Clinical occupational therapists' experience of their role as clinical educators during the fieldwork experience of occupational therapy students

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Fieldwork is an essential part of the occupational therapy student’s education, and optimal learning is dependent on effective facilitation by a clinical Occupational Therapist. This study explored the lived experience of the clinical Occupational Therapists in their role as clinical educators by means of a phenomenological inquiry. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with clinical Occupational Therapists involved in clinical education. The data was analysed by using thematic content analysis, and was discussed according to the Lived Experience of a Clinical Educator Model. The results indicated that the clinical OTs’ sense of self, which revealed strong humanistic values, acted as the core element influencing the way in which they related to others and were able to juggle many roles in order to perform their role as clinical educator. It furthermore influenced the ways in which they managed balance and harmony in the workplace, as well as the process of growth and development. Incongruence during the performance of their roles as clinical educators was mainly caused by insufficient collaboration between the clinical educators and the university, the prescriptive nature of the fieldwork curriculum, workload pressures, the students’ attitudes and their lack of knowledge, as well as insufficient training of new clinical educators. The results may be helpful in fostering a collaborative relationship between the university and the clinical Occupational Therapists, as well as renewed attention to growth and development, all of which will benefit the students’ education.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kliniese werk vorm ‘n essensiële deel van die arbeidsterapie-student se opleiding en dit is noodsaaklik dat die leerproses effektief gefasiliteer word deur ‘n bekwame kliniese Arbeidsterapeut. Hierdie studie het die Arbeidsterapeute se belewing van hul rol as kliniese opvoeders nagevors deur middel van ‘n fenomenologiese ondersoek. Tien semigestruktureerde onderhoude is met kliniese Arbeidsterapeute, tans betrokke by kliniese opleiding, gevoer. Die data is verwerk deur middel van tematiese inhouds-analise en is bespreek aan die hand van die Lived Experience of a Clinical Educator Model. Die resultate het aangedui dat die kliniese terapeute se bewustheid van hulself (‘sense of self’) die kern element vorm wat hul verhoudings, sowel as die wyse waarop hulle al hul onderskeie rolle en take behartig, beïnvloed. Sterk humanistiese waardes kom voor in hierdie kern element. Dit is verder bepalend in die wyse waarop die Arbeidsterapeute balans en harmonie in hul werkplek verseker, sowel as hul professionele groei en ontwikkeling. Inkongruensie tydens die rolvervulling word veroorsaak deur onvoldoende samewerking tussen die universiteit en kliniese opvoeders, ‘n voorskriftelike kurrikulum, werksdruk, studente se negatiewe houding en gebrek aan kennis, sowel as onvoldoende opleiding van die terapeute wat nuut begin met kliniese opleiding. Die resultate mag in die toekoms behulpsaam wees in die totstandkoming van ‘n samewerkende verhouding tussen die universiteit en kliniese terapeute, met genoegsame aandag wat geskenk word aan professionele groei en onwikkeling. Dit kan tot voordeel van die studente se leerproses aangewend word.
Thesis (MPhil )-- Stellenbosch University, 2012.
Clinical therapists, Occupational therapy -- Fieldwork -- Evaluation, Occupational therapy -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Evaluation, Theses -- Occupational therapy, Dissertations -- Occupational therapy