The effects of temperature, slag chemistry and oxygen partial pressure on the behaviour of chromium oxide in melter slags

Bartie, Neill J.
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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis details results obtained in an experimental study conducted to determine the effects of operating temperature, oxygen partial pressure, bulk chromium oxide content and bulk FeOx/MgO ratio on the solubility of chromium oxide in melter type slags in the platinum industry. Two PGM-containing layers in the Bushveld Complex in South Africa, the Merensky and UG2 reefs, are currently being mined for the extraction of base metals and platinum group metals (PGM). While the Merensky reef is a pyroxenitic layer, the UG2 reef is a platiniferous chromitite seam. Due to a gradual depletion in Merensky ore reserves, platinum producers have been moving towards the processing of more UG2 concentrates, which are higher in chromium oxide content. The technical difficulties associated with the smelting of concentrates with high chromium oxide contents is a matter of concern. The formation of chromite spinels in melts increases liquidus temperatures and viscosities and subsequently hampers tapping of slags and mattes from furnaces. Bottom build-up from the smelting of high chromium oxide containing concentrates could reduce effective furnace volume. From the literature reviewed it was found that very few published investigations covered melt compositions and oxygen partial pressures similar to those encountered in the platinum industry. Relevant studies were found to deal with significantly lower bulk chromium oxide and iron oxide contents. It became clear that a need exists for information on the behaviour of chromium oxide and its effects on phase chemistry and stability in melter slags. It was decided to study the phase equilibria through drop-quench experiments using six synthetic slags with bulk FeOx/MgO ratios between 0.6 and 1.9 and bulk chromium oxide contents between 1.2 and 7 wt%. Temperatures investigated were 1400, 1500 and 1600°C. The oxygen partial pressure was varied between 6.8x10-10 atm at 1400°C to8.3x10-5 atm at 1600°C. Experiments were conducted in a sealed vertical tube furnace and the required oxygen partial pressure in the furnace tube was maintained by controlling the flow rates of purified CO and CO2 gas mixtures through the tube. Reaction products were quenched after a reaction time of between 20 and 24 hours, depending on temperature, and the phase compositions were analysed by microprobe. The experimental study revealed that chromium oxide partitions very strongly into the spinel phase relative to the liquid phase, especially at lower temperatures, and higher oxygen partial pressures and bulk chromium oxide contents. The solubility of chromium oxide in the liquid phase was found to increase with increasing temperature and decreasing oxygen partial pressure. An increase in bulk chromium oxide contents of 1 wt%, under otherwise constant conditions, resulted in an increase in slag liquidus temperature of approximately 100°C over the range of temperatures investigated. At 1500°C and bulk chromium oxide contents of 3.7 and 6.4 wt% a reduction in oxygen partial pressure from 1.1x10-5 to 1.1x10-7 atm resulted in increases in soluble chromium oxide of 0.9 and 2.0 wt%, respectively. A further decrease in oxygen partial pressure to 6.7x10-9 atm resulted in increases in soluble chromium oxide of 2.8 and 4.7 wt%, respectively. Experimental results were compared to values predicted by the multi-phase equilibrium (MPE) model developed by CSIRO, and found to agree well. Slag basicity was not varied experimentally and therefore the model was used to predict its effect on the solubility of chromium oxide in the liquid phase and the stability of crystalline phases. At constant temperature, an increase in basicity resulted in a decrease in the solubility of chromium oxide in the liquid phase as well as stabilisation of the spinel phase. It was concluded that practicable combinations of one or more of four main factors, namely increased operating temperature and decreased bulk chromium oxide content, slag basicity and oxygen partial pressure, should be applied and evaluated in a plantenvironment to optimise furnace operation. The MPE model would be a valuable tool in predicting the outcomes of such investigations.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis detaileer die resultate wat verkry is uit ‘n eksperimentele studie uitgevoer om die effek van bedryfstemperatuur, die parsiële druk van suurstof, die algehele chroomoksied inhoud en die algehele FeOx/MgO verhouding op die gedrag van chroomoksied in smelter slakke in die platinum industrie te bestudeer. Twee PGM-bevattende ertslae in die Bosveldkompleks in Suid Afrika, die Merensky en UG2 riwwe, word huidiglik gemyn vir die ekstraksie van basismetale en platinumgroep metale (PGM). Die Merensky rif is ‘n piroksenitiese laag terwyl die UG2 rif ‘n platinumbevattende chromitiet laag is. As gevolg van ‘n geleidelike afname in reserwes van Merensky erts beweeg platinumprodusente al meer na die verwerking van groter hoeveelhede UG2 erts. Die tegniese probleme wat gepaard gaan met die smelting van konsentrate met hoë chroomoksied inhoud kan ‘n rede tot kommer wees. Die vorming van chromiet spinelle in die slak- en matfases verhoog likuidus temperature en viskositeite en bemoeilik die tap van hierdie fases uit oonde. Die opbou van soliede fases verlaag ook die effektiewe oondvolume. Uit die literatuurstudie is gevind dat gepubliseerde studies waarin slak samestellings en parsiële suurstofdrukke wat betrekking het op die platinumindustrie bespreek is, baie beperk is. Dit is gevind dat relevante navorsing gedoen is met aansienlik laer algehele chroom- en ysteroksied konsentrasies. Gevolglik het dit duidelik geword dat ‘n behoefte bestaan vir inligting oor die gedrag van chroomoksied in oonde en die effekte daarvan op fasechemie en –stabiliteit in smelter slakke. Daar is besluit om eksperimente uit te voer deur die gebruik van ses sintetiese slakke met algehele FeOx/MgO verhoudings tussen 0.6 en 1.9 en algehele chroomoksied konsentrasies tussen 1.2 en 7.0 % (op ‘n massabasis). Temperature van 1400, 1500 en 1600°C en suurstof parsiële drukke tussen 6.8x10-10 atm by 1400°C en 8.3x10-5 atm by 1600°C is ondersoek. Eksperimente is uitgevoer in ‘n geseëlde vertikale buisoond en dievereiste suurstofdruk in die oond is gehandhaaf deur beheer van die vloeitempos van gesuiwerde CO en CO2 gas deur die oond. Reaksieprodukte is in water geblus na ‘n reaksietyd van tussen 20 en 24 ure, afhangende van die reaksietemperatuur. Fasesamestellings is bepaal deur mikrosonde analises. Die eksperimentele studie het bewys dat chroomoksied baie sterk in die spinelfase konsentreer relatief tot die vloeistoffase, veral by laer temperature, suurstofdrukke en algehele chroomoksied konsentrasies. Dit is gevind dat die oplosbaarheid van chroomoksied in die vloeistoffase toeneem met toenemende temperatuur en afnemende suurstofdruk. ‘n Toename in die algehele chroomoksied konsentrasie van 1 massa%, onder andersins onveranderde toestande, het ‘n toename van ongeveer 100°C in likuidus temperature veroorsaak tussen 1400 en 1600°C. By 1500°C en algehele chroomoksied konsentrasies van 3.7 en 6.4 massa%, het ‘n verlaging in suurstofdruk vanaf 1.1x10-5 tot 1.1x10-7 atm respektiewelike toenames in die chroomoksied oplosbaarheid van 0.9 en 2.0 massa% veroorsaak. ‘n Verdere verlaging in suurstofdruk tot 6.7x10-9 atm het respektiewelike toenames in chroomoksied oplosbaarheid van 2.8 en 4.7 massa% veroorsaak. Eksperimentele resultate is vergelyk met waardes wat voorspel is deur die multifase ewewigsmodel (MPE), ontwikkel deur CSIRO, en goeie ooreenstemming is gevind. Verskillende slak basisiteite is nie eksperimenteel ondersoek nie en daarom is die model gebruik om die effek daarvan op die oplosbaarheid van chroomoksied in die vloeistoffase asook die stabiliteit van kristallyne fases te bepaal. By konstante temperatuur het ‘n toename in slak basisiteit ‘n afname in chroomoksied oplosbaarheid veroorsaak en die spinelfase gestabiliseer. Die aanbeveling is gemaak dat ‘n kombinasie van een of meer van vier hooffaktore, naamlik hoër bedryfstemperature en laer algehele chroomoksied konsentrasies, slak basisiteit en suurstofdruk, in die praktyk toegepas en geëvalueer moet word om sodoendeoptimum bedryfkondisies te bepaal. Die multifase ewewigsmodel is ‘n nuttige instrument wat gebruik kan word om die resultate van sulke ondersoeke te voorspel.
Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.
Slag, Platinum industry, Chromium, Theses -- Metallurgical engineering, Dissertations -- Metallurgical engineering