Fluctuations in a melt of flexible polymers with bond-directed dipolar monomers

Amuasi, Henry Emmanuel
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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: static density and magnetic structure functions of a melt of flexible polymers whose monomers possess bond-directed dipoles which interact with each other. In order to observe the effect of screening of the dipolar interaction on the structure functions we obtain results for cases with and without steric interactions and also for cases with and without Debye-H¨uckel screening of the dipole moments.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Approximation” RPA) om die statiese digtheids- en magnetiese struktuurfunksies te bereken vir ’n smelt van hoogsbuigsame polimere, waarvan die monomere dipole langs die verbindings besit wat met mekaar in wisselwerking tree. Om die effek van afskerming op die dipolare wisselwerking en die struktuurfunksies te kan waarneem, bepaal ons resultate vir die gevalle met en sonder steriese wisselwerkings en ook vir gevalle met en sonder die Debye-H¨uckel afskerming van die dipoolmomente.
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006.
Monomers, Dipole moments, Polymer melting, Polymer solutions, Polymers, Theses -- Physics, Dissertations -- Physics