Construction of behaviourally anchored rating scales (BARS) for the measurement of managerial performance

Spangenberg, H. H.
Esterhuyse, J. J.
Visser, J. H.
Briedenhann, J. E.
Calitz, C. J.
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AOSIS OpenJournals
BARS were initially developed as indices of behavioural change and to ensure greater comparability of ratings from different raters. In this study, BARS were developed for a major producer-wholesaler company in the liquor industry to serve as an independent criterion in the validation of the company's assessment center, to assess the impact of development activities on the skill levels of assessment centre participants and as a diagnostic tool in identifying performance deficiencies. A step-by-step account of the four stages in the development of BARS is presented, together with examples of actual scales for the final steps.
Gedragsgeankerde skale (BARS) is oorspronklik ontwikkel as indekse van verandering, en om die vergelykbaarheid tussen beroordelings van verskillende beoordelaars te verhoog. In hierdie studie is BARS vir 'n groothandelaar in die drankbedryf ontwikkel ten einde te dien as 'n onafhanklike kriterium in die validering van hulle takseersentrum; om die invloed van ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite op die vaardigheidsvlakke van deelnemers aan die takseersentrum te meet; en as 'n diagnostiese hulpmiddel in die indentifisering van ontoereikende prestasie. 'n Stap-vir-stap beskrywing van die vier stadia in die ontwikkeling van BARS word gegee, met voorbeelde van werklike skale vir die finale stappe.
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Performance management, BARS ratings, Assessment centres, Diagnostic tools, Executies -- Rating of
Spangenberg, H.H. et al. 1989. Construction of behaviourally anchored rating scales (BARS) for the measurement of managerial performance. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 15(1): 22-27, doi:10.4102/sajip.v15i1.480.