Conference Proceedings (Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies)

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    The insurance industry as a solar water heater driver in the commercial and domestic markets in South Africa
    (2010-08) Kritzinger, K.; Sebitosi, A. B.
    South Africa faces severe electricity shortages. Most of the electricity generated is from coal, which contributes to climate change. Additionally a large amount of this power is lost through long distances of aging transmission lines. Water heating is a major consumer of electricity. Solar Water Heaters (SWH) can alleviate these problems but has a low penetration in South Africa. Many water heaters installed annually in South Africa are replacements of failed water heaters and most of these are replaced via the insurance industry. This paper makes an argument that the insurance industry can exploit this opportunity to introduce SWHs when a water heater must be replaced and help to jump start the SHW uptake.