Leveraging knowledge for innovative brand development

Costa, Camilla Olga
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It has become evident that the knowledge-driven, innovation economy supercedes the industrial era at the beginning of the 21st century. Within this environment characterized by innovation and the emphasis on brand owning companies, successful organizations will be those that transform information into valuecreating knowledge and dynamically leverage the knowledge to innovate and capture additional customer value. In contrast to an emphasis on traditional tangible assets to explain organizational success, recent strategic management literature focuses on intangible resources, viz. intellectual capital. Knowledgeempowered customers are driving many innovations in this environment, and consequently, value innovation shifts relatively from the supply chain to the demand chain in business value systems, with focus on brand equity development. The encompassing challenge that companies face in this new environment is how to identify and leverage all sources of value. These important assets include, among other factors, brands and the knowledge residing within the consumers’ mind. Due to the significant shift towards knowledge-networking and outsourcing of many organizational activities, it is increasingly incumbent to incorporate and integrate knowledge residing outside the borders of an organization. However, the potential value of brand building efforts will not be realized unless proper knowledge management practices, systems, approaches and tools are put into place within the organization to capitalize on the concept of knowledge-enhanced brand equity. Accordingly, firms require a framework or model to illustrate the leveraging of knowledge for innovative brand development and management. This study provides an in-depth overview and synthesis of knowledge and brand management literature concerned with the symbiotic relationship between the utilization of knowledge and innovative brand development. A preliminary conceptual model to demonstrate the relationship between brand equity and knowledge-based is proposed.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die industriële era van die 20ste eeu is deur ‘n kennisgedrewe, innoverende ekonomie verbreed vanaf die begin van die 21ste eeu. Binne sodanige omgewing, wat gekenmerk word deur produk (waarde) innovasie en die opkoms van handelsmerk-gedrewe ondernemings, sal suksesvolle organisasies diegene wees wat inligting transformeer tot waardeskeppende kennis, en dié kennis as dinamiese hefboom gebruik om addisionele rykdom te skep en te behou. In teenstelling met die beklemtoning van tradisionele tasbare bates om organisasiesukses te verklaar, fokus onlangse strategiese bestuursliteratuur meer op ontasbare hulpbronne, naamlik kennis en intellektuele kapitaal. Ingeligde kliënte dryf innovasie en gevolglik skuif waarde innovasie relatief vanaf die aanbodsketting na die vraagketting in besigheidswaardesisteme, met die fokus op handelsmerksontwikkeling. Die uitdaging wat maatskappye in die gesig staar in hierdie nuwe omgewing is hoe om alle bronne van waarde te identifiseer en nie net die bates wat op die tradisionele balansstaat verskyn nie. Hierdie belangrike bates sluit onder andere in faktore soos handelsmerke en verbruikerspersepsies. Die organisasies wat suksesvol hierdie ontasbare bates skep en voorsien, en die hefboomwerking gebruik in die skepping van nuwe besigheidsmodelle, is dié organisasies wat die meeste waarde vir hulle aandeelhouers skep. Dit is toenemend noodsaaklik om kennis van buite die organisasie te inkorporeer en te integreer. Ondernemings benodig ‘n raamwerk of model om die voordelige gebruik van kennis vir innoverende handelmerkontwikkeling en –bestuur te fasiliteer. Hierdie studie voorsien ‘n in-diepte ontleding van kennisbestuurliteratuur en handelsmerkbestuurliteratuur, en dui veral op die verband en samehang tussen kennisbenutting en inoverende handelsmerkontwikkeling en –bestuur. ‘n Voorlopige konseptuele model om die verband tussen die handelsmerk- en kennisbestuur te illustreer, word voorgestel.
Assignment (MComm)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006.
Knowledge management, Brand name products, Theses -- Business management, Dissertations -- Business management