The effect of the senses on the perception of a brand

Van Jaarsveld, Karien
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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Against the background of the challenge marketers face in influencing consumer perceptions of brands, this study attempts to assess the effect of the senses on the perception of a brand. Perception is the way in which consumers interpret the world around them, with the senses as the receptors of information from the environment. One way of influencing consumer perceptions is by stimulating or involving multiple senses in brand building. To test this statement, the following research question was drawn: ‘Do the senses affect the perception of a brand?’The empirical study was one of an experimental nature, and a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design was used to assess the effect of the senses on the perception of a brand. In order to focus the research and to provide information to a leading distributor of alcohol spirits in South Africa, it was decided to concentrate on alcohol, more specifically, brandy. Due to the nature of the selected brand, sensory properties in relation to the product were used to measure the effect of the senses on brand perception. The nature of the brand is a consumable, and taste was used as the dependant variable to measure perceptions. The stimulated senses in the experiment are sight, sound and smell. The stimuli were: sight with the visible brandy colour, sound in the form of brandy being poured into a glass and smell as an enhanced honey aroma. Several experiments were conducted in a sensory laboratory, which assessed the effect of the senses on the perception of a brand, by way of individual main effects, two-way interactions and a three-way interaction. A convenience sample of 240 alcohol spirit consumers, from the Western Cape, was used to conduct the experiment. The empirical results indicated that the three independent variables (individual main effects or two-way interactions) did not have significant effects on perception. Most importantly, it was found that the three-way interaction of sight, sound and smell did have a significant effect on the perception of a brand. Therefore, this study revealed that multiple stimulated senses affect the perception of a brand.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie handel oor die effek van sintuie op persepsie van ’n handelsmerk, teen die agtergrond van die bemarkings uitdaging wat bemarkers teenstaan om verbruikers se persepsie van handelsmerke te beinvloed. Persepsie is die manier waarop verbruikers die wêreld interpreteer, met die sintuie as ontvangers van inligting vanuit die omgewing. Een manier waarop persepsies beinvloed kan word, is deur die stimulering en betrekking van ‘n meerderheid van sintuie met die bou van handelsmerke. Om hierdie stelling te toets is die volgende navorsingsvraag gestel: ‘Beinvloed die sintuie die perspesie van ‘n handelsmerk?’Die empiriese studie was eksperimenteel van aard, en ‘n 2 x 2 x 2 faktoriese ontwerp is gebruik om te bepaal wat die effek van die sintuie op ‘n handelsmerk persepsie is. Om inligting aan ‘n verspreider, wat ‘n markleier van alkohol spirietes in Suid-Afrika is, te verskaf, is daar besluit om op alkohol, en meer spesifiek, brandewyn te fokus. Weens die aard van die gekose handelsmerk is sensoriese eienskappe in verband met die produk gebruik om die effek van die sintuie op die handelsmerk te bepaal. Die produk is ‘n verbruikbare produk, en smaak is as die onveranderlike gebruik om persepsie te meet. Die gestimuleerde sintuie in die eksperiment was sig, klank en reuk. Die stimuli was: • sig met die sigbaarheid van die brandewyn kleur, • klank in die vorm van ‘n brandewyn wat geskink word en • reuk as ‘n beklemtoonde heuningreuk. Verskeie eksperimente is uitgevoer in ‘n sensoriese laborotorium om te bepaal wat die effek van die sintuie op die persepsie van ‘n handelsmerk is. ‘n Geriefliksheidsteekproefmetode van 240 verbruikers, van die Wes Kaap, was gebruik om die eksperiment uit te voer. Hierdie respondente was almal alkohol verbruikers wat ook spirietes gebruik. Die empiriese resultate het getoon dat die drie veranderlikes (individuele hoof effekte of tweerigting interaksies) geen beduidende effek op persepsie gehad het nie. Die belangrikste bevinding was die dat die drierigting interaksie van sig, klank en reuk wel ‘n beduidende effek op die persepsie van ‘n handelsmerk gehad het. Die studie het getoon dat, dus veelvoudige gestimuleerde sintuie die persepsie van ‘n handelsmerk beinvloed.
Thesis (MComm (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
Consumers' preferences, Sensory marketing, Brand name products, Brand choice, Dissertations -- Business management, Theses -- Business management