2007 August - USB Agenda Magazine

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    Leaders who serve the common good
    (Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch Business School, 2007-08) Haw, Penny
    Sustainable leadership, says Prof Laetitia van Dyk, depends on developing leaders who are a great deal more than capable. They must demonstrate integrity, vision, accountability and stewardship, she tells PENNY HAW.
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    (Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch Business School, 2007-08) Mantshantsha, Sikonathi
    The skills mobility of the black middle class has been singled out as one of the major problems facing organisations which now also have to deal with the alienation of the non-designated groups – who respond with their feet. SIKONATHI MANTSHANTSHA seeks a solution.
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    (Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch Business School, 2007-08) Swart, Clayton
    Many people, after years of study to aquire other degrees, take on the MBA challenge to develop personally and advance their careers. The special experience when USB MBA students, whatever their seniority-status in companies, first learn something new which they can link directly to their workplace is often described as a ‘lightbulb’ moment.
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    Bestuur wegkruipkennis
    (Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch Business School, 2007-08) Marais, Jana
    Companies are increasingly looking at new technology to overcome the toughest challenge of successful knowledge management, namely to encourage people to share the knowledge in their heads with others. Blogs, online diaries, and wikis – where people can change or add things on websites – are being used more and more by employees to share information with other people who are interested in specific subjects. For knowledge management to work well the applications must be integrated with that which users do on their computers on a daily basis. The good news is that organisations do not have to spend a fortune on specific knowledge management software, but can think innovatively about available technologies and use them in new ways to achieve knowledge management goals.
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    Throwing a lifeline
    (Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch Business School, 2007-08) Mantshantsha, Sikonathi
    Linking big business with small could pull those at the base of the income pyramid to a safer place. SIKONATHI MANTSHANTSHA enquires.