Inaugural Addresses (Anticorruption Centre for Education and Research (ACCERUS))

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    Public sector corruption : behavioural origins and counter-behavioural responses
    (Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010-10) Woods, Gavin Gower; Thompson, Desmond
    A lecture by Gavin Woods to mark his inauguration as Professor at the University of Stellenbosch. Held on Tuesday 26 October, 2010, at Jannasch Hall, Conservatoire, Stellenbosch. This lecture describes a number of research-based studies which assimilate social theory and situational analysis and in so doing transverse an unusual range of disciplines in order to explain the thinking which has been developed and adopted by the University of Stellenbosch’s Anticorruption Centre for Education and Research (ACCERUS). It is the thinking which explains the Centre’s philosophical and functional approaches to the education and related skills training it offers public sector officials. As such, and in keeping with the more practical mission of the Centre, the lecture is not inclined towards the abstract reaches of academia.