The mature female clothing shopper : profiles and shopping behaviour

Visser, E. M.
Du Preez, R.
Du Toit, J. B.
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AOSIS OpenJournal
This study was designed to profile the mature female clothing shopper. More specifically certain variables that could be attributed to differences in consumer behaviour were investigated. Mature female clothing shoppers were segmented as clothing moderates, clothing enthusiasts and the clothing unconcerned. These three cluster groups significantly differed regarding clothing involvement, clothing orientation, activities, interests, opinions, family orientation, needs and media usage. No significant differences were found among the three groups regarding evaluative criteria for clothing and clothing store attributes. Profiles of the clusters were developed, along with applicable marketing implications. Recommendations for further research are made.
Hierdie studie is onderneem ten einde die vroulike kledingverbruikers van 55 en ouer te tipeer. Die veranderlikes wat 'n bydrae kon lewer ten opsigte van die verskille in verbruikersgedrag is ondersoek. Die verbruikers is gesegmenteer as die kledinggematigdes, kleding- entoesiaste en die kleding-onbetrokkenes. Die drie groeperings verskil beduidend van mekaar ten opsigte van die volgende veranderlikes naamlik: kleding-betrokkenheid, kleding-oriëntasie, aktiwiteite belangstellings, opinies, familie oriëntasie, behoeftes en media gebruik. Geen beduidende verskille kon gevind word tussen die drie groeperings ten opsigte van die veranderlikes evalueringskriteria van klere en winkeleienskappe nie. Profiele van die verskillende trosse is ontwikkel en die bemarkingsimplikasies is uitgewys. Aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing word gedoen.
The original publication is available at
CITATION: Visser, E.M., Du Preez, R. & Du Toit, J.B. 1996. The mature female clothing shopper : profiles and shopping behaviour. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 22(2):1-6, doi:10.4102/sajip.v22i2.603.
Women consumers, Consumers' preferences, Clothing and dress -- Purchasing
Visser, E.M., Du Preez, R. & Du Toit, J.B. 1996. The mature female clothing shopper : profiles and shopping behaviour. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 22(2):1-6, doi:10.4102/sajip.v22i2.603.