Beyond a mere happening against the canvas of life : the experience of resilience in relocated families

Holtzkamp, Joanita
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The present study chiefly aimed to explore, identify and clarify the role that familial capabilities, characteristics and resources (collectively referred to as resilience factors) play in cushioning the impact of relocation on the family unit and assisting the family to recover from this crisis. The study emanates from the salutogenic paradigm, focusing on resilience, rather than mere pathology. The main theoretical basis of this investigation resides in the Resiliency Model of Family Stress, Adjustment and Adaptation (McCubbin & Thompson, 1991). The study claims distinction in terms of its amalgamation of a combined cross-sectional survey research design and qualitative analysis in identifying and describing the critical familial resilience factors. Self-report questionnaires were completed by either a parent (husband or wife) or by both a parent and an adolescent child as representatives of the family. A total of sixty-eight families completed the questionnaires, including an open-ended question. The results identified (i) traits and abilities of individual family members, (ii) the family system’s internal resources and support, (iii) familial integration and stability, (iv) the family unit’s utilisation of their internal strengths and durability to manage problems outside of their boundaries, (v) social support, as well as (vi) a passive appraisal coping style amidst the crisis, as important resilience-enhancing resources. It is hoped that this information could be used to develop more effective, culture-bound therapeutic intervention programmes that may prevent problems, foster family resilience and affirm the reparative potential of families. In so doing, South African families in need may be supported, strengthened and empowered.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie ondersoek is gefokus op die identifikasie en beskrywing van gesinsvermoëns, eienskappe en hulpbronne (waarna gesamentlik verwys word as veerkragtigheidsfaktore) wat meewerk om die impak van hervestiging op die gesinseenheid te demp en bystand te lewer aan die gesin om van hierdie krisis te herstel. Die studie is gedoen vanuit die salutogeniese paradigma en plaas klem op veerkragtigheid, eerder as op patologie. McCubbin en Thompson (1991) se “Resiliency Model of Family Stress, Adjustment and Adaptation” is benut as teoretiese basis. ’n Dwarssnit opname-navorsingsontwerp is gebruik om kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data te versamel en te ontleed in die identifisering en beskrywing van kritiese gesinsveerkragtigheidsfaktore. Selfrapporteringsvraelyste is voltooi deur òf ’n ouer (man of vrou) òf ’n ouer en adolessente kind, as verteenwoordigers van die gesin. Verteenwoordigers van 68 gesinne het vraelyste sowel as ‘n oop vraag voltooi. Die resultate dui op (i) trekke en vermoëns van individuele gesinslede, (ii) die gesinsisteem se interne hulpbronne en ondersteuning, (iii) gesinsintegrasie en stabiliteit, (iv) die gesinseenheid se benutting van hul interne sterkpunte en duursaamheid om probleme buite die gesinsgrense te hanteer, (v) sosiale ondersteuning, sowel as (vi) ’n passiewe waarderingshanteringstyl temidde van die krisis, as belangrike veerkragtigheidskenmerke. Hierdie bevindinge kan gebruik word om meer effektiewe, kultuurgebonde terapeutiese intervensieprogramme te ontwikkel, wat probleme voorkom, gesinsveerkragtigheid fasiliteer en die herstellende potensiaal van gesinne bevestig. Op dié manier, kan gesinne wat hulle moet hervestig, ondersteun, versterk en bemagtig word.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004.
Resilience (Personality trait), Families -- Psychological aspects, Moving households -- South Africa -- Psychological aspects, Dissertations -- Psychology, Theses -- Psychology