Confirmatory factor analysis of the career decision-making self-efficacy scale among South African university students

Watson, M. B.
Brand, H. J.
Stead, G. B.
Ellis, R. R.
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AOSIS OpenJournals
There is a need for South African researchers to explore the potential utility of career decision-making self-efficacy in understanding the career behaviour of tertiary students. Given the lack of standardised measures for this construct, the responses of 364 South African university students to the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale : Short Form (CDMSE-SF) were analysed using item statistics, Cronbachs alpha and confirmatory factor analysis to determine whether items supported the theorized subscales.
Dit is noodsaaklik vir Suid-Afrikaanse navorsers om die potensiele bruikbaarheid van loopbaanbesluitnemmgself-doeltreffendheid ("career decision-making self-efficacy") te ondersoek in n poging om die tersiere studente beter te begryp. Gegewe die gebrek aan gestandaardiseerde meetinstrumente vir hierdie konstruk, is response van 364 Suid-Afrikaanse universiteitstudente op die Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale: Short Form (CDMSE-SF) met behulp van itemontleding, Cronbach se alpha en bevestigende faktorontleding ontleed, om te bepaal of die vraelys-items die teoretiese subskale ondersteun.
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Self-eficiacy, Career development -- Decision making., Career Decision-Making Selr-Efficacy Scale: Shon Form (CDMSE-SF), Career development -- Decision making
Watson, M.B., Brand, H.J., Stead, G.B. & Ellis, R.R. 2001. Confirmatory factor analysis of the career decision-making self-efficacy scale among South African university students. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 27(1): 43-46.