangedui dat, moeders wat vir die eerste keer geboorte geskenk het by Mowbray Kraamhospitaal, onvoldoende kennis dra oor die belangrikheid van stimulasie van hulle babas en jong kinders deur streling. Gegrond in die empiriese bevindings en gebaseer op die voorstelle van deelnemers, is verskeie aanbevelings geïdentifiseer vir die moontlike verbetering van kennis rakende streling op die ouer- en gesondheidswerkervlakke.af_ZA
dc.format.extent128 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectTouch -- Therapeutic useen_ZA
dc.subjectInfancy and early childhooden_ZA
dc.subjectTactile stimulationen_ZA
dc.subjectEarly childhood education -- Parent participationen_ZA
dc.subjectMother and childen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Nursingen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Nursingen_ZA
dc.titleKnowledge of first time mothers about the importance of tactile stimulation during infancy and early childhooden_ZA
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