The effects of a joint correction for the attenuating effect of criterion unreliability and case 2 restriction of range on the validity coefficient

Theron, C. C.
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AOSIS OpenJournals
This paper reports the results of a portion of a more comprehensive study on the effect of correction for random error of measurement in both the criterion and the predictor and/or various forms of restriction of range on the parameters [e.g. p[X,Y], β[Y|X], σ[Y|X]] required to specify and justify a selection procedure. The objective of this paper is to determine the effect of a joint correction for criterion unreliability and Case 2 restriction of range on the validity coefficient. Results are depicted graphically and discussed.
Hierdie artikel rapporteer die resultate van 'n gedeelte van 'n meer omvattende studie oor die effek van korreksies vir toevallige metingsfout in beide die kriterium sowel as die voorspeller en/of verskeie vorms van inperking van variasiewydte op die parameters [bv. p[X,Y], β[Y|X], σ[Y|X]] wat vereis word ten einde 'n seleksieprosedure te spesifiseer en te regverdig. Die doel met die artikel is om die effek van die gesamenflike korreksie vir kriteriumonbetroubaarheid en Tipe 2 inperking van variasiewydte op die geldigheidskoeffisient te bepaal. Resultate word grafies voorgestel en omskryf.
The original publication is available at
Employee selection -- Research, Criterion unreliability, Validity coefficient
Theron, C.C. 1998. The effects of a joint correction for the attenuating effect of criterion unreliability and case 2 restriction of range on the validity coefficient. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 24(3):32-38. doi:10.4102/sajip.v24i3.659.