The psychosocial implications of a heart transplant for a patient

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study, research was undertaken to investigate the psychosocial implications of a heart transplant for a recipient. Seventeen recipients were personally interviewed by means of a questionnaire for this study when they attended the heart transplant clinic at Groote Schuur Hospital. Included in this sample were a twelve year old youth, as well as a recipient who had received his transplant as early as 1971. The questionnaire was compiled from information obtained via international literature. The literature reveals that a heart transplantation is a traumatic experience for a recipient. This form of surgical therapy cannot be viewed in a purely clinical light for it affects both the social and emotional spheres of the recipient's life. His employment situation is radically altered and his financial situation is usually adversely affected. He experiences role reversals in his family life or in his relationships, and his marital and sexual relationships are also affected. Immediately prior to and after the operation the emotions which he experiences are greatly heightened. Attention was also focused on the multi-disciplinary team approach which involves the recipient in an attempt to improve the quality of the services rendered to him. This study shows that the rehabilition potential of most of tile recipients is good. Generally their lifespan is appreciably extended, and they have a renewed interest in living productivity and meaningful lives. The aim of the heart transplant is to re-endow the recipient with a normal quality of life. They experience a renewed sense of vigour, enjoyment and richness of life: qualities which had been absent since their illness. Despite the fact that the psychosocial demands made on the recipient are at times, intense, the end result of this operation indicates a definite improvement in his quality of life. It can thus be emphatically stated that the recipient receives the 'gift of life" when he receives a new heart.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie, is navorsing gedoen om die psigo-maatskaplike implikasies van 'n hartoorplanting vir 'n ontvanper vas te stel. Seventien ontvangers was persoonlik ondervra met die oog op hierdie studiestuk, deur middel van 'n vraelys wanneer hulle die hartoorplantingskliniek by Groote Schuur Hospitaal hygewoon het. Ingesluit in hierdic seleksie is 'n twaalfjarige jeudige sowel as 'n ontvanger wie sy oorplanting reeds in 1971 gehad het. Die vraelys was saamgestel uit inligting wat van internasionale literatuur verkry is. Hierdie literatuur openbaar dat 'n hartoorplanting 'n baie traumatiese ervaring vir 'n pasiënt is. Hierdie vorm van chirurgie kan nie net suiwer klinies beskou word nie, want dit beïnvloed beide die maatskaplike en emosionele sfeer van die ontvanger se lewe. Sy werksituasie word radikaal verander en sy finansiele situasie wNd gewoonlik nadelig geraak. Hy ondervind rolveranderings in sy gesinlewe of in sy verhoudings. Sy huweliks-en seksuele verhoudings word ook beïnvloed. Onmiddelik voor en na die operasie beleef hy verhoogde emosies. In 'n poging om die kwaliteit van dienste aan die pasiente te verhoog, is aandag ook aan die multi-dissiplinere spanbenadering gegee. Hierdie studie toon dat die potensiaal tot rehabilitasie van die meeste ontvangers goed is. Oor die algemeen is hulle leeftyd aansienlik verleng. Hulle toon ook 'n hemude belangstelling om 'n produktiewe en betekenisvolle lewe te leef. Die doel van 'n hartoorplanting is om die ontvanger se kwaliteit van !ewe te verhoog. Hulle ondervind 'n nuwe gevoel van lewenskrag, genot en volheid van lewe, kwaliteite wat sedert hulle siekte ontbreek het. Ten spyte van die feit dat die psigo-maatskaplike eise wat aan die ontvanger gestel word, soms baie intens is, toon die eindresultaat van hierdie operasie 'n definitiewe verbetering in sy lewenskwaliteit. Dit kan dus onomwonde gestel word dat die ontvanger van 'n nuwe hart die "gawe van die lewe" ontvang.
Thesis (M.A.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1992.
Heart -- Transplantation -- Psychological aspects, Dissertations -- Medicine, UCTD