Exploring education policy transformation in Namibia in terms of democratic change

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the major features of educational transformation in Namibia revolves around the democratisation of education. However, despite various endeavours by the government to transform the education system in an effort to provide quality education, there remain many challenges to the delivery of urgently needed quality education. This thesis seeks to explore how democratic education can possibly contribute towards eliminating identified challenges. My contention is that the promulgation of the education policy document "Toward Education for All" of 1993 was meant to bring about changes in the Namibian education system. However, the promulgation of this policy does not imply the effective implementation thereof.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Een van die belangrikste kenmerke van onderwystransformasie in Namibie is die demokratisering van die onderwys. Ten spyte van verskeie pogings deur die regering om die onderwysstelsel te transformeer in 'n poging om gehalteonderwys te verseker, is daar steeds baie uitdagings met betrekking tot die lewering van dringend nodige gehalteonderwys. Hierdie tesis ondersoek hoe demokratiese onderwys moontlik daartoe kan bydra om die uitdagings soos gerdentifiseer die hoof te bied. Die skrywer is daarvan oortuig dat daar met die bekendmaking van die onderwysbeleidsdokument, Toward Education for All (1993), bedoel word om veranderinge in die Namibiese onderwysstelsel teweeg te bring. Die openbaarmaking van hierdie beleid impliseer egter nie die effektiewe implementering daarvan nie.
Thesis (MEd) -- Stellenbosch University, 2005.
Educational change -- Namibia, Educational equalization -- Namibia, Education and state -- Namibia -- Evaluation, Curriculum change -- Government policy -- Namibia, Namibia -- Politics and government -- 1990-, Dissertations -- Education, Democratic participation, Theses -- Education, Dissertations -- Education policy studies, Theses -- Education policy studies