Developing leadership competencies for knowledge society : the relevance of action learning

Van Niekerk, H. J.
Waghid, Y.
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AOSIS OpenJournals
Zuber-Skerritt and Perry (2002:177) posit that action learning and action research are appropriate and effective methods for developing a person’s managerial 'soft' skills, competencies and other attributes required by managers and leaders within the 21 st-century learning organization. Action learning intrinsically promotes most of those competencies that need to be nurtured in a developmental leader. These competencies, which include problemsolving, leadership development, systems thinking, collective learning, ability to ask questions, building relations and developing trust, are highly relevant to knowledge organizations. Action learning is used by a number of leading international organizations as a leadership programme and has already shown itself as a highly effective way of developing knowledge leaders in preparation for the knowledge society of the 21 st century. The Yenza leadership framework not only reflects the values important to the African spirit, but also operates simultaneously on the fault line of the Western and African divide. It bridges this divide and is likewise relevant to and suitable for developing leaders in the Africa context.
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Action learning, Action research in education, Managerial soft skills, Yenza leadership framework, Knowledge management, Organizational effectiveness, Labor and globalization
Van Niekerk, H. J. & Waghid, Y. 2004. Developing leadership competencies for the knowledge society: the relevance of action learning. South African Journal of Information Management, 6(4), doi:10.4102/sajim.v6i4.360.