Research Articles (Curriculum Studies)

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    Dialogue, horizon and chronotope : using Bakhtin’s and Gadamer’s ideas to frame online teaching and learning
    (Springer Nature, 2024-04-05) Rule, Peter
    The information explosion and digital modes of learning often combine to inform the quest for the best ways of transforming information in digital form for pedagogical purposes. This quest has become more urgent and pervasive with the ‘turn’ to online learning in the context of COVID-19. This can result in linear, asynchronous, transmission-based modes of teaching and learning which commodify, package and deliver knowledge for individual ‘customers’. The primary concerns in such models are often technical and economic – technology as a cost-effective ‘solution’ to educational challenges. In this paper I argue for the importance of dialogic learning space in teaching and learning by means of Information and Communication Technologies, whether in the form of fully online learning, blended learning or face-to-face encounters using ICT affordances. Although the 20th Century theorists Mikhail Bakhtin (1895–1975) and Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900–2002) produced their seminal works before the advent of ICTs, they were both concerned with the quality and authenticity of human engagement with texts and with other persons and contexts. Besides a shared interest in dialogue as an ontological feature of human life and being, they both used spatiotemporal concepts for understanding and interpreting texts. The article draws on Gadamer’s notions of dialogue and horizon, and Bakhtin’s notions of dialogue and chronotope, to conceptualize dialogic possibilities for online education. Its purpose is to provide a framework, grounded in Bakhtin’s and Gadamer’s ideas, for a dialogic approach to online teaching and learning in higher education.
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    Conversations reflecting boundary-objects-related details of a teacher’s local practices with spreadsheet algebra programs on variables
    (AOSIS (Pty) Ltd., 2023-11-30) Gierdien M. Faaiz; Daher Wajeeh; Abu-Saman Awni M.
    The ways teachers converse about their work in relation to information and communications technologies (ICTs) are worth studying. We analyse how a teacher converses about her local practices in relation to two spreadsheet algebra programs (SAPs) on variables. During the conversations we noticed that the teacher keeps different policy documents – boundary objects – firmly in view, in relation to the design of the two other boundary objects, namely the two SAPs. The policy documents provide details on the operative curricula which entail the intended, implemented and examined curricula. Of these curricula, the teacher regarded the examined curriculum and associated examinations as most important. Also, she conversed about how she intends to align the design features of the two SAPs with particular policy documents, especially in the context of the South African high-stakes National Senior Certificate examinations and the attendant examination pressure. Our results confirm current professional development (PD) literature suggestions that emphasise fostering coherence, for example between policy boundary objects details and what university-based PD providers do when they interact with school teachers. Contribution: The results provide guidelines for university-based PD providers to integrate SAPs or other ICTs related to algebra and variables by keeping teachers’ local practices in view. These providers should note that different policy-related boundary objects shape the ways teachers understand and converse about their local practices, namely their work at the classroom level.
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    An associated result of the Van Aubel configuration and its generalization
    (Taylor and Francis Group, 2022 ) De Villiers, Michael; Curriculum Studies
    This note presents some novel generalizations to similar quadrilaterals, similar parallelograms, and similar triangles of a result associated with Van Aubel’s theorem about squares constructed on the sides of a quadrilateral. These results provide problem posing opportunities for interesting, challenging explorations for talented students using dynamic geometry at high school or for university students.
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    Decolonial human rights education : changing the terms and content of conversations on human rights
    (University of South-Eastern Norway, 2021) Becker, Anne
    The aim of this paper is to search for possibilities to change the terms and content of conversations on colonial/decolonial human rights education. The content of conversations consists of what we know about human rights. The terms of conversations are the principles, assumptions, and rules of knowing in human rights education. The terms and content are interrelated and continually sustain each other. Decoloniality resists global coloniality of power, ontologies and epistemologies which are consequences of colonisation. It also questions the Eurocentric assumptions and principles which serve as a premise for human rights and human rights education. There is an urgent need to explore pluriversal knowledges of human rights and to problematise the Human of human rights. This is explored through data from Roux’s research project Human rights literacy: quest for meaning. Some thoughts on decolonising human rights education are provided in the conclusion.
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    Visuele elemente in vertalende woordeboeke gerig op die grondslagfase teen die agtergrond van geletterdheidsontwikkeling
    (Lexikos & Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT), 2022-12-07) Van der Merwe, Michele F.
    Woordeboeke wat in 'n onderrig- en leersituasie gebruik word, het ongetwyfeld 'n opvoedkundige doel en funksie (as 'n leksikografiese funksie volgens die teorie van leksikografiese funksies verstaan word), byvoorbeeld die aktiewe ontwikkeling van geletterdheidsvaardighede. In die geval van woordeboeke gemik op leerders in die grondslagfase is teikengebruikers leerders wat oor ontluikende geletterdheidsvaardighede en veral ontwikkelende leesvaardighede beskik. Ten einde hierdie ontluikende vaardighede van die teikengebruiker te ondersteun, kan leksikograwe 'n verskeidenheid meganismes gebruik, byvoorbeeld visuele elemente, om ondersteuning aan die teikengebruikers te verleen. In hierdie studie word vier vertalende woordeboeke ondersoek, waarin Afrikaans telkens as een lid van die taalaanbod funksioneer. Leerders in die grondslagfase vorm die teikengebruikers van die bepaalde kategorie woordeboeke en daarom is die artikel binne die leksikografiese teorie van die gebruikersperspektief gesitueer, maar terselfdertyd ook binne die veld van die opvoedkundige leksikografie. In hierdie artikel word daar dus ook na konsepte binne leesnavorsing, taalver-werwing en tweedetaalonderrig verwys, wat dan op die visuele elemente in hierdie woordeboeke toegepas word. Die gebruik, waarde en tipes illustrasies in woordeboeke word deur middel van 'n literatuurstudie ondersoek en toepassing vind binne die geletterdheidskonteks van die teikengebruiker plaas. Die gebruik van visuele elemente in ooreenstemming met die geletterdheidsbehoeftes van die teikengebruikers vorm die fokus van die artikel.