“Going global” in growth markets — Chinese investments in telecommunications in Africa

Cisse, Daouda
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Centre for Chinese Studies, Stellenbosch University
China is broadening its investment base in Africa. Investments are shifting from extractive and heavy industries to also include the continent’s service sectors; such as telecommunications. The boom achieved in Africa’s telecoms industry, due to the liberalisation of the sector in many countries and the willingness of African governments to develop and modernise the telecoms industry, has attracted foreign investors, including Chinese multinational companies. Since the late 1990s, follow-ing China’s “go out” policy, Chinese telecoms companies have ventured abroad to acquire technology, new markets and develop new managerial skills.
CCS Policy Briefings are drawn from the published reports and other material produced by the Centre. They aim to highlight specific recommendations and outcomes from the larger reports and present them in a concise, easily consumable format.
The original publication is available at http://www.sun.ac.za/ccs
China -- Investments -- Africa, Africa -- Investements -- China, Telecommunications -- Africa, Foreign direct investment -- China, African markets, Communication in Africa -- China, Commerce -- Africa, Centre for Chinese Studies
Cisse, D. 2012. "Going global” in growth markets — Chinese investments in telecommunications in Africa. CCS Policy Brief - April 2012. Stellenbosch University: Centre for Chinese Studies.