Mannekragontwikkeling in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika met besondere verwysing na aspekte van formele tegniese en beroepsonderwys van die geemplojeerde in die Vrystaat

Van Lill, J. J. (Jacob Jacobus)
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Manpower development is a subsection of economic planning. The aim of this study was to make a contribution to the existing perception of the education planning and economic planning of manpower development by means of formal, technical and vocational education, so as to bring the manpower supply of trained persons in balance with the demand. The emphasis falls on the formal education and training and re-training of the EMPLOYEE as a means of combating the continuous shortage of skilled manpower in the Republic of South Africa. The planning of an education system must have as aim, to plan in such a way that sufficient skilled manpower can be supplied to the labour market, that is - a demand and supply system of formal education for the employee is advocated. A theoretical framework is constructed which indicates that a balance on all levels of manpower demand and supply can be pursued by means of a system of co-operative education for the employee. The essence of effective co-operative education was identified in the study as effective liaison mechanisms between the interested parties, the self-regulating role which financing plays in this type of education and the importance of the timely identification of manpower training needs by the formal education planners and employers. The empirical results indicated that the employees who received post school education and training in the Orange Free State, amount to 5,9 per cent, whilst 94,1 per cent received no such training. This investigation clearly proved that manpower development, as it appears at present in the Orange Free State, could be substantially improved by means of post-school, formal technical and vocational training of the employee by implementing the recommendations made in this dissertation.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mannekragontwikkeling is n onderafdeling van ekonomiese beplanning. Die doel van hierdie studie was om n bydrae te lewer tot die bestaande insigte aangaande onderwysbeplanning en ekonomiese beplanning van mannekragontwikkeling deur formele tegniese en beroepsonderwys, qm daardeur mannekragvoorsiening . van opgeleides in ewewig met die aanvraag te bring. Die klem val op die formele onderwys en opleiding en heropleiding van die GEeMPLOJEERDE as middel om die voortdurende tekorte aan geskoolde mannekrag in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, die hoof te bied. Die onderwysstelselbeplanning moet ten doel he om so te beplan dat genoegsame geskoolde mannekrag, aan die arbeidsmark voorsien sal kan word, dit wil se n vraag-aanbodstelsel van formele onderwys vir die geemplojeerde word begunstig. n Teoretiese raamwerk is opgebou waarvolgens aangetoon word dat ewewig op alle vlakke van mannekragaanvraag en -aanbod nagestreef kan word deur n stelsel van kooperatiewe onderwys vir die geemplojeerde. Die wese van doeltreffende, kooperatiewe onderwys is in die studie geidentifiseer as doeltreffende skakelingsmeganismes tussen die belanghebbende partye, die selfregulerende rol wat finansiering in die soort onderwys speel en die belangrikheid van die tydige identifisering van mannekragopleidingsbehoeftes deur die formele onderwysbeplanners en werkgewers. Die empiriese resultate het getoon dat geemplojeerdes wat naskoolse onderwys en opleiding in die Vrystaat deurloop het 5,9 persent bedra, terwyl 94,1 persent geen sodanige opleiding gehad het nie. Uit die ondersoek het dit duidelik geblyk dat mannekragontwikkeling deur middel van naskoolse, formele tegniese en beroepsonderwys van die geemplojeerde, in die huidige opset in die Vrystaat, aansienlik verbeter kan word, deur dit aan te pas by die aanbevelings wat in hierdie proefskrif gemaak is.
Thesis (DComm)--Stellenbosch University, 1982.
Occupational training -- South Africa -- Free State, Technical education -- South Africa -- Free State, Vocational education -- South Africa -- Free State, Manpower policy -- South Africa, Dissertations -- Economics, Theses -- Economics